Author: |
黃彥凱 Yen-Kai Huang |
Thesis Title: |
探討 P2P 借貸資料分析技術應用於商業銀行之研究 A Study of P2P Lending Data Analysis Technology on Commercial Bank |
Advisor: |
Chao-Lung Yang |
Committee: |
Kung-Jeng Wang 陳俊男 Chun-Nan Chen |
Degree: |
碩士 Master |
Department: |
管理學院 - 工業管理系 Department of Industrial Management |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2017 |
Graduation Academic Year: | 105 |
Language: | 中文 |
Pages: | 44 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | P2P 借貸 、金融科技 、Techfin 、機器學習 |
Keywords (in other languages): | P2P Lending, Fintech, Techfin, Machine Learning |
Reference times: | Clicks: 527 Downloads: 3 |
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P2P 借貸是近年國外金融科技(Fintech)中極為熱門的業務。基本上,P2P 借 貸業者透過平台媒合貸款人及債權人,並提供風險評估。本研究透過分析 Kaggle 網站中數據專家針對 Lending Club 資料集所提供之資料分析方法,進行方法的比 較與探討,並思考國內商業銀行如何利用相關技術來拓展 P2P 借貸之相關業務。 研究發現利用機器學習方法可有效地找出貸款人違約的關鍵因子,並進而有效預 測貸款人違約機率。在商業銀行業務拓展的思考下,可運用 P2P 借貸技術對商業 銀行高風險客戶提供資金貸款服務。
In recent years, P2P (Peer to Peer Lending) has become one the of most popular financial technology (FinTech) business worldwide. P2P lending company is the media that connects the investors and borrowers. They also provide the risk analysis for their customers. This study is to exam the analytic technology from Kaggle - a data science and machine learning website. The statistic experts and data scientists at Kaggle analyzed and cross-exam Lending Club, a typical P2P lending company, that leads the online lending platform. Kaggle’s analysis helps us understand how we can potentially utilize the relevant P2P data analytic technology for Taiwan’s business banks. The study found that the use of machine learning method can effectively identify the key factors of the borrower’s default, and thus effectively predict the probability of lender's risk. Therefore, P2P lending technology can be used to determine the loan services to the high-risk clients in the development of commercial banks.
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