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研究生: 柯莎夏
Kiktenko - Oleksandra
論文名稱: 電線電纜設備產業競爭策略之個案研究
A Case Study of Competitive Strategy in the Wire and Cable Machinery Industry
指導教授: 劉代洋
Dai-yang Liu
口試委員: 黃彥聖
Yan-sheng Huang
Wan-yu Zhang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 企業管理系
Department of Business Administration
論文出版年: 2008
畢業學年度: 96
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 73
中文關鍵詞: strategic advantagesstrategic positionfirst-mover advantages (FMAs)competitive strategywire and cable industry machinerycore competence
外文關鍵詞: core competence, strategic advantages, strategic position, competitive strategy, first-mover advantages (FMAs), wire and cable industry machinery
相關次數: 點閱:408下載:1
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The electric wire and cable industry holds a key status in every national economy. During the 80s the government of Taiwan started to guide and lead this key industry and promote its development. After Taiwan became a member of WTO, the wire and cable machinery industry faced more severe global competition than before. Competition is always the central agenda for all companies and is a key reason for a company’s success or failure. The present thesis focuses on analyzing competitive strategies used by the wire and cable machinery industry in Taiwan.
Competitive strategy can help a company to find and establish a favorable and sustainable position within an industry and withstand growing hypercompetition. The present study analyzes the structure of the wire and cable machinery industry, its current development features and further development opportunities, utilizing Michael Porters classical taxonomy (generic strategies: cost leadership, differentiation and focus), SWOT and first-mover advantage (FMA) discusses appropriate competitive strategies for an observed company in an individual case study framework. The findings of the present research are as follows:
1. Although Taiwanese manufacturers have achieved a fairly high level of machine performance there are still some gaps in processing technology, design and output capacity. In addition most Taiwanese wire and cable machinery companies need to improve management and operation systems, marketing, branding and distribution policies.
2. The subject company follows a differentiation strategy as noted in the list of generic strategies put forward by Michael Porter and obtains size and timing first mover advantages. Although the company has all necessary resources and capabilities for maintaining its competitive strategy, it needs to improve its positioning and strengthen its advantages, to be able to differentiate itself.

The electric wire and cable industry holds a key status in every national economy. During the 80s the government of Taiwan started to guide and lead this key industry and promote its development. After Taiwan became a member of WTO, the wire and cable machinery industry faced more severe global competition than before. Competition is always the central agenda for all companies and is a key reason for a company’s success or failure. The present thesis focuses on analyzing competitive strategies used by the wire and cable machinery industry in Taiwan.
Competitive strategy can help a company to find and establish a favorable and sustainable position within an industry and withstand growing hypercompetition. The present study analyzes the structure of the wire and cable machinery industry, its current development features and further development opportunities, utilizing Michael Porters classical taxonomy (generic strategies: cost leadership, differentiation and focus), SWOT and first-mover advantage (FMA) discusses appropriate competitive strategies for an observed company in an individual case study framework. The findings of the present research are as follows:
1. Although Taiwanese manufacturers have achieved a fairly high level of machine performance there are still some gaps in processing technology, design and output capacity. In addition most Taiwanese wire and cable machinery companies need to improve management and operation systems, marketing, branding and distribution policies.
2. The subject company follows a differentiation strategy as noted in the list of generic strategies put forward by Michael Porter and obtains size and timing first mover advantages. Although the company has all necessary resources and capabilities for maintaining its competitive strategy, it needs to improve its positioning and strengthen its advantages, to be able to differentiate itself.

TABLE OF CONTENTS Abstract.................................................i Table of Contents.......................................ii List of Tables..........................................iv List of Figures.........................................vi Chapter 1. Introduction..................................1 1.1. Research Background and Motivation..............1 1.2. Research Objectives.............................3 1.3. Reasearch Structure and Framework...............3 1.4. Research Contributions..........................5 1.5. Research Limitations............................5 Chapter 2. Literature Review.............................7 2.1. Michael E. Porter’s Generic Strategies Taxonomy....7 2.2. First-Mover Advantage Paradigm.....................12 Chapter 3. The Methodology..............................17 3.1. Data Source........................................17 3.2. Case Method........................................17 Chapter 4. Industry Analysis and Company Introduction...21 4.1. Wire and Cable Machinery Industry Analysis.........21 4.2. Global Trends and Development Opportunities within Wire and Cable Industry.................................36 4.3. Company Introduction...............................39 Chapter 5. Case Analysis................................55 5.1. Generic Strategies Analysis Framework..............55 5.2. First-mover Advantages Analysis Framework..........57 Chapter 6. Conclusions and Discussion...................59 Reference...............................................61 Appendix................................................72 Appendix A Further Trade Fairs for Wire and Cable Machinery Industry and Related Products ................72 Appendix B International Organizations and Associations related to Wire and Cable Machinery Industry and Related Products................................................73 LIST OF TABLES Table 2-1 Risks of Generic Strategies....................8 Table 2-2 The Leader’s Advantages......................13 Table 4-1 Wire and Cable Machinery Manufacturers........27 Table 4-2 Annual Production and Sales Volume of Wire and Cable..................................30 Table 4-3 Annual Export and Import Volume of Wire and Cable Types............................31 Table 4-4 Annual Prodcution and Sales Volume of Different Types of Wire and Cable...............32 Table 4-5 Annual Import & Export Volume of Wire and Cable....................................................31 Table 4-6 Annual Import & Export Volume of Wire and Cable Within Geographic Regions........................34 Table 4-7 Annual Export Volume of Top10 Producing Countries in the Wire and Cable Market....................35 Table 4-8 Annual Import Volume of Top 10 Importing Countries in the Wire and Cable Market..................35 Table 4-9 Manufacturing Requirements for Wire and Cable Production.....................................36 Table 4-10 Comparison Table of Pioneer Machinery Co., Ltd and Pan-Pioneer Co., Ltd................................41 Table 4-11 Comparison Table of Pioneer Machinery Co., Ltd and Pan-Pioneer Co., Ltd Production Lines...............43 Table 4-12 Growth Rate of Pioneer Machinery Co., Ltd...46 Table 4-13 Percentage of Spending of Pioneer Machinery Co., Ltd ..............................................49 Table 4-14 Global Market Share of Pioneer Machinery Co., Ltd ...................49 Table 4-15 Representative Offices and Sales Agents of Pioneer Machinery Co., Ltd....................50 Table 4-16 Main Rivals of Pioneer Machinery Co., Ltd for Global Market Share...........................51 Table 4-17 Comparison Table of Main Competitors of Pioneer Machinery Co., Ltd in Taiwan by Sales Region.................................................53 Table 4-18 SWOT Analysis Matix.........................54 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1-1Research Flow Chart...........................4 Figure 4-1 Wire and Cable Industry Structure...........23 Figure 4-2 Structure of Pioneer Machinery Co., Ltd, Taiwan ................................................47 Figure 4-3 Structure of Sichuan Pioneer Technology Co., Ltd....................................................48 Figure 4-4 Pioneer Machinery Co., Ltd Global Sales: By Region and Country.....................................51

