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研究生: 鄭秀貞
Hsiu-Chen Cheng
論文名稱: 我國與美國生物技術專利充分揭露要求之研究
Study of Taiwanese and U.S. Biotechnology Patent Disclosure Requirements
指導教授: 管中徽
Chung-Huei Kuan
口試委員: 陳昭華
Jau-Hwa Chen
Wei-Nien Su
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 應用科技學院 - 專利研究所
Graduate Institute of Patent
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 101
中文關鍵詞: 生物技術專利專利法充分揭露要求判決
外文關鍵詞: biotechnology patents, patent law, disclosure requirements, judgments
相關次數: 點閱:1047下載:32
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  • 生技製藥產業屬於技術密集工業,研發投資高,若研發成果被抄襲,將使投入資金付諸流水,故專利權保護可謂生技製藥產業命脈。在台灣有許多生技專利判決因揭露不充分而不予專利,惟我國法在充分揭露性發展歷程短,判決案例累積不多,不如美國發展成熟。故本研究探討美國生物技術專利充分揭露性發展脈絡,比較台灣與美國專利法以及判決,深入探討後給予建議。並目標整理不同生物技術專利,包含分子生物學衍生技術,如重組DNA、反義RNA,藉由基因調控產生蛋白質及其類似物、抗體、疫苗等,針對不同技術整理申請專利常見之核駁理由及法院無效之理由。
    就美國專利法及美國判決研究方面,美國專利法為一成文法,美國判決見解屬於判例法(case law),本研究整理美國與生物揭露要件有關重要判決,了解美國專利法第112條第一項對於生技專利充分揭露要求演進的脈絡,以及對生技製藥專利的影響。本研究將聚焦於「書面描述要件」與「可實施性要件」兩者。而在我國專利法及台灣判決研究方面,著重在台灣實務對生物技術專利揭露要求的探討,以專利法第26條第1項、第2項為核心延伸至審查基準及因生物技術申請專利而生的訴訟,整理出我國對生物技術專利的充分揭露要求。

    Biotechnology industry is a technology-intensive industry and R & D investment is high in this field. If the R & D results were copied, the fund would go down the drain. Therefore, the patent protection can be described as the lifeblood of the biotechnology industry. In Taiwan, many biotechnology patents were rejected due to the lack of full, clear and sufficient disclosure. The development process of Taiwanese paten law is shorter than the U.S., the accumulated relevant judgments are not as many as the U.S. This thesis studies the development history of the U.S. biotechnology disclosure requirements, comparing Taiwanese Patent Act and judgments with the U.S. Patent Act and judgments, and gives some advices. The biotechnological patents categories of the research include technologies derived from molecular biology such as recombinant DNA, antisense RNA technology, gene regulation technology, analogues of proteins, and antibodies, etc. This thesis aims to sort out the information of rejection reasons for the application of patent and the reasons for the patent invalidity decision made by the court.
    In the study of the U.S. Patent Act and American judgment research, the U.S. Patent Act is a statutory law, the United States judgments is case law. This thesis sorts out the U.S. important judgments in respect of biotechnology Patent disclosure requirements, to understand evolution of the first paragraph of the U.S. Patent Act Article 112, which regulates disclosure requirements, and how the disclosure requirements impact of biotechnology patent. This thesis focuses on both "written description requirement" and "enablement requirement." In the study of Taiwanese Patent Act and judgments, the thesis focuses on actual situation field. This thesis sorts out Taiwanese important judgments in respect of biotechnology patent disclosure requirements, Patent Act Article 26 and Taiwanese Examination Guidelines.
    According to this thesis, the developments of the U.S. and Taiwanese Patent Act are different. The provisions of Taiwanese Patent Act in respect to disclosure requirements describe in the Patent Act Article 26 first and second paragraph. In the early days, The U.S. patent specifications only had a description without claims. The functions of description not only made inventions “enablement” but also defined the scope of application, thus led to the development of “written description.” The provisions of Taiwanese and U.S. Patent Act in respect to “enablement” are similar. But Taiwanese scholars have many different views about whether Taiwanese Patent Act has connotation about “written description.” After the study on the Taiwanese Patent Act, Examination Guidelines on patent, and the verdicts, the viewpoint of this thesis is that Taiwanese Patent Act article 26 Article first and second paragraph both have connotation about “written description”.
    Some Taiwanese and U.S. provisions in respect to disclosure requirements are similar and some are various. There are many differences between the judgments of the Taiwanese and U.S. courts, in some cases, this thesis considers certain judgments of Taiwanese courts are more stringent than judgments of U.S. courts. For example, because the criteria for requirements of excessive experimentation is more stringent in Taiwan, it is suggested that detailed experimental parameters should be provided, and it is better to provide storage when the invention relates to biological materials.

    中文摘要 I Abstract III 致謝 V 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究動機 1 1.2 研究方法及研究架構 5 1.3 預期貢獻 7 第二章 美國與我國生物技術揭露要求概述 9 2.1 生物的不可預測性與充分揭露要求關係 9 2.2 美國專利法充分揭露要求 11 2.2.1 美國書面說明要求 12 2.2.2 美國可據以實現要件 14 2.3 我國專利法充分揭露要求 16 2.3.1 專利法第26條充分揭露要求 16 2.3.2 我國專利法第26條充分揭露要求適用疑義 17 第三章 美國生物技術專利充分揭露要求探討 21 3.1 美國書面說明要求 21 3.1.1 生物技術專利書面說明要求發展 22 3.1.2 近年重要判決 25 3.1.3生物技術專利書面說明要求的注意事項 34 3.2 美國可據以實現要件 40 3.2.1 生物技術可據以實現要件 40 3.2.2重要判決-In re Wands案建立「不過度實驗」合理標準 41 3.2.3生物技術專利可據以實現要件的注意事項 45 第四章 我國與美國生物技術專利揭露要求比較 52 4.1 以我國專利審查基準觀察生物技術專利充分揭露要求 54 4.2 我國與美國生物技術專利充分揭露要求比較 56 4.2.1我國與美國在可據以實現要件要求比較 56 4.2.2我國請求項寫法與請求項須為說明書所支持與美國書面說明要求異同探討 57 第五章 我國生物技術專利充分揭露要求有關判決探討 61 5.1 台北高等行政法院93年度訴字第2348號 61 5.2 台北高等行政法院94訴字第3828號 66 5.3 最高行政法院96年度判字第1745號 70 5.4 智慧財產法院97年行專訴字第78號 75 5.5 智慧財產法院101年行專訴字第42號 80 第六章 結論與建議 85 6.1 美國與我國充分揭露要求比較 85 6.2 申請專利時的建議 88 附錄一 美國生物技術揭露要求判決年表整理 92 附錄二 我國生物技術揭露要求近年判決年整理 94 附錄三 我國與基因重組技術有關判決內容 95 參考文獻 97

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