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研究生: 吳佳憲
Chia-Hsien Wu
論文名稱: 應用具有姿態分類的增量式比例微分控制於人形機器人之自主動態平衡
Active Dynamic Balance of Humanoid Robot Using Pose Classification with Incremental Proportional Derivative Dead-Zone Control
指導教授: 黃志良
Chih-Lyang Hwang
口試委員: 施慶隆
Ching-Long Shih
Chung-Hsien Kuo
Ching-Chang Wong
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 92
中文關鍵詞: 自主動態平衡人形機器人的連續步行低通濾波卡爾曼濾波增量式比例微分死區控制
外文關鍵詞: Active dynamic balance, Continuous walking motion of humanoid robot, Low-pass filtering, Kalman filtering, Pose classification with incremental proportiona
相關次數: 點閱:319下載:5
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  At the beginning, a dynamic sensing system including the hardware and the low-pass and Kalman filtering is designed. It is then installed at the central of gravity (CoG) of the humanoid robot (HR) and can capture the responses of the pitch and roll axes during the execution of specific task (e.g., continuous motion of walking). After the analytic design, a set of desired pitch and roll trajectories for the stable response of a specific task is achieved. To effectively deal with the external disturbances (e.g., punched by a human from different directions and at different time), the pose classification with incremental proportion-derivative dead-zone control (PCIPDZC) for the HR executing a specific task is developed. Firstly, the 3D coordinates of four tips (i.e., two hands and feet) with respect to the neck and waist centers of HR are computed by the kinematics of 4-DoFs of two arms and 6-DoFs of two legs. Based on these 3D coordinate, the total 36 classes are achieved. Secondly, the incremental proportion-derivative dead-zone control (IPDZC) of the pitch and roll directions for each class with different suitable motors is designed without the requirement of the pressure sensors in the bottom of two feet. Finally, the experiments of continuous walking motion with external disturbances or different control parameters or different walking motions validate the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed method.

目錄 中文摘要 英文摘要 目錄 圖目錄 表目錄 第一章 緒論 第二章 實驗架構 2.1 系統架構 2.1.1 小型人形機器人 2.1.2 感測器 2.2 連續步行動作分析 2.3問題陳述 第三章 動態感測系統 3.1 加速度計訊號量測 3.2 陀螺儀訊號量測 3.3 低通濾波器 3.4 卡爾曼濾波器 3.5 量測訊號之比較 第四章 自主動態平衡控制 4.1 雙手腳之運動學 4.2 姿態分類 4.3 分析動作的參考角度 4.4自主動態平衡策略 第五章 實驗結果與討論 5.1 雙手下垂的連續步行動作 5.1.1 無外力干擾 5.1.2具有外力干擾 5.1.3不同的控制器參數設定 5.2 雙手前舉的連續步行動作 5.2.1無外力干擾 5.2.2具有外力干擾 5.2.3不同的控制器參數設定 5.3 雙手下垂的加速連續步行動作 5.3.1 無外力干擾 5.3.2具有外力干擾 5.3.3不同的控制器參數設定 5.4 更快的連續步行動作 第六章 結論 參考文獻

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