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研究生: 唐意凱
Eko - Wahyu Tyas Darmaningrat
論文名稱: 貝氏基礎模型於工作準確性預測之應用 - 客服中心人員對談之個案研究
指導教授: 林樹強
Shu-Chiang Lin
口試委員: 王孔政
Kung-Jeng Wang
Chao-Lung Yang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 工業管理系
Department of Industrial Management
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 87
中文關鍵詞: task analysisfuzzy bayesian modelhit ratefalse alarmsensitivity valuecall center agent
外文關鍵詞: task analysis, fuzzy bayesian model, hit rate, false alarm, sensitivity value, call center agent
相關次數: 點閱:385下載:7
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  • Numerous books and papers have been discussed task analysis and its applications in various fields. Broadly speaking, task analysis is a technique that determines the inputs, tools, and skills or knowledge necessary for successful task performance. Questions about what tasks the users will perform with the system often arise in task analyst’s mind. Unfortunately, a task analysis of users' current activities is insufficient to guess what tasks the users will do following the previous tasks. The purpose of this research is to examine and further analyze the primitive results of Bayesian based task analysis model obtained by Lin and Lehto (2009) by comparing the prediction accuracy among all the word combinations from fuzzy Bayes model. This Bayesian based semi-automated task analysis tool was developed to help task analysts predict categories of tasks/subtasks performed by knowledge agents from telephone conversations where agents were trying to help customers to troubleshoot their problems.
    A total of twelve prediction results recorded in twelve prediction tables were generated by the Bayesian based tool. A Textminer program was used to generate master word list containing more than 165,000 instances of words used in 5184 dialogs between agent-customer. After excluding repetitive words, a total of around 5400 single words were collected in the master word list. Once data parsing completed, the Textminer learning tool then used the revised master word list (single-word) to identify word combinations appearing in the narratives that could be candidate for subtask category predictors. The single-word frequency list was then used to create list of pair-word combination. As for single word, the pair-word had to appear together at least four times in the dataset to be included in the pair-word frequency list. By repeating the previous steps, list of triple-word combination was obtained. In terms of quadruple-word combination, we used stricter criteria with the frequency requirement set to be at least five.
    This study investigates two factors, subtask category and word predictor, based on three responses: hit rate, false alarm rate, and sensitivity value. The ANOVA test results reveal that both factors have significant effect to the three responses. Our findings imply that predictors contained single word always have higher hit rate than others. In addition, triple-quadruple (TQ), triple word (TW), and quadruple word (QW) have low hit rates, low false alarm rates, and low sensitivity values. Moreover, predictors which have high hit rate tend to have high false alarm rate as well. Therefore, predictors with high hit rate do not always have high sensitivity value.
    Since this study is interested in finding the most accurate predictor, our analysis focus primarily on word predictor than on subtask category. Although the ANOVA test results cannot specify the most accurate predictor, they provide information on group of predictors with the best and the worst performance. These findings support our hypothesis that the word combination affects the accuracy of predicted subtask category. Overall, the results show that the hit rate is significantly higher than the false alarm rate and the sensitivity value is greater than zero. Since the machine learning tool is still under developing, the findings in this study pave a way for further investigating relationships between word predictor and subtask category once the tool development is complete.

