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研究生: 施永光
Aris Budhiyanto
論文名稱: 基以監視攝影機作為 HDR 視覺感測器的教室照明和採光控制系統
Lighting and daylighting control system based on surveillance camera as an HDR vision sensor for classrooms
指導教授: 邱韻祥
Yun-Shang Chiou
口試委員: 鄭政利
Cheng-Li Cheng
Ying-Chieh Chan
Yuan-Kai Wang
Chien-Yu Chen
Yun-Shang Chiou
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 建築系
Department of Architecture
論文出版年: 2024
畢業學年度: 112
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 109
中文關鍵詞: 照明採光照明控制系統HDR 視覺感測器視覺舒適度教室
外文關鍵詞: lighting, daylighting, lighting control system, HDR vision sensor, visual comfort, classroom
相關次數: 點閱:133下載:9
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傳統照明控制系統 (LCS) 可以解決次優照明不理想問題,但在感測器數量和適應不同學習環境方面有其限制。本研究引入了 HSLDCS(HDRi 監控照明和日光控制系統)來改善教室照明並支援各種學習活動。它以商用監視器作為 HDR 感測器取代了傳統的 LCS。驗證實驗包括 LabVIEW 工具和 IP 攝影機精度測試。 HSLDCS 在縮尺原型和全尺寸教室中進行了測試,以評估學生的舒適度和節能情況。
研究結果表明,實施 HSLDCS 有望改善照明不理想状態、提高能源效率和增強使用者福祉。該系統利用精度範圍為 5-23% 的商用 IP 攝影機作為 HDR 視覺感測器,在原型和實際課堂實施中顯示節能約 43-63%,超過 70% 的學生表示滿意。

The lighting in classrooms plays a crucial role in influencing students' performance, productivity, and overall building energy consumption. Various studies underscore the widespread issue of suboptimal lighting in educational settings, with nearly half of students reporting discomfort. This underscores the imperative to improve lighting environments in educational facilities.
Conventional Lighting Control Systems (LCS) solve suboptimal lighting issues but have limitations with sensor numbers and adapting to diverse learning contexts. This study introduces HSLDCS (HDRi Surveillance Lighting and Daylighting Control System) to improve lighting in classrooms and support varied learning activities. It replaces traditional LCS with a commercial surveillance camera as an HDR sensor. Validation experiments included LabVIEW tools and IP camera accuracy tests. HSLDCS was tested in a prototype and a full-scale classroom to assess student comfort and energy savings.
The research findings suggest that implementing HSLDCS holds promise in addressing suboptimal lighting conditions, improving energy efficiency, and enhancing user well-being. Utilizing a commercial IP camera with an error range of 5-23% as the HDR vision sensor, the system demonstrated energy savings of approximately 43-63% in both prototype and real classroom implementations, with over 70% of students expressing satisfaction.

Abstract I Acknowledgments IV Contents V List of Tables VII List of Figures VIII Nomenclature X Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Background and motivation 1 1.2 Objective and contribution 3 1.3 Structure 3 1.4 List of publication 4 Chapter 2 Literature Review 5 2.1 Daylighting and visual comfort in the classroom 5 2.2 Daylight harvesting control and lighting control system 9 2.3 High Dynamic Range Images (HDRis) method 15 2.4 Lab VIEW and Arduino microcontroller 19 Chapter 3 Verification of an HDRi Surveillance Lighting and Daylight Control System 22 3.1 Research scope and objective 22 3.2 Verification of lighting and daylighting control system with LabVIEW 22 3.2.1 Experimental setting 22 3.2.2 Control algorithm 24 3.2.3 Experiment result and discussion 25 3.3 Verification of surveillance camera as vision sensor 27 3.3.1 Experimental setting 28 3.3.2 Experiment result and discussion 31 3.4 Chapter conclusion 33 Chapter 4 Prototyping an HDRi Surveillance Lighting and Daylighting Control System 34 4.1 Research scope and objective 34 4.2 Experimental setting 34 4.2.1 Model prototype 34 4.2.2 Classroom schemes 37 4.3 Result and discussion 45 4.3.1 Illuminance environmental monitoring 45 4.3.2 Energy consumption monitoring 54 4.4 Chapter conclusion 55 Chapter 5 Visual Comfort and Energy Saving in Classrooms with HDRi Surveillance Lighting and Daylighting Control System 56 5.1 Research scope and objective 56 5.2 Experimental setting 56 5.2.1 Classroom setting 56 5.2.2 Control rule 60 5.2.3 Field measurements 72 5.2.4 Questionnaire survey 73 5.3 Result 73 5.3.1 Illuminance environmental analysis 73 5.3.2 Energy saving analysis 81 5.3.3 Questionnaire analysis 82 5.4 Discussion and chapter conclusion 88 Chapter 6 Conclusion and Future Study 90 6.1 Conclusion and findings 90 6.2 Limitation 91 6.3 Future study 91 References 93 Appendix A Visual comfort assessment questionnaire 100 Appendix B Code for exposure settings of the IP camera 103 Appendix C code for generating HDRi from the IP camera 104 Appendix D Arduino Uno used as DMX and motor servo controller 108

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