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研究生: 李善德
Alexander - Adhisetyo Nugroho
論文名稱: 基於製程能力指標 Cpmk 之計量型重複遞交抽樣計畫
Variables Sampling Plans for Resubmitted Lots Based on the Capability Index Cpmk
指導教授: 楊朝龍
Chao-Lung Yang
Chien-Wei Wu
口試委員: 林希偉
Shi-Woei Lin
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 工業管理系
Department of Industrial Management
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 74
中文關鍵詞: 計量型抽樣計畫重複遞交製程能力分析
外文關鍵詞: variables sampling plans, resubmitted lots, process capability indices
相關次數: 點閱:448下載:3
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  • 允收抽樣在品質管理的領域中扮演著很重要的角色,且適用於各式的檢驗。允收抽樣計畫是指透過所需的樣本大小及允收條件來對產品進行判決。本研究主要是以考量良率損失下,提出一個基於製程能力指標 Cpmk 之計量型重複遞交抽樣計畫之研究。相較於計數型抽樣計畫,計量型抽樣計畫主要用於衡量連續型數據的品質特性,並且同時保障買賣雙方各自所能承受的風險,但使用較小量的檢測抽樣數。尤其當檢驗成本非常昂貴或破壞性實驗時,計量型抽樣計畫顯得更為有利。
    本研究中,抽樣計畫的主要參數:樣本大小及判斷之臨界值,係透過求解非線性之聯立方程式而得。其中,組成兩條非線性方程式之操作特性曲線 (OC curve) ,則是透過精確的抽樣分配而得。因此,這能使批判產品允收的決策更加準確及可靠。此外,因應實務之應用,透過不同品質要求與風險要求下的組合,文中列出了參數表以供查詢使用,並且針對所提出的方法做一系列之討論。

    Acceptance sampling is one of the important parts of the field of quality control and used primarily for any kinds of inspection. Acceptance sampling plans state the required sample size and the required acceptance or rejection criteria for lots sentencing. This thesis proposes a variables sampling plan for resubmitted lots based on a process capability index Cpmk that covers modern quality improvement philosophy where reduction of variation from the target value is the guiding principle to reduce the fraction on nonconformities, as it takes into account both process yield and process loss. Variables sampling plans will measure the quality characteristics on a numerical scale, with several advantages of having smaller sample size than attributes sampling plans under the same level of protection for both producer and customer. This is especially beneficial when the inspection is costly and destructive. The required sample size and critical acceptance value are developed based on the exact sampling distribution rather than the approximation; hence the decisions made are more accurate and reliable. For practical purpose, tables for the required sample size and critical acceptance value of various combinations of quality levels, producer’s risk and consumer’s risk are constructed by solving two non-linear simultaneous equations. Moreover, the behaviors of the proposed sampling plans with various conditions are also shown and discussed. A numerical example is provided to illustrate and demonstrate how to use the variables sampling plan for resubmitted lots based on Cpmk in the real applications.

    Acknowledgement i 摘要 ii Abstract iii Table of Contents iv List of Figures vii List of Tables ix 1. Introduction 1 1.1 Backgrounds and Motivations 1 1.2 Research Objectives 5 1.3 Thesis Organization 5 2. Literature Review 7 2.1 Statistical methods for quality control and improvement 7 2.2 Acceptance sampling and acceptance sampling plan 9 2.3 Resubmitted sampling plans 12 2.4 Process capability analysis 15 2.5 Process capability indices 16 3. Methodology 22 3.1 Operating procedures and decision making rule 23 3.2 Probability of lot acceptance 24 3.3 Eventual probability of acceptance 24 3.4 ASN (Average Sampling Number) 25 3.5 Parameters sample size and critical acceptance value (n, Co) based on well-design acceptance sampling plan. 25 3.6 Two non-linear simultaneous equations of the required inspection sample size (n) and acceptance value (Co) for Cpmk head estimate. 27 4. Analysis and Discussion 28 4.1 The required sample size and the critical acceptance value 29 4.1.1. Investigate of Xi 29 4.1.2. Investigate sample size and the critical acceptance value (n, Co) 31 4.1.3. Tabulate of sample size and the critical acceptance value (n, Co) 33 4.2 Operating characteristic (OC) curve 44 4.3 Average Sample Number (ASN) 48 5. Numerical Example 52 5.1 Product description 52 5.2 Contract or statute of acceptance sampling plans 54 5.3 Data calculation 55 5.4 Analysis and discussion of numerical example 57 6.Conclusion and Future Research Direction 59 6.1 Conclusion 59 6.2 Future research direction 61 References 62 Appendix 65

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