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研究生: 劉建良
Chien-Liang Liu
論文名稱: 無線隨意行動網路上聯合防禦入侵偵測系統之研究
Study on a Joint Defense System for the Mobile Ad Hoc Networks with Intrusion Detection
指導教授: 馮輝文
Huei-Wen Ferng
口試委員: 陳秋華
Chyou-Hwa Chen
Shi-Jinn Horng
Bor-Jiunn Hwang
Sheng-Cheng Yeh
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 資訊工程系
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
論文出版年: 2005
畢業學年度: 93
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 49
中文關鍵詞: 入侵偵測無線隨意行動網路網路安全攻擊有限狀態機支援向量機
外文關鍵詞: Network Security, Support Vector Machine (SVM), Wireless Ad Hoc Network, Intrusion Detection, Finite State Machine (FSM), Attack
相關次數: 點閱:442下載:9
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  • 隨著近年來無線網路的技術逐漸成熟,加上各種行動應用裝置、筆記型電腦的普及化,無線網路已漸漸遍布於我們生活周遭。對惡意攻擊者而言,藉由無線網路入侵系統,亦成為了新的攻擊管道,加上網路攻擊技術一再創新,無線網路安全威脅日趨嚴重,對於在無線網路上安全防護研究,變成一個非常迫切、重要的課題。在無線網路中,我們可以略分為兩大種類,一種是需要基礎建設的架構,另一種則是不需要基礎建設的無線隨意行動網路(Ad Hoc Network)。由於無線隨意行動網路不需要基地台設施的特性,具有相當方便性,近年來也越來越被普遍地使用。所以為了要提供一個較為安全的無線隨意行動網路,不只要利用加密機制對封包進行加密,還可利用認證的概念,來進一步確認無線網路用戶的身份。更甚者,可在每位用戶上安裝一個入侵偵測系統(Intrusion Detection System),用來偵測出進行惡意攻擊之入侵節點,並做出回應,以減低其所可能造成的傷害。在本碩士論文中,我們著重在設計一個入侵偵測系統,並且提出一個以有限狀態機(Finite State Machine)結合支援向量機(Support Vector Machines)為基礎的入侵偵測系統,用來對無線隨意行動網路的網路行為進行分析。我們透過有限狀態機做第一層判斷,過濾出攻擊節點;對於未能明確判斷是否為攻擊的封包,則擷取出特徵值,並透過支援向量機訓練出來的模型,來做第二層的檢驗,檢查網路行為是否為正常。透過這個入侵偵測系統,我們可以保障正常用戶的使用權及資料安全,如此一來隨取無線網路的安全性也能夠被增加。

    With the rapid development of wireless network technologies and the popularization of various kinds of mobile devices, wireless networks have become pervasive in our daily life nowadays. Wireless networks definitely provide an opportunity for malicious attackers to intrude or attack the system. Hence, wireless integrity becomes a very important task. In general, we can divide the wireless network into two categories, i.e., infrastructure and ad hoc networks. Due to the infrastructureless property of the ad hoc network, one of merits of the ad hoc network is convenience, which makes the ad hoc networks get popular recently. However, to set up a secured wireless ad hoc network, we should not only adopt the technique of encryption to ensure the confidentiality and privacy and the technique of authentication to avoid the illegal access to the network, but also equip each node with an intrusion detection system to detect malicious attackers so that some proper responses can be taken to reduce possible damage. In this thesis, we focus on the intrusion detection and shall propose an intrusion detection system that integrates the finite state machine (FSM) and a support vector machine (SVM) to analyze traffic patterns of wireless ad hoc networks. FSM is employed at the first stage of the detection system to find out attack nodes. Once FSM fails to determine whether the node is an attacker or not, SVM is then used at the second stage of the detection system by extracting characteristics from packets for training a suitable model. With such an intrusion detection system, usage of normal users and security of the wireless ad hoc network can be easily enhanced.

    1. 簡介 1 1.1 前言 1 1.2 研究背景 1 1.3 研究動機 4 1.4 研究目標 5 1.5 論文架構 5 2. 相關文獻探討 7 2.1 無線隨意行動網路 7 2.1.1 無線隨意行動網路簡介 7 2.1.2 AODV路由協定 8 2.2 AODV路由協定的弱點分析 10 2.2.1 身份認證的攻擊 10 2.2.2 資源可利用性的攻擊 10 2.2.3 完整性的攻擊 12 2.2.4 機密與隱私的攻擊 13 2.3 入侵偵測 14 2.3.1 系統類型 14 2.3.2 分析技術 15 2.4 目前在AODV路由協定上的入侵偵測系統研究 16 2.5 支援向量機 19 3. 無線隨意行動網路上的入侵偵測系統 31 3.1 系統架構 31 3.1.1 資料蒐集機制 31 3.1.2 入侵偵測機制 31 3.1.3 回應機制 34 3.2 數值結果與討論 35 3.2.1 模擬環境設定 35 3.2.2 數值討論 36 3.3 結論 39 4. 總結與未來工作 46

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