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研究生: 周勝傑
Sheng-chieh Chou
論文名稱: 都市更新案例研究-基隆市政府拆除重建可行性分析
Urban renewal case studyFeasibility analysis of demolition and redevelopment of Keelung City Hall
指導教授: 彭雲宏
Yeng-Horng Perng
口試委員: 李政憲
Shen-Guan Shih
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 建築系
Department of Architecture
論文出版年: 2007
畢業學年度: 96
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 134
中文關鍵詞: 都市更新重建
外文關鍵詞: Urban renewal, Redevelopment
相關次數: 點閱:329下載:12
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Urban renewal is one of the most effective methods to solve the aging cities’ problems. Keelung City only recently starts to develop government decrees and regulations on urban renewal and there is yet an established case in place. Keelung City Hall was built during Japanese ruling in Taiwan. It has been dismantled and redeveloped many times. After cautious assessments, the aging building structure has become a safety issue and the narrow space within is not sufficient to include all the offices. The dispersed offices also have caused some inconvenience for the public.

The objective of this case study is to exam the feasibility of demolish the current buildings and redevelop Keelung City’s administration center. The boundary of this urban renewal is the present Keelung City Hall location and the adjoining state properties. The renewal plan is to improve Keelung City Hall’s office space, and offer public higher quality and multi-element business environment.

This case study examines the body temperature stamps data during the SARS outbreak in 2002 to estimate the daily number of service required. It expands the basis by studying the administration center renewal plans from four other counties, including Taipei County, the space requirement inquiries from all departments in Keelung City government, the architectural database and Executive Yuan general affair management manual to estimate the space needed for the new administration center in Keelung City. It also considers the city’s landscaping, major transportation routes, environment geology and actual case studies’ analysis. By combining all of the information above with the imagery ideas for the renewal plan, this case study creates the design criterions and evaluates its practicability of the actual schematization.

This case study is attempting to operate on an actual schematization in order to establish a basic working model. By analyzing the feasibility of land development location selection, demolition, redevelopment and by assessing the cost estimation and beneficial evaluation model, the ultimate objective is to assist Keelung City government or other similar state departments to achieve a more favorable decision.

第一章、 緒論1 第一節 研究動機1 第二節 研究目的1 第三節 研究範圍3 第四節 研究內容3 第五節 規劃操作方法4 第六節 規劃基地權屬及環境探討4 第七節 研究流程8 第二章、 相關理論基礎、法令探討暨實證分析9 第一節 相關理論基礎9 第二節 法令探討15 第三節 市政中心重建案例實證分析21 第三章、 拆除重建可行性案執行課題分析30 第一節 實施規劃面30 第二節 法令制度面51 第三節 推動執行面54 第四章、 建築計畫原則探討56 第一節 建築群配置及量體原則56 第二節 空間配置計畫原則56 第三節 結構系統及模距原則57 第四節 動線配置計畫原則62 第五節 景觀與綠化計畫原則64 第六節 街道傢俱計畫原則66 第七節 造型及色彩計畫原則67 第八節 建築物理環境原則68 第九節 綠建築節能設計原則69 第五章、 建築配置構想及規劃方案分析73 第一節 建築配置構想理念73 第二節 建築型式探討78 第三節 規劃方案條件設定88 第四節 規劃方案型式探討及配置分析88 第五節 規劃方案時程預估及經費概算101 第六節 方案優缺點分析及比較102 第七節 規劃方案修正及時程經費預估103 第六章、 結論及建議129 第一節 結論129 第二節 建議事項131 第三節 後續建議事項134 參考文獻………………………………………………………………………R-1 附錄一 規劃方案-甲案時程預估及經費概算………………………………錄-1 附錄二 規劃方案-乙案時程預估及經費概算………………………………錄-5 附錄三 規劃方案-丙案時程預估及經費概算………………………………錄-9

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