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研究生: 黃暘霽
Yang-Ji Huang
論文名稱: 鎂合金粉末製程對高熵合金顆粒強化鎂基複合材料機械性質之影響
Effect of Preparation of Mg Alloy Powder on Mechanical Properties of High Entropy Alloy Particle Reinforced Magnesium-Based Composites
指導教授: 丘群
Chun Chiu
口試委員: 陳士勛
Shih-Hsun Chen
Hsin-Chih Lin
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 機械工程系
Department of Mechanical Engineering
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 200
中文關鍵詞: AZ91 鎂合金高熵合金球磨法火花電漿燒結機械性質
外文關鍵詞: AZ91 magnesium alloy, high entropy alloy, ball milling, spark plasma sintering, mechanical properties
相關次數: 點閱:596下載:0
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本研究將10 wt.% Al0.5CoCrFeNi2高熵合金粉末與AZ91鎂合金粉末混合,透過火花電漿燒結法製備鎂基複合材料燒結錠,探討氣體霧化法與球磨法兩種鎂合金粉末製程對高熵合金顆粒強化鎂基複合材料機械性質之影響。
結果表明,高熵粉末的添加會導致霧化法粉末燒結錠之孔隙率些微上升,而球磨法粉末燒結錠之孔隙率下降。使用霧化法及球磨法粉末的AZ91燒結錠之硬度值分別為83 HV及157 HV,與霧化法相比,球磨法製備之AZ91燒結錠具有相當高的硬度。使用霧化法及球磨法粉末的AZ91燒結錠在添加高熵粉末後硬度分別提升至101 HV與167 HV,顯示高熵粉末顆粒有助於提升材料硬度。壓縮試驗結果顯示,和未添加高熵粉末的AZ91燒結錠相比,添加高熵粉末之霧化法AZ91燒結錠在360 °C與460 °C兩個燒結溫度下,降伏抗壓強度分別由214 MPa與193 MPa提升至220 MPa與209 MPa,極限抗壓強度則分別由346 MPa與316 MPa提升至383 MPa與334 MPa。而使用AZ91球磨粉末的燒結錠由於內部孔隙率較高在壓縮初期裂縫擴展,導致材料破裂,和使用霧化法的燒結錠相比,壓縮性質皆不理想。添加高熵粉末的AZ91燒結錠經過長時間熱處理,所添加之高熵粉末成份發生改變,粉末中的Al與Ni形成金屬化合物散佈在基材以及高熵粉末周圍。

In this study, 10 wt.% Al0.5CoCrFeNi2 high entropy alloy powder was mixed with AZ91 magnesium alloy powder to prepare magnesium-based composite sintered ingots by spark plasma sintering and the effects of two magnesium alloy powder processes, gas atomization method and ball milling method, on the mechanical properties of the high-entropy alloy particle reinforced magnesium-based composite materials were investigated.
The results showed that the addition of high entropy powder caused a slight increase in the porosity of the atomized powder sintered ingots and a decrease in the porosity of the ball-milled powder sintered ingots. The hardness of AZ91 sintered ingots using atomized and ball-milled powders were 83 HV and 157 HV, respectively, and the hardness of AZ91 sintered ingots prepared by the ball-milled method was quite high compared to the atomized method. The hardness of AZ91 sintered ingots with atomized and ball-milled powders increased to 101 HV and 167 HV after the addition of high entropy powder, respectively, indicating that the high entropy powder particles helped to increase the hardness of the material. Compared with the sintered ingots without the addition of high entropy powder, the atomized AZ91 sintered ingots with the addition of high entropy powder showed an increase in the yield compressive strength from 214 MPa and 193 MPa to 220 MPa and 209 MPa at 360 °C and 460 °C, respectively, and an increase in the ultimate compressive strength from 346 MPa and 316 MPa to 383 MPa and 334 MPa, respectively. The sintered ingots with AZ91 ball-milled powder had unsatisfactory compressive properties than those sintered ingots with atomized powder due to the high internal porosity, which led to cracking at the beginning of compression. When the AZ91 sintered ingot with high entropy powder after heat treatment for a long time, the composition of the high entropy powder changes, and the Al and Ni in the powder form intermetallic compounds that are dispersed around the high entropy powder and the matrix.

摘要 I Abstract III 誌謝 V 目錄 VI 圖目錄 XI 表目錄 XVIII 第一章 前言 1 第二章 文獻回顧 4 2.1 鎂與鎂合金的介紹及優缺點 4 2.1.1 鎂的介紹 4 2.1.2 鎂與鎂合金的優缺點 4 2.2 鎂合金命名規則 7 2.3 改善金屬鎂性質的方法 9 2.3.1 製程細化晶粒 9 2.3.2 合金化 24 2.4 材料強化機制 26 2.4.1 細晶粒尺寸強化 26 2.4.2 應變硬化 29 2.4.3 固溶強化 29 2.4.4 析出硬化 30 2.4.5 散佈強化 33 2.4.6 荷載傳遞效應 35 2.4.7 熱膨脹係數差異 35 2.5 鎂基複合材料 37 2.5.1 鎂基復合材料介紹 37 2.5.2 添加SiC之鎂基複合材料 38 2.5.3 添加Al2O3之鎂基複合材料 40 2.5.4 添加金屬玻璃之鎂基複合材料 42 2.5.5 添加高熵合金之鎂基複合材料 42 2.6 粉末冶金 43 2.6.1 粉末冶金之優點 43 2.6.2 粉末製備 44 2.6.3 燒結方法 48 2.7 高熵合金 54 2.7.1 高熵合金介紹 54 2.7.2 高熵合金四大效應 54 2.7.3 AlxCoCrFeNiy系高熵合金 56 2.8 研究動機 59 第三章 實驗方法 60 3.1 實驗材料 60 3.2 實驗流程 61 3.3 球磨製程 63 3.4 火花電漿燒結製程 65 3.5 熱處理製程 66 3.6 分析儀器 67 3.6.1 雷射粒徑分析儀 67 3.6.2 光學顯微鏡 68 3.6.3 場發射掃描式電子顯微鏡 69 3.6.4 場發射雙束型聚焦離子束顯微鏡 71 3.6.5 場發射穿透式電子顯微鏡 73 3.6.6 X光繞射儀 74 3.6.7 微克式硬度機 78 3.6.8 奈米壓痕機 79 3.6.9 落地型動態材料試驗機 80 第四章 結果與討論 81 4.1 原材分析 81 4.1.1 AZ91霧化法粉末 81 4.1.2 AZ91塊材與銑屑 88 4.1.3 BM-AZ粉末 94 4.1.4 Al0.5CoCrFeNi2霧化法粉末 99 4.1.5 粉末粒徑與晶粒尺寸分析 102 4.1.6 粉末硬度分析 106 4.2 燒結錠分析 109 4.2.1 A-AZ & A-AZ-HEA燒結錠 109 4.2.2 A-AZ-460 & A-AZ-HEA-460燒結錠 115 4.2.3 BM-AZ & BM-AZ-HEA燒結錠 125 4.2.4 BM-AZ-HEA-HT 135 4.2.5 晶粒尺寸分析 142 4.2.6 差排密度與微應變分析 143 4.2.7 硬度分析 146 4.2.8 孔隙率分析 149 4.2.9 壓縮試驗 154 4.3 討論 156 第五章 結論與未來展望 164 5.1 結論 164 5.2 未來展望 165 參考文獻 166

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