    Numerous books and papers have been discussed task analysis and its applications in various fields. Broadly speaking, task analysis is a technique that determines the inputs, tools, and skills or knowledge necessary for successful task performance. Questions about what tasks the users will perform with the system often arise in task analyst’s mind. Unfortunately, a task analysis of users' current activities is insufficient to guess what tasks the users will do following the previous tasks. The purpose of this research is to examine and further analyze the primitive results of Bayesian based task analysis model obtained by Lin and Lehto (2009) by comparing the prediction accuracy among all the word combinations from fuzzy Bayes model. This Bayesian based semi-automated task analysis tool was developed to help task analysts predict categories of tasks/subtasks performed by knowledge agents from telephone conversations where agents were trying to help customers to troubleshoot their problems.
    A total of twelve prediction results recorded in twelve prediction tables were generated by the Bayesian based tool. A Textminer program was used to generate master word list containing more than 165,000 instances of words used in 5184 dialogs between agent-customer. After excluding repetitive words, a total of around 5400 single words were collected in the master word list. Once data parsing completed, the Textminer learning tool then used the revised master word list (single-word) to identify word combinations appearing in the narratives that could be candidate for subtask category predictors. The single-word frequency list was then used to create list of pair-word combination. As for single word, the pair-word had to appear together at least four times in the dataset to be included in the pair-word frequency list. By repeating the previous steps, list of triple-word combination was obtained. In terms of quadruple-word combination, we used stricter criteria with the frequency requirement set to be at least five.
    This study investigates two factors, subtask category and word predictor, based on three responses: hit rate, false alarm rate, and sensitivity value. The ANOVA test results reveal that both factors have significant effect to the three responses. Our findings imply that predictors contained single word always have higher hit rate than others. In addition, triple-quadruple (TQ), triple word (TW), and quadruple word (QW) have low hit rates, low false alarm rates, and low sensitivity values. Moreover, predictors which have high hit rate tend to have high false alarm rate as well. Therefore, predictors with high hit rate do not always have high sensitivity value.
    Since this study is interested in finding the most accurate predictor, our analysis focus primarily on word predictor than on subtask category. Although the ANOVA test results cannot specify the most accurate predictor, they provide information on group of predictors with the best and the worst performance. These findings support our hypothesis that the word combination affects the accuracy of predicted subtask category. Overall, the results show that the hit rate is significantly higher than the false alarm rate and the sensitivity value is greater than zero. Since the machine learning tool is still under developing, the findings in this study pave a way for further investigating relationships between word predictor and subtask category once the tool development is complete.

    ABSTRACT i ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ii TABLE OF CONTENTS iii LIST OF FIGURES v LIST OF TABLES vi INTRODUCTION 1 1.1. Research Background 1 1.2. Research Objectives 3 1.3. Research Outline 3 LITERATURE REVIEW 5 2.1. Definition of Task Analysis 5 2.2. Common Types of Task Analysis Techniques 6 2.3. Two Major Task Analysis Concepts 7 2.3.1 Hierarchical Task Analysis 7 2.3.2 Cognitive Task Analysis 8 2.4. Knowledge Acquisition 9 2.5. Speech Recognition 12 2.5.1. Discrete Word Recognition 12 2.5.2. Continuous Speech Recognition 13 2.5.3. Voice Information Systems 14 2.5.4. Speech Generation 15 2.6. Bayesian Model Application 16 MODEL DEVELOPMENT 19 3.1. Model Development 19 3.2. Derivation of Hypotheses 22 3.3. Solution Methodology 23 3.3.1. Hit Rate and False Alarm Rate 23 3.3.2. Signal Detection Theory (SDT) 24 3.4. Statistical Analysis Methodology 26 RESULT AND DISCUSSION 27 4.1. Define Subtask Categories 27 4.2. Probability of Correct Prediction 32 4.2.1. Fuzzy Bayesian Model 32 4.2.2. Classic (Naive)Bayesian Model 33 4.2.3. Hybrid Bayesian Model 34 4.3. Performance Comparison 35 4.4. Word Predictors Analysis 39 4.5. ANOVATest for Hit Rate 43 4.6. False Alarm Rate and Sensitivity Analysis 48 CONCLUSION AND FUTURE STUDY 54 REFERENCES 57 APPENDIX 64 Appendix A. Partial List of Single-Pair Word Predictors 64 Appendix B. Partial List of Single-Triple Word Predictors 65 Appendix C. Partial List of Single-Quadruple Word Predictor 66 Appendix D. Partial List of Pair-Triple Word Predictors 67 Appendix E. Partial List of Triple-Quadruple Word Predictors 68 Appendix F. Partial List of Single-Triple-Quadruple Word Predictors 69 Appendix G. Partial List of Pair-Triple-Quadruple Word Predictors 70 Appendix H. Partial List of Single-Pair-Triple-Quadruple Word Predictors 71 Appendix I. Hit Rate of All Word Predictors (Two Replication) 72 Appendix J. False Alarm Rate of All Word Predictors (Two Replication) 75 Appendix K. Sensitivity Value (d’) of All Word Predictors (Two Replication) 78

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