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研究生: 林政隆
Cheng-Lung Lin
論文名稱: 虛擬實境之地板上的充氣介面
TilePoP: Tile-type Pop-up Prop for Virtual Reality
指導教授: 姚智原
Chih-Yuan Yao
口試委員: 黃大源
Da-Yuan Huang
Bing-Yu Chen
Neng-Hao Yu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 資訊工程系
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 44
中文關鍵詞: 形狀改變介面虛擬實境觸覺回饋實體互動空氣袋
外文關鍵詞: Shape-changing Interface, Virtual Reality, Haptic Feedback, Tangible Interaction, Airbag
相關次數: 點閱:648下載:0
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TilePoP,它是一種新型氣動介面部署成地磚的樣子,藉由充氣的方式可以動態形變成大型的代理物件來進行全身性的互動在虛擬世界裡。TilePoP 是由方塊形狀的空氣袋以二維陣列排列堆疊所組成。空氣袋經過特別的折疊結構設計,讓空氣袋充氣後可以變成代理物件,不需要用到的時候可以消氣回到原來地磚的樣子。TilePoP 可以提供全身性的觸覺回饋,甚至於承受人體的重量。因此,它允許新的互動可能實現在虛擬實境當中。
本文將詳細介紹 TilePoP 的設計與實現,應用程式的展示,以及初步的使用者評估結果,來了解使用者對於 TilePoP 的使用者體驗。

We present TilePoP, a new type of pneumatically-actuated interface deployed as floor tiles which dynamically pop up by inflating into large shapes constructing proxy objects for whole-body interactions in Virtual Reality. TilePoP consists of a 2D array of stacked cube-shaped airbags designed with specific folding structures, enabling each airbag to be inflated into a physical proxy and then deflated down back to its original tile shape when not in use. TilePoP is capable of providing haptic feedback for the whole body and can even support human body weight. Thus, it allows new interaction possibilities in VR. Herein, the design and implementation of TilePoP are described in detail along with demonstrations of its applications and the results of a preliminary user evaluation conducted to understand the users' experience with TilePoP.

摘要 ...................................................................................................................................i Abstract ...........................................................................................................................ii Content ...........................................................................................................................iii List of Figures ..................................................................................................................v 1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................1 2 Related Work ................................................................................................................3 2.1 VR Haptic Feedback ..................................................................................................3 2.1.1 Hand and Fingertip ..................................................................................................3 2.1.2 Head, Limb, and Body .............................................................................................3 2.2 Haptic Shape Proxy ...................................................................................................4 2.3 Pneumatic Shape-changing Interfaces .....................................................................5 3 Whole-body Pop-Up Props Considerations .................................................................6 4 Designing TilePoP ........................................................................................................7 4.1 Tile Material ...............................................................................................................7 4.2 Tile Folding Structure ...............................................................................................8 4.3 Tile Arrangement ....................................................................................................10 5 System Implementation .............................................................................................12 5.1 Pneumatic Control ...................................................................................................12 5.2 Tracking & Display ..................................................................................................13 6 Interactions Using TilePoP ........................................................................................15 6.1 On-demand Shapes for the Whole Body ................................................................15 6.2 Interacting with Additional Props ..........................................................................15 6.3 Emulation of Material Properties ............................................................................16 7 Visual Integration Of TilePoP .....................................................................................18 7.1 Visual States of the Props .......................................................................................18 7.2 Compensating for the Transformation Time ...........................................................18 8 Demo Applications ....................................................................................................21 8.1 Jurassic Island Escape ............................................................................................21 8.2 Block World Builder ................................................................................................22 9 Preliminary User Evaluation .......................................................................................24 9.1 Participants .............................................................................................................24 9.2 Procedure ...............................................................................................................24 9.3 Results & Discussion ..............................................................................................25 10 Limitations & Future work ........................................................................................27 10.1 Speed ....................................................................................................................27 10.2 Shapes ..................................................................................................................27 10.3 Support .................................................................................................................28 11 Conclusion ................................................................................................................29

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