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研究生: 王淳立
Chun-Li Wang
論文名稱: 裝載葉酸奈米金之鑲嵌式奈米纖維應用於表面增強拉曼分析
Composite Nanofibers loaded with Folic Acid Gold Nanoparticles for the Analysis of Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering
指導教授: 何明樺
Ming-Hua Ho
口試委員: 謝學真
Hsyue-Jen Hsieh
Wei-Wen Hsiao
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 化學工程系
Department of Chemical Engineering
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 142
中文關鍵詞: 奈米金奈米顆粒靜電紡絲奈米纖維生醫材料骨細胞拉曼
外文關鍵詞: gold nanoparticle, nanoparticle, electrospinning, nanofiber, osteoblast, SERS, biomaterial
相關次數: 點閱:777下載:0
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奈米金被細胞攝入後會變得難以掌控,攝入一段時間後奈米金會被細胞吐出,而單純的奈米金塗佈表面又有穩定性的疑慮。為了要解決以上問題,本研究將葉酸 (Folic acid, FA) 奈米金粒子鑲嵌進PDLLA (Poly(D,L-lactic acid)) 奈米纖維中,製備具有長時間拉曼增強效果SERS (Surface enhanced Raman scattering) 的複合型材料,當細胞培養於複合材料表面,細胞表面和奈米金接觸時並不會造成胞吞及胞吐作用,且奈米金的露出程度可藉由纖維的表面崩解而進行控制,利於長時間的骨細胞特性追蹤。
本研究利用葉酸當作封端劑及還原劑,以一步加熱法合成出葉酸-奈米金粒子,並透過調整不同的葉酸濃度控制葉酸-奈米金粒子形狀,合成的葉酸奈米金粒子分為球型以及非球型,球型的葉酸奈米金粒子及非球型葉酸奈米金粒子粒徑分別為52.7±2.1 nm與63.3±1.7 nm, FTIR表面官能基檢測結果證實奈米金表面有葉酸的存在。在4℃下存放5天後,介達電位分別為-23 mV與-38 mV,處於中高度穩定狀態,經儲存30天後性質均未改變,證明具有良好的穩定性。
利用靜電紡絲技術製備PDLLA纖維,並將葉酸奈米金包埋進奈米纖維中,接著用SEM觀測不同添加量對於纖維型態的影響。奈米金添加量提升時,纖維仍具有良好的分散性及大小均一性,TGA及XRD結果亦證實纖維中具有奈米金粒子,TEM結果則顯示纖維內部奈米粒子的分佈頗為均勻。透過長時間浸泡奈米纖維觀察其膨潤現象,在第五天時纖維表面逐漸瓦解,此時葉酸-奈米金粒子出現明顯裸露。在體外細胞實驗中觀察到,鑲嵌式奈米纖維具有良好的生物相容性,當奈米金粒子在纖維中的濃度提高至0.53 wt%時,並不會干擾細胞活性、鹼性磷酸酶分泌及礦化的表現。

In previous studies, GNPs (Gold nanoparticles) were unmanageable after being ingested by cells and then would leave cells with invalid surface-enhanced Raman spectra (SERS) effects. It would be difficult to identify all the differentiation markers throughout the cell culture process. The direct coating of GNPs would lead to low stability, too. In order to solve these problems, the folic acid-gold nanoparticles (FA-GNPs) were embedded into PDLLA (Poly(D,L-lactic acid)) nanofibers. The composite materials developed in this research presented SERS effects with good duration and stability, allowing the long-term tracking of osteogenic differentiation.
In this study, FA was used as a capping and reducing agent to synthesize FA-GNPs by a one-step heating process. The shape of FA-GNPs was controlled to be spherical or non-spherical by adjusting FA concentrations. The particle sizes of spherical and non-spherical FA-GNPs were 52.7±2.1 nm and 63.3±1.7 nm, respectively. The surface functional groups were detected by FTIR, and the existence of FA on particle surfaces was confirmed. After being stored at 4℃ for 5 days, the particle size was unchanged. The zeta potential was -23 mV for spherical GNPs and -38 mV for non-spherical GNPs, indicating the high stability of suspended FA-GNPs.
The FA-GNPs were embedded into PDLLA nanofibers prepared by electrospinning, and SEM results indicated that the nanofibers were uniform and continuous with FA-GNPs addition. The existence and of FA-GNPs was confirmed by XRD and TGA. The uniform distribution of GNPs in nanofibers were testified according to TEM images. The swelling tests showed that the embedded GNPs were partially exposed after a 5-day incubation. From in vitro experiments, the composite nanofibers presented good biocompatibility. When FA-GNPs concentration was lower than 0.53 wt%, the cell activity, alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and biomineralization were not interfered.
In the early stage of osteogenic differentiation, either adding FA-GNPs or culturing cells on composite nanofibers effectively enhanced the SERS signal intensity of differentiation indicators. However, the Raman signals of late osteogenic differentiation on nanofibers with FA-GNPs were still significant, but nanoparticles without embedding were almost ineffective in signal enhancement. The results supported that the duration of FA-GNPs in SERS was promoted successfully by embedding in nanofibers, allowing the long-tern monitoring of cellular fate by using Raman spectroscopy.

