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Author: 劉芳菱
Fang-ling Liu
Thesis Title: 防止共謀型黑洞的安全路由協定之設計
On the design of secure routing protocol to prevent cooperative black hole attack
Advisor: 羅乃維
Nai-wei Lo
Committee: 賴源正
Yuan-cheng Lai
Bor-shen Lin
Degree: 碩士
Department: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
Thesis Publication Year: 2011
Graduation Academic Year: 99
Language: 英文
Pages: 34
Keywords (in Chinese): 無線隨意網路黑洞攻擊共謀型
Keywords (in other languages): Cooperative Black Hole Attack
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  • 無線行動隨意網路(MANET)是近年來興起的重要議題,它是由行動節點(如PDA、筆記型電腦)所建構而成。此網路能隨意的讓具有無線設備的裝置加入,再加上不需任何的固定裝置與集中型的無線網 路管理,因此常被應用在軍事方面、個人家庭網路或是緊急救援之上。

    The Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) is a collection of mobile nodes. It is a simple peer-to-peer network. Ad hoc network has many uses, such as personal networks, household networks, military applications, and emergency rescue operations.
    Since the network without any physical infrastructure and central base station, network management is done cooperatively by the other nodes. The feature about Ad hoc network is constraint resources, low bandwidth, and limited battery power. These kinds of networks are wide open to different types of attacks because unknown nodes can easily join the ad hoc networks. That is the reason why network security becomes a major concern.
    In this article, we are going to present a mechanism which can detect a kind of Cooperative Black Hole Attack. About this attack, the multiple malicious node acting in a group, they can advertises itself have shortest and fresher route. When these malicious nodes received data packet from source node, they may drop them or intercept them. This attack may cause to reduce the packet delivery ratio and the throughput.
    Our solution is basic on normal AODV, and it has a simply change on AODV protocol. Computer simulation used QualNet to show that our protocol provide better performance in the delivery rate than the normal AODV protocol which under the cooperative black hole attack.

    中文摘要 i Abstract ii 致謝 iii Contents iv List of Figures v List of Tables vi Chapter 1. Introduction 1 1.1 Background 1 1.2 Motivation 4 Chapter 2. Related Work 5 2.1 AODV Routing Protocol 5 2.2 Black Hole Attack 9 2.3 Cooperative Black Hole Attack 12 Chapter 3. CBDAODV: Cooperative Black Hole Detection Mechanism on AODV 15 3.1 Attack Model 15 3.2 Algorithm of CBDAODV 16 Chapter 4. Simulation Result 25 4.1 Simulation Scenario 25 4.2 Performance Analysis 26 Chapter 5. Conclusion 31 References 32

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