Author: |
吳慧文 Hui-wen Wu |
Thesis Title: |
中小型跨國公司對轉投資事業之策略控管—以影像監控產業S公司為例 Strategic Control of Investee Corporate Governance in Small and Medium-Sized Multinational Corporations-The Case Study on S Company in the Video Surveillance Industry |
Advisor: |
Tzong-chen Wu |
Committee: |
Ruey-huei Yeh 欒斌 Pin Luarn |
Degree: |
碩士 Master |
Department: |
管理學院 - 管理研究所 Graduate Institute of Management |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2010 |
Graduation Academic Year: | 98 |
Language: | 中文 |
Pages: | 81 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | 影像監控 、多國籍企業 、轉投資事業 、價值鏈 、多角化 、微笑曲線 |
Keywords (in other languages): | Multinational Corporation, Investee Corporate Governance, Video Surveillance, Value Chain, Diversification, Smiling Curve |
Reference times: | Clicks: 518 Downloads: 4 |
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台灣影像監控產業的佈局相當完整,產品製造無論是DVR或IP Camera皆位居全球首要地位。而近年來台灣影像監控產業面臨來自全球的競爭,企業該如何面對與因應全球化的趨勢,突破經營困境以發揮競爭優勢,乃是經營管理者首要之課題。且企業對海外公司之控管與監理常因國家地域與法令有所限制。首先要瞭解當地法令風情民俗,更重要的是要如何在營運策略上擁有競爭力,並不斷推進經營優勢進而持續發展,考驗著經營者的智慧。
The overall arrangement in the video surveillance industry of Taiwan is quite complete, and the product manufacture like DVR and IP camera is in the primary position of the global market. However, the video surveillance industry faces the pressures of the global competition in recent years. The first issue for managers is to handle and catch up with the trend of globalization and to break through the predicament of management, so as to develop a competitive edge. In addition, the investee corporate governance in overseas corporations is frequently limited by countries and local laws. The first challenge for managers is to understand local laws and folk customs. The more important thing in sustainable development, however, is how to have the competitiveness on operation strategies and the advantage on management.
This thesis is for the case on S company in security surveillance. S company owns not only ODM business, but also aggressively developing own branding and channel business for pursuing high profits and future growing. Also, S company is desirous to apply the vertical and diversified integration strategy and to move from the bottom of the smiling curve toward the top. This thesis offers the description and analysis for the security surveillance industry and uses S company as a blueprint to compare theoretical review with the empirical data though the secondary data and case study.
The conclusions of this thesis provide recommendations for small and medium-sized multinational corporations which have the issues with diversified investment and the investee corporate governance in similar situation.
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