簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 周易曉
Yi-Xiao Zhou
論文名稱: 非語言的溝通媒介物之推測設計
Speculative Design of Non-Verbal Communicative Media
指導教授: 鄭司維
Ci-Vi Cheng
口試委員: 梁容輝
Rung-Huei Liang
Ying-Yu Chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 設計系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 112
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 76
中文關鍵詞: 媒介研究媒介考古非語言推測設計設計幻象
外文關鍵詞: media, media archaeology, communication, speculative design, design fiction
相關次數: 點閱:148下載:3
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  • 在如今,語言的缺陷與局限越發地顯露出來,人們常常無法如願地進行表達。在這個新媒介高速發展的當代,對於溝通媒介的研究迫在眉睫。語言是我們交流的首要工具,現今的媒介大多以語言文字及其嚴格對應的符號學系統來達成,編織交流。而自古以來就有的超越言語的決心就重新進入人們的眼簾,使得我們展開大膽的質疑,進行再設計。

    In today's society, the limitations and deficiencies of language have become increasingly apparent, often hindering people's ability to express themselves effectively. In this era of rapid development in new media, the study of communication media is of utmost importance. Language serves as our primary tool for communication, and most contemporary media rely on linguistic texts and their corresponding semiotic systems to facilitate communication and interaction. However, the enduring desire to transcend language has once again captured people's attention, prompting bold questioning and redesign.
    In the literature review, this study begins by discussing the origins of media archaeology and its examination of virtual media. Through media archaeology, overlooked values and interactive experiences are discovered within old media. Phenomenology and speculative design then establish a focus on technological qualities and the creation of experiential design spaces. The study further explores various attempts to transcend language, ranging from anti-logocentrism and the universal enthusiasm for writing during the age of exploration, to artificial languages used in literature, film, and alternative contexts. It also examines non-linguistic communication pathways and multisensory symbols that transcend language. Lastly, the study delves into poetic and ambiguous transformations in music and temperature, which broaden our "modes of discourse" by challenging conventional forms of communication.
    Based on the literature review, this research adopts a phenomenological research approach to organize subjective perceptions and experiences, using design as a method to explore expressive forms and media beyond conventional language and text.
    Throughout the creative process, inspiration from media archaeology and theoretical research methodologies allows the creation of corresponding virtual media artifacts, showcasing alternative modes of communication beyond language. After prototyping and evaluation, the final outcomes will be presented in a two-dimensional format, comprising 12 sets of communication media artifacts. The creative process takes into account the dimensions of "mass-self," with each set consisting of multiple pieces that mutually affirm and connect with each other. The aim is to enhance credibility and immersion in the potential world of the exhibition, promoting contemplation on existing modes of discourse and current media artifacts in a non-didactic manner.
    The research outcomes will be exhibited from June 24 to June 30, 2023, at the Dado Workshop, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, showcasing a total of 13 design works.

    摘要 I 誌謝 III · · 第一章 緒論 1 1.1. 研究動機與背景 1 1.2. 研究問題 3 1.3. 研究目的 3 1.4. 研究架構 3 · 第二章 文獻討論 6 2.1. 媒介研究 6 2.1.1. 知識考古學 6 2.1.2. 後現象學與媒介考古學 6 2.1.3. 虛擬媒介考古學 9 2.2. 推測設計 15 2.2.1. 推測設計與可能世界 15 2.2.2. 非現實的技術物 17 2.2.3. 推測物件 20 2.3. 語言之外 20 2.3.1. 邏格斯中心主義 23 2.3.2. 反邏格斯中心主義與人工語言 23 2.3.4. 非語言 26 2.3.5. 言語之外 28 2.4. 文獻總結 30 · 第三章 研究方法 32 3.1. 現象學研究方法 32 3.2. 通過設計做研究 32 · 第四章 創作說明 34 4.1. 創作動機與主題 34 4.2. 反解決問題主義 39 4.3. 初期試做:虛擬考古 41 4.4. 試做:對抗語言的教育 43 4.5. 創作 47 4.5.1. 關於時間的非語言媒介物 47 4.5.2. 關於場所的非語言媒介物 52 4.5.3. 關於體態的非語言媒介物 57 4.5.4. 關於溫度的非語言媒介物 60 4.5.5. 關於手勢的非語言媒介物 62 4.5.6. 關於夢的非語言媒介物 66 4.6. 研究結論 69 4.6.1. 關於文獻 69 4.6.2. 現象學式研究與透過設計做研究之結果 70 4.6.3. 解決/非解決問題主義的擺蕩 70 4.6.4. 局限與後續研究建議 72 · · 文獻參考 73


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