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研究生: 李品澄
Pin-Cheng Li
論文名稱: 交流或脈衝磁場中 2605SA1 薄帶磁致伸縮性質之研究
Magnetostriction of 2605SA1 Metglas® ribbon in various AC or Pulse magnetic fields
指導教授: 鄭偉鈞
Wei-Chun Cheng
Shien-Uang Jen
口試委員: 任盛源
Shien-Uang Jen
Huang-Wei Chang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 機械工程系
Department of Mechanical Engineering
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 155
中文關鍵詞: 非晶薄帶場熱處理磁致伸縮交流磁場脈衝磁場
外文關鍵詞: amorphous ribbon, field annealing, magnetostrictive, AC magnetic field, pulsed magnetic fields
相關次數: 點閱:379下載:2
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Metglas® 2605SA1 商用非晶薄帶是以熔融旋淬法製成的非晶態薄帶
材料,此材料具有優異的磁機械性質,此材料的主要成分為鐵 78%,其
餘成分則有矽及硼,故又稱鐵基非晶薄帶。Metglas® 2605SA1 薄帶,為
另外我們將探討 Metglas® 2605SA1 商用非晶薄帶,以及此非晶薄帶
X-ray 繞射結果,可確認 Metglas® 2605SA1 薄帶經過場熱處理前、後皆為
對場熱處理前、後的薄帶進行 VSM 試驗,以及於直流磁場、交流磁
場及脈衝磁場下的磁致伸縮試驗。經由 VSM 試驗,可得薄帶的磁性質。
的單軸異向性。這些特性有助於 Metglas® 2605SA1 非晶薄帶,在馬達、

The commercial amorphous ribbon, Metglas® 2605SA1, is made by melt spinning method. This material exhibits excellent magneto-mechanical properties. The main component of this material is iron 78%, while the remaining components are silicon and boron. It is also known as iron-based amorphous ribbon. The Metglas® 2605SA1 strip widely used in power components such as transformers.
In this study, we will design and improve the magnetostrictive test method under the alternating magnetic field and the pulsed magnetic field.
In addition, we will discuss the commercial amorphous ribbon, Metglas® 2605SA1, and the magnetic properties of this amorphous ribbon after field heat treatment.
If the strip has gone through an external magnetic field heat treatment, the process is called field annealing treatment. According to the X-ray diffraction results, it confirms that the strip of Metglas® 2605SA1 is in amorphous state before and after field annealing.
The VSM test was carried out before and after the field annealing treatment. The magnetostrictive test was carried out in the direct current magnetic field, alternating current magnetic field, and pulsed magnetic field, respectively. The magnetic properties of the strip are obtained by the VSM test. The magnetostrictive test allows us to obtain the magnetostriction of the thin strip in various kinds of magnetic fields.
It can be seen from the experimental results that the saturation magnetization increase and the coercive force decrease after the field heat treatment. In some cases the magnetostriction will decrease and show obvious uniaxial anisotropy. In addition, when the amount of magnetostriction is small, the size of the noise generated during the ribbon operating in the power element is also reduced.
These features of Metglas® 2605SA1 amorphous ribbon contribute to many useful applications such as the motor, transformers, generators and other power components.

摘 要 I ABSTRACT II 誌謝 IV 目錄 V 圖目錄 VII 表目錄 X 第一章 簡介 1 第二章 文獻回顧 3 2.1 磁學理論 3 2.2 磁性物質分類 3 2.3 鐵磁性物質 6 2.4 居里溫度 8 2.5 磁異向性 8 2.6 電阻式應變計簡介 13 2.8 磁致伸縮敏感度 20 2.9 赫姆霍茲(Helmholtz) 20 2.10 熔融旋淬法 21 2.11 電鋼片介紹 22 2.12 快速傅立葉轉換(Fast Fourier Transform) 23 第三章 實驗儀器設計與改進 25 3.1 前言 25 3.2 赫姆霍茲(Helmholtz)線圈 26 3.3 雷射測距儀 26 3.4 實驗平台的演進 27 3.5 改進後的實驗平台之 2605SA1 測試 33 3.6 可活動式樣品黏合面之銅片校準測試 35 3.7 可活動式樣品黏合面之 2605SA1 薄帶測試 39 3.8 交流磁場下以雷射測距儀測試磁致伸縮之實驗平台 40 第四章 實驗儀器與原理 42 4.1 XRD 繞射儀 42 4.2 樣品振動磁力計 44 4.3 磁伸縮量測儀 46 4.4 赫姆霍茲(Helmholtz)線圈 47 4.5 程式設計與轉換公式 49 4.6 雷射測距儀與樣品桿 53 4.7 示波器 53 4.8 交流磁場訊號產生器 54 4.9 脈衝磁場訊號產生器 55 4.10 電源供應器 55 4.11 場熱處理 56 第五章 實驗儀器與步驟流程 58 5.1 裁剪薄帶 58 5.2 場熱處理 58 5.3 XRD 61 5.4 震動樣品強磁計(VSM) 61 5.5 黏合並堆疊多片薄帶 62 5.6 磁致伸縮 63 5.7 雷射測距儀與樣品之固定及校正 65 5.8 示波器的設定 66 5.9 交流磁場之磁致伸縮 69 5.10 脈衝磁場之磁致伸縮 73 第六章 結果與討論 76 6.1 XRD 分析 76 6.2 VSM 分析 77 6.3 直流磁場下的磁致伸縮分析 80 6.4 交流磁場下的磁致伸縮分析 82 6.5 脈衝磁場下的磁致伸縮分析 88 6.6 交流磁場與脈衝磁場下的磁致伸縮比較 90 第七章 結論 93 參考文獻 96

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