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研究生: 廖崇吉
Chung-Chi Liao
論文名稱: 金屬-介電質-金屬結構之表面電漿特性及其在光電子元件上之應用
Properties of coupled surface plasmon polaritons in metal-dielectric-metal structures and their potential application in opto-electronic devices
指導教授: 黃柏仁
Bohr-ran Huang
口試委員: 周賢鎧
Shyan-kay Jou
Shih-Hsiang Hsu
W. C. Ke
N. C. Chen
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電子工程系
Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 88
中文關鍵詞: 表面電漿表面電漿共振生醫感測器色散曲線金屬-介電質-金屬光激螢光強化白光有機發光元件
外文關鍵詞: surface plasmon, surface plasmon resonance, biosensor, dispersion curve, metal-dielectric-metal, photoluminescence enhancement, white color OLED
相關次數: 點閱:316下載:2
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In this thesis, the properties of surface plasmon-polaritons (SPPs) in symmetrical metal-dielectric-metal (MDM) structures were investigated and their applications in opto-electronic devices were realized. The numerically obtained dispersion relations are found to be highly tunable by varying the dielectric thickness and to cross the left of air light line, which indicates the SPPs are radiative in specific condition. The emission properties of an organic layer embedded in a metal-organic-metal (MOM) structure were investigated. Because of the competition by the radiative SPW in MOM structure, the population of excitons that recombine to form non-radiative SPW should be reduced. This may account for why the MOM sample photoluminescence peak intensity is about four times that of the single-metal sample. In addition, due to simultaneous excitation of the organic fluorescence emission and the radiative SPPs in MOM sample and the latter emission wavelength is tunable by varying the middle organic layer thickness, the color-tunable mixed photoluminescence form MOM sample were hence achieved. A surface plasmon resonance (SPR) scheme with prism/metal/dielectric/metal/analyte structure was developed. The surface plasma wave (SPW) dispersion curves within the MDM structure can be controlled by tuning the dielectric layer thickness. Therefore, the properties of the SPWs on the sensing surface of the SPR sensor can be tuned by coupling between them. The proposed tuning procedure was based on the tendency for anticrossing formation to occur between two non-parallel dispersion curves, and the reduction in the angular dip widths of the SPR sensors using the proposed procedure was demonstrated both numerically and experimentally. In addition, two surface plasma resonant modes are simultaneously excited in the SPR sensor. One of them is highly sensitive to the change in the optical constant of analyte, while the other is barely influenced by that change and then can be a reference signal to remove any drift caused by mechanical and physical disturbance. Thus, we may obtain a stable, real signal from the differential output between them.

摘要 I Abstract II 誌謝 IV Contents V List of Figure VII Chapter 1.Introduction 1.1 Background 1.2 Motivation 1.3 Review of papers on metal-dielectric-metal surface plasmonic structure 1.4 Objectives and structure of thesis Chapter 2.Surface plasmon polaritons (SPP) 2.1 SPP at the single metal-dielectric interface 2.2 Coupled SPP in metal-dielectric-metal (MDM) structure 2.2.1 SPP dispersion relation in metal-dielectric-metal structure 2.2.2 Odd dispersion curve between zone center and dielectric light line 2.2.3 Experimental demonstration of odd SPP properties 2.3 Summary Chapter 3.Photoluminescence emission from Alq3 organic layer in metal-Alq3-metal plasmonic structure 3.1 Mechanism for the enhancement of PL intensity from organic layer embedded within metal-Alq3-metal structure 3.1.1 Theoretical analysis of dispersion relations 3.1.2 Sample fabrication and measurement setup 3.1.3 measured transmittance and photoluminescence spectra 3.1.4 Summary 3.2 Color-tunable mixed photoluminescence emission from Alq3 organic layer in metal-Alq3-metal surface plasmonic structure 3.2.1 Sample design and preparation 3.2.2 Transmittance, photoluminescence spectra and CIE coordinates 3.2.3 Summary Chapter 4.Design and characterization of a prism-based surface plasmon resonance (SPR) sensor incorporated with metal-dielectric-metal (MDM) structure 4.1 Reduction of angular dip width of SPR sensor by coupling surface plasma waves on sensing surface and inside metal-dielectric-metal structure 4.1.1 SPR device analysis 4.1.2 MDM SPR sensor fabrication and measurement setup 4.1.3 Angle-dependent reflectance spectra 4.1.4 Summary 4.2 Self-corrected sensing based on dual SPR modes for disturbance-free detection 4.2.1 Theoretical analysis of SPR modes excited in the MDM SPR structure 4.2.2 MDM SPR sensor fabrication 4.2.3 Response in the reflective intensity measurement 4.2.4 Summary Chapter 5.Conclusion and future research 5.1 Conclusion 5.2 Future research Reference

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