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研究生: 莊皓翔
Hao-Hsiang Chuang
論文名稱: 基於體素法之面銑式螺旋傘齒輪切削模擬
Cutting Simulation for Face-Milled Spiral Bevel Gears Based on the Voxel Method
指導教授: 石伊蓓
Yi-pei Shih
口試委員: 尤春風
Chun-Fong You
Kao-Yueh Tsai
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 機械工程系
Department of Mechanical Engineering
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 81
中文關鍵詞: 面銑式切製法體素法移動立方體STL三角面齒面拓樸誤差體積移除
外文關鍵詞: Face milling cutting method, voxel method, marching cube, STL format, tooth surface deviations, volume removal
相關次數: 點閱:420下載:6
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本研究的目的是開發一套專門模擬切削面銑式螺旋傘齒輪的軟體,使用Visual C# 2010為開發平台,並以OpenGL圖形庫顯示三維模擬環境。模擬切削是使用體素法,首先建立刀具的曲面數學模式,齒胚實體模型則使用適應性的立方體(Cube)建立,並以體素(Voxel)記錄立方體節點的位置。根據NC加工路徑與坐標轉換矩陣,可得到刀具和齒胚的相對位置,並以布林運算計算切削模擬。
再者,本研究使用移動立方體(Marching cube)演算法優化顯示被切削的齒面,並且將被切削齒面儲存成STL格式。為了驗證加工NC碼是否正確,本文提出一種齒面誤差評估方法,以比較STL齒面與理論齒面的法向量誤差。開發之軟體亦可即時模擬切削時的體積變化,以做為進一步優化NC加工路徑的基礎。

Face milling is a popular cutting method in mass production of spiral bevel gears. A CNC machine with five-axis simultaneous control system is demanded to implement face milling. This cutting method needs multi-axis movement and its tool design is complex. Therefore, in order to avoid collision, the simulation of tool paths and material removal should be performed previously to verify the correctness of NC codes.
The study aims to develop a dedicated cutting simulation software for face-milled spiral bevel gears. Visual C# 2010 integrated with OpenGL is used as a foundation to develop the simulation program. Here, a voxel method for cutting simulation is employed. The mathematical model of tool surface is first established. The solid model of work gear is composed by cubes in which voxels are used to store the positions and values of those vertexes. According to the NC code, the relative positions between the tool and the work gear are determined through the coordinate transformations. And then, Boolean difference operation between the gear work and tool is made to simulate gear cutting.
Moreover, the marching cube algorithm is adopted to improve the display resolution of produced tooth surfaces which are save as STL (Stereolithography) format. In order to verify the correctness of NC codes, an evaluation method is proposed to obtain tooth surface deviations between the produced STL surfaces and theoretical surfaces. And, the volume removal is obtained in real-time cutting simulation, which can be used as a beneficial data for further reach in optimization of NC tool paths.

本研究將發展齒輪專用的實體切削模擬軟體,第一階段目標設定為切削傘齒輪的面銑式製造方法,將刀具以砂輪建立數學模式,工件齒輪則以體素法(Voxel)建立實體模型,再根據NC加工碼,以座標轉換(Coordinate transformation)計算刀具與工件的相對位置,最後再做刀具與工件的布林差集來模擬齒輪切削。此一技術建立,可做為下一階段發展面滾式切製法的基礎。本研究將使用Visual C# 2010做為開發平台,建立一套面銑式切製法傘齒輪的實體切削模擬軟體,讀入外部加工NC碼,以驅動刀具和工件做相對運動。所設計的軟體功能包含NC加工路徑的模擬、即時實體切削和體積移除率計算,並將透過Open GL的函式庫呈現工件齒輪的三維切削模擬結果。

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