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研究生: 陳彥儒
論文名稱: 尋找用於光譜訊號平滑處理之最佳參數研究
Parameter Optimization Strategy for the Savitzky-Golay Smoothing Filter in Spectral Signal Processing
指導教授: 柯正浩
Cheng-Hao Ko
口試委員: 徐勝均
Sheng-Dong Xu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 自動化及控制研究所
Graduate Institute of Automation and Control
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 75
中文關鍵詞: Savitzky Golay 演算法果蠅最佳化演算法高斯擬合
外文關鍵詞: Savitzky Golay Smoothing Filters, Fly Optimization Algorithm, Gaussian fitting
相關次數: 點閱:468下載:4
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  • 光譜的量測很容易受到雜訊影響,所以當訊號有微小的變化時,可能會被誤判為雜訊,而造成訊號的失真,所以雜訊濾除是一項非常重要的工作,一開始將輸入的光譜訊號分類,分成線光譜、寬帶光譜、線光譜混合寬帶光譜,線光譜使用Gaussian fitting,寬帶光譜使用S-G濾波器進行濾波,而S-G濾波器參數使用FOA演算法自動尋找最佳參數,再將每次找到的參數畫做圖,並找出一個代表點,以後進行S-G濾波時即可迅速完成,遇到線光譜混合寬帶光譜時則使用分開做濾波處理,最後再合併的方法進行濾波達成目的,由實驗模擬結果可知,利用RMS尋找代表點可得到光譜儀取樣間距為0.2 nm,多項式階數8,取樣個數129為最佳,光譜儀取樣間距為1 nm,多項式階數8,取樣個數39為最佳,光譜儀取樣間距為3 nm,多項式階數9,取樣個數19為最佳,所以只要搭配已知硬體的取樣間距,即可快速完成S-G濾波。

    Measurement of the spectrum is susceptible to noise impact easily, therefore, when the signal slightly changes, it will be misunderstand as noise, causing signal distortion, thus, the noise filter is an important job, initial input spectral signal can be classified into line spectrum, broad-band spectrum, mixed the broad-band spectrum and line spectrum, line spectrum uses the Gaussian fitting, the broad-band spectrum uses S-G filter for filtering, the S-G filter parameters uses the FOA algorithm to find the optimal parameters automatically, then find each parameter to draw a map and find a representative point, hence S-G filter can be completed quickly, mixed the broad-band spectrum and line spectrum should separate to deal with the filter, finally, using merged method to proceed filter and achieve this objective, the experiment simulated result indicates that using RMS to find representative points can know spectrometer resolution is 0.2 nm, polynomial order is 8,moving window of 129 is the best, spectrometer resolution is 1 nm, the polynomial order is 8, moving window of 39 is the best, spectrometer resolution is 3 nm, polynomial order is 9, moving window of 19 is the best, so with the known resolution of hardware, S-G filter can be quickly completed.

    致謝I 中文摘要II 目錄IV 第一章 序論1 1.1 研究背景1 1.2研究動機1 1.3本文架構2 第二章 基本理論3 2.1光學頻譜理論3 2.1.1光學基本介紹3 2.1.2光譜的分類4 2.2雜訊濾除6 2.2.1電子雜訊7 2.3高斯函數模擬9 2.4 RMS、RMSE、R-square10 2.4.1 RMS(Root Mean Square)10 2.4.2 RMSE(Root mean square error)11 2.4.3 R-square(R平方係數)12 2.5 FOA(Fruit Fly Optimization Algorithm)果蠅演算法12 2.6程式介紹14 第三章 Savitzky-Golay平滑濾波器的最佳參數選取17 3.1 Savitzky-Golay 平滑濾波器的研究現狀7 3.2 S-G平滑濾波器的原理17 3.3 S-G平滑濾波器和其他濾波方法比較24 3.4當高斯σ<△λ(取樣點不足)造成失真的解決方法26 第四章 實驗設計與流程30 4.1 FOA演算法自動尋找最佳S-G濾波器參數30 4.2不同取樣間距的光譜儀對S-G濾波器參數的選取31 4.3多項式階數-取樣個數的選取38 4.4當σ<△λ(取樣點不足)和σ>△λ(取樣點充足)同時存在39 4.5實驗流程40 第五章 模擬結果47 5.1藍光LED濾波結果47 5.2白光LED50 5.3晝光色日光燈光譜53 5.4實際利用光譜儀測量之白光光譜56 5.5汞光譜經過高斯擬合(Gaussian fitting)57 5.6 σ<△λ(取樣點不足)和σ>△λ(取樣點充足)同時存在:情形一59 5.7 σ<△λ(取樣點不足)和σ>△λ(取樣點充足)同時存在:情形二62 第六章 模擬結果探討與結論65 第七章 未來展望73 參考文獻74

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    [2]林耀禎,「以Savitzky Golay演算法分析SNR與雜訊容忍度制定訊號敏感度區段方法研究」,碩士論文,自動化及控制研究所,國立台灣科技大學,台北,2011。
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    [4]Wen-Tsao Pan, “A New Fruit Fly Optimization Algorithm:Taking the Financial Distress Model as an Example,” Knowledge-Based Systems, vol. 26, pp. 69-74, 2011.
    [10]Savitzky, A.; Golay, M. J. E., “Smoothing and Differentiation of Data by Simplified Least Squares Procedures,” Analytical Chemistry, 36 (8), pp. 1627–1639, 1964.

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