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研究生: 黃敬斌
Ching-pin Huang
論文名稱: 營造廠矩陣式組織流程再造
Matrix Organization Process Reengineering for Construction Firm
指導教授: 鄭明淵
Min-Yuan Cheng
口試委員: 周瑞生
Jui-Sheng Chou
Tsai M.H
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 營建工程系
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering
論文出版年: 2010
畢業學年度: 98
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 105
中文關鍵詞: 矩陣式組織單迴路學習雙迴路學習營造廠企業流程再造
外文關鍵詞: business process reengineering, matrix organizations, single-loop learning, double-loop learning, construction firm
相關次數: 點閱:480下載:7
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In recent years, construction companies have expanded in scale, and encounter complexity, long life-cycle. Thus, to rapidly response to customer demand, it is necessary for the project to create a factory-style organization, so the construction firm can accelerate progress of the project. However, because of the disadvantages of project and functional organization, the matrix organization is often used to serve customers. By using this organization, there can be a direct response to customer demand, but also possible for function-style organization. Therefore, this study aim to establish "Construction Company Matrix Organization Process Reengineering," Matrix organization design process that enables processes to achieve the best efficiency operating mode, this research project can be utilized to create a factory-style organization of the process. This research uses ARIS methodology for Work Modeling Process, and checks project type process to achieve goals of organizational matrix in the term of the performance and service gap. Mathematical quantitative analysis is conducted to illustrate the relative importance of the functional type of knowledge to improve knowledge management in single-loop learning. Moreover the double-loop learning is carried out to take into account the service gaps. The bottom line is to fill the process gap, and improving the efficiency of business process implementation.
The results of this study is that it is possible to create a factory in different projects. There is the potential for the designing matrix organizational processes to simultaneously meet the objectives of the two organizations. Specific key results of this study include: (1) integration-type organizations and ad-hoc organization for the advantage of providing enterprises with matrix organization at the time of reference. (2) knowledge, role, operation, integration, based on four perspectives for the construction of process model, integrated with the process of achievement matrix. (3) application of knowledge management, single loop, double loop learning, to improve the process operation performance and service gaps, and process design as an important reference. In final, this research provides a case study of "works procurement contracting" to demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed process reengineering.

第一章 緒論1 1.1 研究動機1 1.2 研究目的3 1.3 研究範圍與限制3 1.4 研究內容與流程4 1.4.1 研究內容4 1.4.2 研究流程5 1.5 論文架構7 第二章 文獻回顧9 2.1 企業流程再造9 2.1.1 流程再造的定義9 2.1.2 流程再造之實施方式12 2.1.3 營建業流程再造模式16 2.1.4 ARIS流程塑模概念20 2.2 知識管理24 2.2.1 知識定義24 2.2.2 知識的種類25 2.2.3 知識管理的定義26 2.3 企業流程與知識管理整合模式28 2.3.1 企業環境與知識管理28 2.3.2 企業流程與知識流分析30 2.3.3 流程導向化知識管理建置藍圖31 2.3.4單迴路與雙迴路學習導入於流程概念33 2.4 矩陣式組織36 2.4.1 矩陣式組織定義36 2.4.2組織型態之優缺點37 2.4.3矩陣式組織運用時機39 第三章 營造廠矩陣式組織流程再造模式建立42 3.1 矩陣式組織流程再造概念42 3.2 矩陣式組織流程再造模式之整體架構說明43 第四章 營造廠矩陣式組織流程再造模式實施與應用48 4.1 案例介紹48 4.2 流程重現48 4.2.1 流程資料成果49 4.2.2建立專案式組織流程模型49 4.3流程評估51 4.3.1確立矩陣式組織流程目標要素51 4.3.2評估矩陣式組織目標要素重要性55 4.3.3評估專案式組織流程目標達成度57 4.4流程知識需求分析(單迴路)64 4.4.1評核專案式組織流程作業項目對功能式組織知識需求強度65 4.4.2建立專案式組織作業項目與功能式知識項目之關係矩陣67 4.4.3計算功能式知識項目對矩陣式組織目標要素貢獻度68 4.5流程服務缺口分析80 4.5.1確認專案式組織的流程服務缺口項目80 4.5.2檢討專案組織流程問題標的之知識生命週期82 4.6新流程設計84 4.6.1確認專案式組織流程問題點84 4.6.2建立新流程模型86 4.7流程檢核88 4.7.1矩陣式組織流程目標達成度矩陣88 4.7.2分析組織架構阻抗值90 4.7.3評估矩陣式組織流程改善效果99 第五章 結論與建議100 5.1 結論100 5.2 建議101 參考文獻103

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