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1. Taiwan Electronic Wire & Cable Industry Association hpttp://www.taiwancable.org.tw/chin/about8.asp; hpttp://www.taiwancable.org.tw/chin/about7.asp
2. China Wire - http://www.wirechina.net/international/shownews_en.asp?ne wsid=206.
3. Messe Düsseldorf - http://www.messe-duesseldorf.de
4. Pacific Electric Wire and Cable Co., Ltd - http//www.pewc.com.tw
5. Ta Ya Electric Wire & Cable Co., Ltd – http//www.taya.com.tw
6. Walsin Lihua Co., Ltd – http//www.walsin.com.tw
7. Hua Eng Wire & Cable Co., Ltd – http//www.hegroup.com.tw
8. Jung Shing Wire Co., – http//www.jswire.com.tw
9. San Feng Electrical Equipment Co., Ltd – http//33726503.aloha.com.tw
10. Business Express - http://business.com.tw/cop/com.asp?id=bw3dzvah metya76
11. Ahuge International Co., Ltd. - http://www.chinkuann.diytrade.com
12. Sanfeng Machinery & Electric Co., Ltd - http://33726503.boss.com.tw/show_page.asp?income=33726503
13. Shangshun Machinery Co., Ltd - http://www.sources4u.com.tw/autocutting_machines/22061634.htm
14. Sankai Machinery Industry Co., Ltd - http://business.com.tw/com/com.asp?id=3gjcm23su0et8o7
15. Changmao Technology Co., Ltd- http://business.com.tw/com/com.asp?id=e9nnf4n6erbnqrh
16. Top Honor International Corp. - http://www.fiberoptic4u.com/sdp/94227/3/cp-132944.html
17. King Sheng Machinery Industrial Co., Ltd- http://www.king-sheng.com.tw/
18. Xin Sheng Terminal & Machine Inc. - http://www.stm.com.tw/
19. Weiye Machinery Co., Ltd- http://w3.bysources.com.tw/9906286705/
20. Yousheng Trade Co., Ltd - http://business.com.tw/com/com.asp?id=6gz0jyopb3suq2s
21. Gaowei Machinery Co., Ltd- http://www.industry.net.tw/31/3112/5de81bbe/
22. Ya Sih Technology Co., Ltd- http://www.yasih.com.tw/
23. Jin Lun Machinery Industry Corp. - http://www.jinlun.com.tw/
24. Yeh Chi Component Ltd. - http://15972164.boss.com.tw/
25. Wisdom Automatic Co., Ltd - http://wisdomauto.trade-taiwan.org
26. Omeya Technology Co., Ltd - http://www.omeya.com.tw/
27. Shuh Jy Industrial Co., Ltd - http://www.shenlung.com.tw/
28. Hui Chun Enterprise - http://www.hui-chun.com/
29. Lamex International Company - http://lamex.com.tw/tw/about_main.htm
30. International Machtronic Co., Ltd - http://23779467.boss.com.tw/
31. Xianyang Jingmi Machinery Co., Ltd - http://business.com.tw/com/
32. Wilson Engineering & Machinery Co., Ltd - www.wilson51.com.tw
33. International Machtronic Co., Ltd - www.machtronic.com.tw
34. Wire Düsseldorf -http://www.messe-duesseldorf.de/wire/press/49_225.htm
35. Research in China –
36. Report Buyer - http://www.reportbuyer.com/industry_manufacturing/wire_
37. Industrial Economics & Knowledge Center (IEK) –
38. Taiwan Electrical and Electronoc Manufacturer’s Association (TEEMA) - http://www.teema.org.tw/publish/moreinfo.asp?autono=3206
39. International Wire & Machinery Association (IWMA) –
40. International Wire & Cable Exhibitors Association (IWCEA) - http://www.wireworld.com/wireorg/iwecea.htm
41. Italian Wire Machinery Manufacturers Association (ACIMAF) - http//www.acimaf.com
42. Austrian Wire and Cable Machinery Manufacturers Association - http://www.awcma.com/
43. Wire and Cable Industry Suppliers Association (USA, WCISA) - http://www.wcisaonline.org/

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