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Author: 嚴文常
Thesis Title: 從因循守舊邁向服務創新
From Conservatism to Service Innovation
Advisor: 黃世禎
Sun-Jen Huang
Committee: 李國光
Gwo-Guang Lee
Yuan-Cheng Lai
Degree: 碩士
Department: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
Thesis Publication Year: 2013
Graduation Academic Year: 101
Language: 中文
Pages: 45
Keywords (in Chinese): 危機管理組織變革專案管理
Keywords (in other languages): Crisis Management, Organizational Change Management, Project Management
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  • 個案機關原為政府四級機關,因政府組織改造而升為三級機關,但個案機關的人員心態、觀念及思考模式,仍停留在以往的被動服務與保守的態度,卻因為一次系統當機事件,造成個案機關形象大受影響,引發內部變革的壓力,加上新任資訊主管強力推動以全面資訊系統改造,帶動組織變革。但是,內部亦有反對如此激烈的全面性資訊系改造方式,而是主張採取溫和的逐步改善模式,才能保持機關業務的穩定推動與發展,避免系統失敗的風險,造成機關第2次的傷害。

    Case organization was a fourth level agency of government before, but it has been promoted to third level due to the reformation of government organizations. However, the staffs’ conservative thinking and negative attitude of service of the past still remain. Because there was a system crash event, great damage of the organization’s image was happened. This event also caused the pressure of change. The strong pressure to make a dramatic reform of information systems from the new chief of Information Division drives change. However, the internal organization didn’t support such drastic system transform, because there was another voice that proposes a moderate improvement to maintain stable development of the organization operation.
    Michael was a senior staff and understood the system very well. He concerned about the stability of information systems and organization, so he advocated a moderate progressive improvement. Andy was a new on board chief of Information Division. He did not know the business and culture of the organization very well, but he believed the key point of the system reform should focus on the future’s business requirements, not only on the current stability. Although his advocate might have high risk, it is accordance with the style and requirements of General Director of organization. Peter was hesitated to support Andy’s adventure approach or Michael’s conservative one? How would he make his choice?
    This thesis used the teaching case to discuss about organizational change driven by a dramatically system reform. From this case study, we hope that students can learn how to deal with different opinions and even internal resistance caused by the drastic reform of information systems, and how to drive organizational change and well manage project.

    中文摘要 I Abstract II 誌 謝 III 目 錄 IV 圖 目 錄 V 表 目 錄 VI 壹、 個案本文 1 一、 是危機也是轉機 2 二、 萌芽的危機管理機制 3 三、 保守穩定或是破壞創新 4 四、 踏出組織變革的第一步 6 五、 資訊系統改造專案 8 貳、 個案教學指引 15 一、 個案總覽 15 二、 適用課程與教學目標 18 三、 學生課前討論問題 20 四、 管理議題 20 五、 教學建議 38 六、 板書規劃 40 參、 參考文獻 43 一、 中文文獻 43 二、 英文文獻 43 三、 網路資料來源 45

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