Author: |
鍾瑞雄 Jui-shiung Chung |
Thesis Title: |
利率環境與銀行匯率風險行為之影響 Interest Rate and Bank Foreign Exchange Risk-taking |
Advisor: |
Rachel-Juiching Huang |
Committee: |
none 陳俊男 Chun-nan Chen |
Degree: |
碩士 Master |
Department: |
管理學院 - 財務金融研究所 Graduate Institute of Finance |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2014 |
Graduation Academic Year: | 102 |
Language: | 中文 |
Pages: | 31 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | 匯率風險 、利率 、交互作用 、金融海嘯 、金控 |
Keywords (in other languages): | interest rate, foreign exchange risk, interaction effect, financial holdings, financial crisis |
Reference times: | Clicks: 638 Downloads: 1 |
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實證結果指出臺灣銀行業不同於Delis and Kouretas (2011)之研究結果:利率水準與銀行風險間為負相關。實證結果顯示當利率水準下降時,銀行匯率風險也將隨之降低,其之間呈現一正相關關係。而本研究也發現利率水準與銀行規模間存在交互作用,利率水準對匯率風險之影響,根據銀行規模大小而有不同。銀行規模與匯率風險的關係,同樣受到利率水準的影響,而有所變動。
After financial crisis, whole world enter a low interest-rate environment. And the spread between depositing rate and lending rate which is on behalf of bank profit decreases. This paper tries to know that how do banks react in Taiwan under this situation. Will they take more foreign exchange risk to pursue profit?
Based on above motivation, this paper uses approximately 200 quarterly observations on 27 banks in Taiwan over the period 2007.09-2013.06 and attempts to provide empirical research on the relation between interest rate and foreign exchange risk. We use value at risk of foreign exchange as a proxy for foreign exchange risk and experiment with various interest rates to robust our results, including a short-term rate, a long-term rate, the central-bank rate, a bank-level lending rate, and a bank-level spread. And further, trying to examine the interaction effect between interest rate and bank size, holdings, and financial crisis.
The empirical results are unlike Delis and Kouretas (2011) research: there is a strong negative relation between interest rate and bank’s risk-taking Instead, these results present strong empirical evidence that low-interest rate indeed decrease bank foreign exchange risk-taking. There is a positive relation between them.
In addition, there is interaction effect between interest rate and bank size. The relation between interest rate and foreign exchange risk differs depend on the size of bank. With bigger size of bank, the relation between interest rate and foreign exchange risk is more positive. And with smaller size of bank, the relation between interest rate and foreign exchange risk is more negative. And before financial crisis, bank’s foreign exchange risk is significant higher than the period after financial crisis. But the interaction effect between in interest rate and holding, financial crisis is not significant.
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