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研究生: 郭秦榕
Ching-Jung Kuo
論文名稱: 原有合法旅社防火避難改善之研究 以台北市為例
A study on Improving Fire Safety of Existing Hotels in Taipei
指導教授: 林慶元
Ching-Yuan Lin
口試委員: 鄭政利
Cheng-Li Cheng
Chieh-Hsin Tang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 建築系
Department of Architecture
論文出版年: 2010
畢業學年度: 98
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 150
中文關鍵詞: 原有合法旅社'防火避難改善'建築物防火避難安全性能驗證
外文關鍵詞: technical certification on the safety functions, risk indicators of fire
相關次數: 點閱:190下載:1
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  • 98年3月2日台北市太原路白雪大旅社發生十幾年來最嚴重大火,造成7死1重傷慘劇,台北市建築管理處隨即清查轄內僅設一座樓梯之原有合法旅社共計有11家(包括白雪旅社),由於此類場所皆依建築法第77條第3項規定,完成公共安全檢查申報並經專業檢查人員簽證「合格」,惟仍造成重大傷亡,為加強輔導改善,避免此類憾事再發生。

    On 2nd March of 2009, one of the most devastating fires broke out at White Snow Hotel at Tai-yuan Road of Taipei City, with the tragic result of 7 deaths and 1 serious injury. As of it, the Building Administration Office (BAO) of Taipei City has immediately carried out sweeping check and inspection within its jurisdiction, and it is found that there are now a total of 11 previously-legitimate hotels still existent that are installed only with one stairway. Since establishment of the kind has been completed with public safety examination and declaration according to the stipulation of paragraph 3 of article 77 of Building Law, and has been checked and certified by professional inspectors as “Qualified,” nonetheless, serious casualties are resulted. As such, assistance and counseling for improvement is strengthened so as to avoid the occurrence of similar tragedy.

    This study would focus on the 11 hotels, after eliminating the case of those 2 hotels that are already installed with the type of fire escape and the case of 1 city-designated monument (based on Cultural Assets Preservation Law, related stipulations of the Building Law can be partially or wholly excluded), and the rest of the cases are reckoned of similar 2-D configuration. Thus, it is planned that 3 of the hotels would be taken as samples, while fire is simulated to burst out from hotel room so that (horizontal compartmentalization) it is simulated as how the door of hotel room can effect if it is taken fire-proof door as well as smoke-blockage fire-proof door? Besides, case B is further selected to simulate the room of fire is at the stairway (vertical compartmentalization) so as to simulate the difference with scenarios of fire-prevention and lack of fire-prevention zone at the straight stairs. The results of which can be provided to Taipei City Government as reference of decision making as it requests operators to carry out improvement or offers subsidy to install fire-prevention and disaster escape facilities. Suggestions for law modification are also put forth.

    This study has made use of fire-site simulation software FDS and technical certification handbook on the safety functions of fire-prevention and escape for buildings as tools of simulation. In addition, items for improvement as sitting room not installed with fire-proof door (scenario 1), change into fire-proof door (scenario 2),fire-blockage (scenario 3)(CNS11227、CNS15088), uncompartmentalized zone (scenario 4), and completion of stairways compartmentalization (scenario 5) are exploited as input variables. Then, simulation results are used for correlation and analysis, with conclusions obtained as follows:
    1.Part of horizontal compartmentalization
    a. In accordance with the status quo of the previously-legitimate hotels and under the context that they are not installed with compartmentalized fire-prevention zone, it is learned from the simulation results that the magnitude of risk factor that human body can suffer is: temperature > visible distance > concentration of CO2 > concentration of O2> concentration of CO.

    b. When horizontal compartmentalized zone is changed into regular fire-proof door, since its effect of smoke-blockage is inferior and strong smoke can have penetrated from the seams of fire-proof door during fire, visible distance can then be shortened (the only one that exceeds risk criteria), thus creating obstruction to fire escape and evacuation.

    c. Horizontal compartmentalized zone is changed with smoke-blockage and fire-proof door, and the values of all risk factors that human body can suffer are below the criteria, which can ensure safety for fire escape and evacuation.

    2.Part of vertical compartmentalization
    a. When the spot of fire is found at the stairway and if the stairway is not designed with vertical compartmentalization, the fire can spread out quickly, turning itself into obstruction for fire escape. Besides, the extent of such fire can be even more dangerous and quickly than fire burst out from hotel room (take merely 78 seconds).

    b. Once the straight stairs are designed with vertical compartmentalization (regular fire-proof door), it can insulate the temperature of the fire-breakout tier from rising, but the smoke flow would still fee upward. Nonetheless, risk indicators of fire have not yet rendered into obstruction for fire escape and evacuation before the time of fire escape for the entire building has reached, and there will still be sufficient time to run to fire escape at the shelter floor or platform at rooftop for evacuation.

    目 錄 中文摘要 IV 英文摘要Abstract of Thesis VI 誌謝 IX 目 錄 X 圖 索 引 XII 表 索 引 XIII 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景與目的 1 1.2 研究範圍與內容 2 1.3 研究方法 4 1.4 研究流程 6 第二章 文獻回顧 7 2.1 國內建築物公共安全檢查相關法令研析 7 2.3 電腦火災模擬之模式架構 21 2.4 建築物防火避難安全性能驗證技術手冊【A4】(以下簡稱技術手冊) 23 2.5 火場、煙流性質 26 第三章 火災模擬與避難驗證 31 3.1 模擬意義與目的 31 3.2 模擬方法與流程 32 3.3 模擬對象物 34 3.4 模擬參數及邊界條件設定 34 3.5 煙流模擬變數設定 37 3.6 煙流模擬量測項目 38 3.7 FDS模型物件設定與邊界條件 39 3.8 避難時間模擬計算 40 第四章 模擬結果與討論 42 4.1 避難所需時間分析 42 4.2 容許避難時間分析 50 4.3 避難安全驗證結果 56 第五章 結論與建議 58 5.1 結論 58 5.2 建議 59 參 考 文 獻 61 附錄 64 附錄1不同情境下,五項危害因子於整棟避難完成時間前統計資料 64 附錄2不同情境下,五項危害因子整棟避難完成時間前3D動畫模擬 120

    1.Kevin McGrattan Glenn Forney,” Fire Dynamics Simulator
    (Version 4)User's Guide”,NIST,U.S,2005。
    2.George V. Hadjisophocleous and Noureddine Benichou, ”FIRE SAFETY DESIGN GUIDELINES FOR FEDERAL BUILDINGS”,SFPE, 1998, p96~p97.
    3.SFPE Handbook of Fire Protection Engineers , Third Editiom.
    5.室崎益輝,「建築防災與安全」,鹿島出版會, 1993年。
    2.黃建榮,建築研究簡訊第65期 CNS 15038「建築用門遮煙性試驗法」,內政部營建署網站http://www.abri.gov.tw/utcPageBox/CHIMAIN.aspx?ddsPageID=CHIMDB&DBID=1020
    3.Fire Dynamics Simulator and Smokeview (FDS-SMV),http://fire.nist.gov/fds/.

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