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研究生: 劉長生
Chang-Sheng Liu
論文名稱: 應用於無線接取網路媒體擷取控制層的網路切片排程器
Slice-enabled Scheduler for Medium Access Control Layer in Radio Access Networks
指導教授: 鄭瑞光
Ray-Guang Cheng
口試委員: 鄭瑞光
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電子工程系
Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 55
中文關鍵詞: 長期演進技術網路切片媒體擷取控制層排程器
外文關鍵詞: LTE, Network slicing, MAC scheduler
相關次數: 點閱:354下載:9
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本論文提出一個可應用於無線接取網路媒體擷取控制層的切片排程器,並將此排程器實現在OpenAirInterface (OAI) LTE平台上,以支援網路切片服務。為了提供運營商對無線接取網路的每個網路切片的配置彈性,媒體擷取控制層必須能針對每個切片提供獨立的排程器,個別調整頻寬、選擇排程演算法,甚至決定傳送的頻譜位置,以提供切片隔離的不同需求。針對沒有嚴格隔離需求的切片,排程器也需要能提供資源共享的機制,以充分使用剩餘的無線資源。本論文基於OAI現有排程器架構,設計出一個可提供切片隔離及資源共享的切片排程器。針對需要切片隔離的服務,此排程器可提供固定型與非固定型兩種選項,讓不同的切片可以使用固定或動態選定的頻譜位置來傳送切片的資料。針對不強制要求切片隔離的服務,此排程器也可提供嚴格優先式、比例式或輪詢式等三種資源共享選項,讓營運商可根據各切片的特性,決定閒置無線資源的分配方式。

This paper proposed a slice-enabled MAC scheduler for network slicing on Radio Access Network (RAN). This scheduler implementation and performance evaluation are implemented on top of OpenAirInterface (OAI) LTE platform to support network slicing. In order to provide flexibility of slice setting on RAN for operator, the MAC layer need to provide individual scheduler to adjust configuration of each slice for slice isolation (i.e. bandwidth of slice, scheduling algorithm and position of spectrum). For those slices of not required strict slice isolation, scheduler can provide mechanism of resource sharing to make full use of remaining resources. This paper develops a slice-enabled scheduler for slice isolation and resource sharing based on current architecture of OAI MAC scheduler. Therefore, slice have fixed and dynamic option to choose when slice need to slice isolation. Let different kind of slice can use fixed or dynamic position of spectrum to transmit their data. For slice of not required strict slice isolation, this scheduler also provide strict priority, proportional and round-robin resource sharing three option for operator decide how to use that unused resource according to feature of slices.

Table of Contents 論文摘要 I Abstract II Table of Contents IV List of Figures VI List of Tables VIII 1. Introduction 1 1.1. Network slicing 1 1.2. Open source platform - OpenAirInterface (OAI) 5 1.3. The background of LTE scheduling 8 1.4. The Purposes 12 2. System Model 13 2.1. The function of Inter-slice scheduler 14 2.2. The function of Intra-slice scheduler 16 3. Implementation of LTE slice-enabled scheduler in OAI 18 3.1. The slice-enabled scheduler implementation and parameter definition 18 3.2. Implementation of Inter-slice scheduler 21 3.2.1. Slice isolation 24 3.2.2. Resource sharing 25 3.3. Implementation of intra-slice scheduler and final scheduler 27 4. Result and Validation 31 4.1 Setting of testing environment 31 4.2 Testing environment deployment 31 4.3 Validate the function of slice isolation in scheduler 33 4.4 Validate the function of resource sharing with different allocation method 37 5. Conclusion 42 6. References 43

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