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研究生: 李錫昌
Hsi-chang Li
論文名稱: 他激式與自激式螢光燈電子安定器之比較
Comparisons between IC-controlled and Self-oscillating Electronic Ballasts for driving Fluorescent Lamp
指導教授: 羅有綱
Yu-Kang Lo
口試委員: 楊宗銘
Chung-Ming Young
Huang-Jen Chiu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電子工程系
Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering
論文出版年: 2007
畢業學年度: 95
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 115
中文關鍵詞: 他激式電子安定器自激式電子安定器半橋換流器串聯諧振並聯負載預熱啟動
外文關鍵詞: IC-controlled electronic ballasts, self-oscillating electronic ballasts, a half-bridge inverter, series-resonant parallel-loaded, pre-heating start
相關次數: 點閱:376下載:1
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This thesis mainly focuses on the theoretical analysis and parameter design of two kinds of electronic ballasts for fluorescent lamps: the IC-controlled electronic ballast and the self-oscillating electronic ballast. Also, the comparisons between these two electronic ballasts are made. A two-stage topology is adopted for the electronic ballasts. The first stage is the power factor correction circuit and the second one is a half-bridge resonant inverter. In addition, several pre-heating methods are discussed.
Besides discussions on the design consideration for each parameter and component value, this thesis also presents the Is-Spice simulations and experimental results to verify the theoretical analysis. Finally, the comparisons between the two types of electronic ballasts driving the same fluorescent lamp are given.

中文摘要 -------------------------------------------------------------- I 英文摘要 -------------------------------------------------------------- II 誌謝 ------------------------------------------------------------------ III 目錄 ------------------------------------------------------------------ IV 圖表索引 --------------------------------------------------------------- VI 第一章 緒論 ----------------------------------------------------------- 1 1.1 研究動機及目的 ------------------------------------------- 1 1.2 內容大綱 ---------------------------------------------------- 2 第二章 電子安定器及螢光燈介紹 -------------------------------- 3 2.1 電磁式安定器與電子安定器的差異 ------------------- 3 2.2 電子安定器的架構 ---------------------------------------- 4 2.3 功率因數修正 ---------------------------------------------- 6 2.4 換流器 ----------------------------------------------------- 15 2.5 諧振網路 -------------------------------------------------- 19 2.6 螢光燈介紹 ----------------------------------------------- 25 第三章 他激式電子安定器 --------------------------------------- 28 3.1 他激式電子安定器電路動作原理 -------------------- 28 3.2 諧振電路分析 -------------------------------------------- 35 3.3 預熱啟動之探討 ----------------------------------------- 42 第四章 自激式電子安定器 -------------------------------------- 51 4.1 自激式電子安定器電路動作原理 -------------------- 51 4.2 閘極驅動電路分析 -------------------------------------- 57 4.3 預熱啟動之探討 ---------------------------------------- 63 第五章 設計考量與設計實例 ------------------------------------ 67 5.1 功率因數修正電路之設計 ----------------------------- 67 5.2 他激式電子安定器之設計 ----------------------------- 71 5.3 自激式電子安定器之設計 ----------------------------- 76 第六章 電路模擬與量測 ------------------------------------------ 81 6-1 他激式電子安定器模擬與量測 ----------------------- 81 6-2 自激式電子安定器模擬與量測 ----------------------- 94 6-3 他激式與自激式電子安定器之比較 ---------------- 108 第七章 結論 ------------------------------------------------------- 110 7-1 結論 ------------------------------------------------------- 110 7-2 未來研究方向與建議 ---------------------------------- 110 參考文獻 ------------------------------------------------------------ 112

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