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研究生: 張育誠
Yu-Cheng Chang
論文名稱: 直流無刷電動手工具機兩段式精確轉矩控制策略之研製
Research and Implement of Two-stage Precision Torque Control for BLDC Electric Screwdrivers
指導教授: 蕭鈞毓
Chun-Yu Hsiao
口試委員: 蕭弘清
Horng-Ching Hsiao
Chun-Yu Hsiao
Shun-Yuan Wang
Jhih-Cheng Gu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 147
中文關鍵詞: 精確轉矩控制直流無刷電動手工具機兩段式鎖付轉速及電流閉迴路控制
外文關鍵詞: precise torque control, electric screwdrivers, two-stage locking
相關次數: 點閱:314下載:0
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速調整之電流計算值與實際電流之最大百分比誤差為 1.79%,符合業界對於轉矩精確度要求的誤差範圍±3%;轉速回授值與實測相符,最大誤差百分比僅為 1.3%之常規誤差範圍內。由此證實,本文所提出之控制系統應用於具有精確轉矩需求之場合,有高度的實用性。

According to the current change, the thesis proposed a methodology to control the operation mode of an electric screwdriver. By monitoring and analyzing the relationship between current and torque; further, designing a control system of output torque judgments and motor speed of an electric screwdriver. The speed control system judges the output torque instantly through the change of the feedback current to ensure the accuracy of screw locking. At present, when there is a demand for precise torque control in the industry mechanical structures such as torsion rings or clutches are usually used to adjust the output torque, which is prone to shortcomings such as insufficient output torque precision and mechanical wear, resulting in decreased accuracy and having a negative effect for precise torque control in the industry. Therefore, the method proposed in this paper can improve the above shortcomings, reduce the volume of the mechanical structure, and improve the accuracy and fineness of the output torque.
The traditional electric screwdriver is operated at a single high speed to lock the bolt to the end. Although the processes are fast, there still exist some problems such as the torque value, which is uncertain so that the material may be deformed. Therefore, this thesis aims to investigate the second stage of locking bolt, which is a slow twisting process. In this period, it can be locked into the platform to ensure the screw is tight to meet the demand of precise torque control.
The two-stage brushless DC motor control system has been designed. The hardware structure is based on the DSP (TMS320F28335) and the motor drive control integration board as the main architecture core, which is also coordinated with the peripheral hardware such as the current sensor (ACS712) and the light signal. The motor control strategy is two-stage speed and current closed loop, and used current as the basis for judging output torque. The experimental results proved that the proposed control strategy about two-stage speed and current closed loop control and
corresponding to the output torque according to the current is reliable. The maximum percentage error between the calculated current and the actual current is 1.79%, conform the industry’s torque accuracy range ±3%, and the maximum percentage error between the feedback speed and the measured speed is only 1.6%. Thus, the proposed control system has proven to be highly practical for applications with precise torque requirements.

摘要 Abstract 致謝 目錄 圖目錄 表目錄 符號索引 第一章 緒論 1.1 研究動機 1.2 相關文獻回顧 1.3 研究流程與章節架構 第二章 電動手工具機及三相直流無刷電動機介紹 2.1 前言 2.2 電動手工具機介紹與分類 2.3 三相直流無刷電動機結構與特性 2.4 三相直流無刷電動機數學模型 2.5 本章結語 第三章 三相直流無刷電動機驅控方法 3.1 前言 3.2 三相變頻器原理 3.2.1 直流無刷電動機驅控原理 3.2.2 霍爾感測器與轉子角度確認 3.2.3 六步方波驅動控制原理 3.2.4 脈波寬度調變與轉速控制 3.3 轉速及電流閉迴路驅動設計 3.3.1 緩起動控制原理 3.3.2 轉速及電流閉迴路控制器設計 3.4 本章結語 第四章 電動手工具機之驅控系統研製 4.1 前言 4.2 電動機電流與輸出轉矩之關係 4.3 電動手工具機驅控系統之硬體架構 4.3.1 數位訊號處理器 TMS320F28335 規格 4.3.2 三相直流無刷電動機規格 4.3.3 電動手工具機機組結構 4.3.4 電流感測器與周邊硬體電路 4.4 電動手工具機驅控系統之軟體程式設計 4.5 本章節語 第五章 控制策略可靠度模擬與功能實測 5.1 前言 5.2 控制策略可靠度模擬及量測驗證 5.2.1 精確轉矩兩段式直流無刷電動機控制系統之建立 5.2.2 模擬結果與實測驗證 5.3 依電流有效值進行轉矩判斷與調整轉速功能之實測 5.3.1 實測方法及流程說明 5.3.2 量測數據分析與功能驗證 5.4 本章節語 第六章 結論與未來研究建議 6.1 結論 6.2 未來研究建議 參考文獻

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