In the future, the optimized wavelength of Raman excitation and different nanoparticles can be applied, which would reduce fluorescence noises and enhance reinforcement in SERS detection. Different cells can also be examined for the prevailing uses of the technique developed in this study.

摘要 I Abstract III 誌謝 V 目錄 VII 圖目錄 XII 表目錄 XVII 方程式目錄 XVIII 專有名詞及縮寫 XIX 第一章 緒論 1 第二章 文獻回顧 3 2.1奈米金粒子 3 2.1.1 奈米金粒子之特性 3 2.1.2奈米金粒子之製備 4 2.2 奈米金粒子於醫學領域之應用 6 2.2.1藥物傳遞(drug delivery) 6 2.2.2光熱治療(photothermal therapy) 6 2.2.3生物檢測(biosensing) 7 2.3奈米金粒子與細胞間的作用 9 2.4奈米載體應用於生醫領域 11 2.5靜電紡絲原理 13 2.6拉曼散射 15 2.6.1拉曼散射在生物醫學領域之應用 20 2.6.2表面增強拉曼散射之原理 21 2.6.3表面增強拉曼散射在生物醫學領域之應用 23 2.6.4奈米粒子載體應用於表面增強拉曼散射 25 2.7骨母細胞 26 2.7.1骨母細胞來源 26 2.7.2骨母細胞的分化標記 27 第三章 實驗材料與方法 30 3.1實驗藥品 30 3.2實驗儀器 32 3.3實驗步驟 34 3.3.1 葉酸-奈米金粒子合成 34 3.3.2 葉酸-奈米金粒子物性分析 36 3.3.3 葉酸-奈米金粒子之殺菌程序 36 3.3.4 製備含有葉酸奈米金之PDLLA奈米纖維 37 3.4材料分析鑑定 38 3.4.1掃描式電子顯微鏡 (SEM)分析 38 3.4.2熱重分析 (TGA) 38 3.5 體外細胞實驗 39 3.5.1 實驗操作 39 3.5.2 細胞來源 39 3.5.3 培養基配置 40 3.5.4 細胞培養 42 3.5.5 細胞冷凍保存 42 3.5.6 細胞解凍及培養 43 3.5.7 細胞計數 44 3.5.8 粒線體活性測試 45 3.5.9鹼性磷酸酶測試 47 3.5.10蛋白質濃度測定 50 3.5.11 ARS染色 51 3.5.12 拉曼光譜檢測 52 第四章 結果與討論 53 4.1葉酸-奈米金合成形狀之探討 53 4.2葉酸-奈米金粒子物性分析 56 4.2.1葉酸-奈米金粒子粒徑及穩定度分析 56 4.2.2葉酸-奈米金粒子的前處理與定性定量分析 60 4.3 PDLLA鑲嵌式奈米纖維製備與分析 64 4.3.1鑲嵌顆粒對纖維型態之影響 64 4.3.2鑲嵌式奈米纖維內部分析 69 4.4奈米纖維降解測試 72 4.5 生物相容性 77 4.6鹼性磷酸酶表現 80 4.7礦化表現 84 4.8表面增強拉曼散射追蹤細胞分化 88 第五章 結論 104 參考文獻 106

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