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研究生: 楊世堯
Shi-Yao Yang
論文名稱: 具高效率之自由曲面優化準直器設計方式
Design and Fabrication of Free Form Collimator With High Efficiency
指導教授: 黃忠偉
Allen Jong-Woei Whang
口試委員: 陳致曉
Chih-Hsiao Chen 
Pao-hung Lin
Shanq-Jang Ruan 
Allen Jong-Woei Whang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 光電工程研究所
Graduate Institute of Electro-Optical Engineering
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 62
中文關鍵詞: 自然光照明系統準直器自由曲面菲涅爾損耗司乃爾定律塑膠光纖
外文關鍵詞: Natural Light Illumination System, Collimator, Freeform surface, Fresnel’s loss, Snell’s law, Plastic optical fiber
相關次數: 點閱:284下載:9
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因此本論文將針對台灣科技大學光學模擬設計實驗室(Photonic System Simulation and Design Laboratory,PSSDL)的集光元件專利-光斧之出光口進行光線角度收斂為近平行光,達到光線遠距離傳輸高效率的目的。本論文之準直器設計利用網格切割搭配三次樣條曲線擬合(Cubic spline interpolation)的方式以篩選出來的光線位置為基準,在每條光線中依照曲面之斜率趨勢佈內插點。斜率計算該條光線的曲面斜率值,並依照斜率趨勢內插點,擬合出自由曲面,再利用光學模擬軟體 FRED建立準直器。



Natural Lighting Illumination System(NLIS), divided into three main subsystems: collecting, transmitting and irradiating. Due to the refraction of light in different mediums of NLIS, the angle of light is constantly changing, this will cause low light transmission efficiency in NLIS.

Therefore, this paper will be for the University of Science and Technology of Guangdong University of Optics Simulation Design Laboratory (Photovoltaic System Simulation and Design Laboratory, PSSDL) of the light-emitting element patent - light ax out of the optical port of light convergence into near-parallel light, to achieve long-distance light transmission efficiency the goal of. In this paper, the collimator design is based on the Cubic spline interpolation, which is based on the light position of the screen, and the interpolation point is based on the slope of the surface. The slope is calculated by the slope, and the free surface is fitted according to the slope trend interpolation point, and the collimator is established by optical simulation.

The collimator designed with a free-form surface can collimate multiple rays in a single grid, have better collimation efficiency than collimator with prism-structured design, and has better transmission efficiency than fiber The light angle of the exit of the light-collecting element is successfully converged to 2.7 degrees, so that the light passing through the collimator is transmitted in a straight space in a free space, suitable for long-distance transmission, and the free-form surface can optimize the continuity and accuracy of the collimation surface, So that modeling can avoid damage problems.

However, due to the process of making optical components will have the inevitable energy loss problem, so this paper will be the accuracy of the collimator to explain the reasons for one by one, and its data, the future should be thinking about how to improve and enhance the collimator as a whole efficiency.

中文摘要 2 ABSTRACT 3 目次 4 圖次 6 表次 8 第一章 緒論 9 1.1 研究背景 9 1.2 研究動機與目的 9 第二章 光學基礎理論 10 2.1 幾何光學介紹 10 2.1.1 折射率 10 2.1.2 司乃爾定律 10 2.1.3 全反射 11 2.1.4 光展量定理 12 2.2波動光學簡述 13 2.2.1 菲涅爾方程 13 2.3 光學基本照明名詞 14 2.3.1 光通量 14 2.3.2 立體角 15 2.3.3 照度(Illuminance) 15 2.3.4 輝度 16 2.3.5 朗伯光源(Lambertian) 17 2.3.6 輻射度學與光度學比較 18 第三章 自然光照明系統介紹 19 3.1常見日照系統(Daylight System)的比較 19 3.1.1. 動態式日照系統 19 3.1.2 靜態式日照系統 20 3.2 自然光照明系統(Natural Light Illumination System) 21 3.2.1 前集光子系統(定日鏡系統) 22 3.2.2 集光子系統 22 3.2.3 傳光子系統 24 3.2.4 放光子系統 25 3.3 NLIS整體效率 26 第四章 準直器設計方法 27 4.1 常見準直器設計方式 27 4.1.1 LED準直器 27 4.1.2 光纖光源準直器 28 4.2 自由曲面以及常見之設計方式 29 4.2.1 數值優化法 30 4.2.2 網格切割法(Tessellation Method) 30 4.2.3 同步多曲面法(Simultaneous Multiple Surface Method) 30 4.2.4 剪裁法 31 4.2.5 虛擬分析面分析法 31 4.3 設計方法與理論分析 31 4.3.1 設計與研究動機 31 4.3.2 篩光機制 32 4.3.3 設計理論與建模方式 35 第五章 模擬結果分析及討論 43 5.1 模擬配置與量化指標 43 5.1.1 數據量化指標 44 5.2 不同網格數對於準直器準直效率影響之分析 45 5.3 分析面擺放距離與準直效率比較 49 5.4 平均角度差 51 5.5 效率損耗分析 52 5.5.1 介面損耗 52 5.5.2 篩光損耗 53 5.5.3 邊界光線損耗 55 5.5.4 綜合比較 57 5.6 歷屆準直器比較 58 第六章 結論與未來展望 59 6.1 結論 59 6.2 未來展望 59 參考文獻 60

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