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研究生: Edwin Indarto
Edwin Indarto
論文名稱: Ego-Vehicle Speed Prediction & Traffic Light Classification Via Deep Learning Techniques
Ego-Vehicle Speed Prediction & Traffic Light Classification Via Deep Learning Techniques
指導教授: 楊傳凱
Chuan-Kai Yang
口試委員: 林伯慎
Bor-Shen Lin
Yuan-Cheng Lai
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
論文出版年: 2024
畢業學年度: 112
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 91
外文關鍵詞: Ego-Vehicle Speed Prediction, Traffic Light Classification, CBAM, CNN, Optical Flow, Histogram Equalization, YOLO, YOLOv5, YOLOv6, KITTI, LISA, Comma.AI, Udacity
相關次數: 點閱:158下載:5
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  • The rising incidence of traffic accidents can be attributed to multiple factors, with one notable contributor being human behavior. Each driver is required to obtain vehicle insurance to mitigate potential damages resulting from accidents. In the event of an accident, insurance companies rely on capturing comprehensive evidence of the damages. Presently, insurers often request video footage to serve as evidence, enabling them to assess the extent of the damage and calculate appropriate insurance rates for the driver. Video footage, in this context, refers to recordings from the vehicle’s
    dashboard camera. Additionally, insurers can use this footage to
    ascertain whether the driver has committed any traffic violations, such as speeding, disregarding traffic lights, tailgating, unsafe lane changes, etc. Penalties may be imposed on drivers found to have committed violations based on the evidence gathered from the video footage. Ego vehicle speed prediction involves determining a driver's vehicle speed based on video footage provided by the driver. Car insurance companies can use dashboard camera video to assess whether a driver exceeds the speed limit. In the context of traffic light classification, the system is designed to detect the presence of a traffic light and ascertain its current state, whether it is
    displaying a red, yellow, or green signal. This classification system can also be employed to identify instances where a driver may have violated traffic rules by running a red light.
    In this study, the Ego-Vehicle Speed Prediction employs Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) for both training and testing. Several techniques are integrated to enhance the prediction accuracy. Specifically, Histogram Equalization is employed to refine Optical Flow estimation. Furthermore, within the CNN architecture, a CBAM (Convolutional Block Attention Module) is incorporated to amplify object visibility and recognition within the images. The primary datasets leveraged in this study are the KITTI dataset and the Comma.AI dataset, both of which provide speed measurements
    in meters per second (m/s). To evaluate the performance of the
    Ego-Vehicle Speed Prediction model, metrics such as sMAPE, MAE, and RMSE are utilized. Beyond Ego-Vehicle Speed Prediction, the study also delves into Traffic Light Classification. For this task, datasets from LISA Traffic Light and Udacity Traffic Light are employed. To simplify the classification process, the classes within these datasets are categorized into three primary labels:"go", "warning", and "stop". For the actual classification, YOLOv5 and
    YOLOv6 architectures are utilized, aiming to accurately identify and classify traffic lights based on the aforementioned simplified categories. To evaluate and compare the performance of YOLOv5 and YOLOv6 in terms of accuracy, the metrics MAP@0.5 and MAP@0.5:0.95 are employed. These metrics provide insights into the models abilities to detect and classify objects within images, with varying levels of overlap or intersection over union (IoU) thresholds.

    Recommendation Letter i Approval Letter ii Abstract in English iii Contents v List of Figures viii List of Tables xi 1 Introduction 1 11 Background 1 12 Contribution 3 13 Research Outline 4 2 Related Works 6 21 Histogram Equalization 6 22 Optical Flow 7 23 Vehicle Speed Prediction 10 24 EfficientNetV2 11 25 YOLO 12 26 Traffic Light Classification 16 27 Ghost-Net 17 28 Convolutional Block Attention Module 18 3 Proposed System 20 31 System Overview 20 311 Convolutional Neural Network 22 312 YOLO 30 32 Dataset 32 321 KITTI 33 322 COMMAAI 37 323 LISA Traffic light Dataset 38 324 Udacity 44 33 Dataset Processing 47 331 Optical Flow 47 332 Histogram Equalization 49 4 Experiments & Results 54 41 Training 54 411 Ego-Vehicle Speed Prediction 55 412 Traffic Light Classification 58 42 Experimental Results 61 421 Ego-Vehicle Speed Prediction 62 422 Traffic Light Classification 74 43 Discussion 80 44 Limitations 81 5 Conclusion and Future Work 82 51 Conclusion 82 52 Future Works 84 Reference 86

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