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研究生: 許名弌
Ming-I Hsu
論文名稱: 我國資本結構決定因素之實證研究─以企業生命週期觀點探討
The Determinants of Capital Structure ─ A Perspective of Business Life Cycle
指導教授: 陳俊男
Chun-Nan Chen
口試委員: 謝劍平
Chien-Ping Shieh
Hsuan-Chu Lin
Yan-Ru Chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 財務金融研究所
Graduate Institute of Finance
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 94
中文關鍵詞: 資本結構企業生命週期電子產業非電子產業迴歸分析
外文關鍵詞: Capital Structure, Business Life Cycle, Non-Electronic Industry, Electronic Industry, Regression Analysis
相關次數: 點閱:430下載:11
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  •   資金對於企業的發展來說十分重要。根據其獲取途徑,主要可分成內部資金和外部資金,內部資金的來源為公司的保留盈餘;外部資金又可分為負債融資與權益融資,而由負債與權益組成的比例即為公司的資本結構,此比例不僅會影響企業價值之高低,甚至攸關企業的生存發展,是每間公司所必須重視的。因此基於資本結構之重要性,本研究旨在研究資本結構的影響因素,並參考Dickinson(2011)的生命週期劃分方法,將樣本劃分為初創期、成長期、成熟期、動蕩期,以及衰退期,以企業生命週期的角度加以分析2007年至2016年台灣上市上櫃公司的資本結構及其影響因子。而為了同時探究企業生命週期、產業,與各影響因素對於資本結構之相關性,研究過程主要以三個模型分別進行分析。

      Capital is important for companies to develop. It can be divided into internal capital and external capital. Besides, external capital can be divided into debt financing and equity financing. The ratio of debt and equity represents companies’ capital structure. This ratio will not only affect corporate value, but also be relevant to the development of company. Therefore, every company needs to put great emphasis on it. Based on the importance of capital structure, the article aimed to analyze determinants of capital structure for listed companies in Taiwan from 2007 to 2016. According to Dickinson’s research, this study used cash flow pattern to divide the sample into five stages. In order to consider business life cycle, industry factor, and other determinants simultaneously, the research contained three models.
    Based on the empirical results, the capital structure of companies in Taiwan have the characteristic of business life cycle. In terms of total debt ratio, the results showed that Introductory Stage > Growth Stage and Decline Stage > Maturity Stage and Shake-out Stage. In addition, we could find that industry factor was not significantly relevant to total debt ratio. However, liquidity ratio, NDTS, profitability, TIE, and dividend payout ratio will be affected by industry factor. Liquidity ratio, NDTS, profitability, R&D, and dividend payout ratio existed significantly negative correlation with total debt ratio. Size and tangible asset ratio existed significantly positive correlation with total debt ratio. The results of growth and TIE closed to significant level.
    This study also used long-term debt ratio for sensitivity analysis. The empirical results showed that in terms of empirical results for business life cycle, industry factor, liquidity ratio, profitability, size, tangible asset ratio and dividend payout ratio, there were nearly no difference between total debt ratio and long term debt ratio. However, total debt ratio and long term debt ratio had different empirical results for growth, NDTS, R&D, and TIE, which meant that total debt ratio and long-term debt ratio had different determinants of capital structure.

    摘 要........................................I ABSTRACT.....................................II 致 謝.......................................III 目 錄........................................IV 圖目錄.......................................VII 表目錄.......................................VIII 第壹章 緒論..................................1 第一節 研究動機與背景.........................1 第二節 研究目的..............................2 第三節 研究流程..............................3 第貳章 文獻探討..............................5 第一節 生命週期相關理論.......................5 一、企業生命週期理論概述.......................5 二、企業生命週期劃分標準.......................6 三、企業生命週期與融資之相關研究文獻............9 第二節 資本結構相關理論......................10 一、傳統學派理論.............................10 二、MM資本結構理論...........................11 三、米勒模式.................................12 四、靜態權衡理論.............................13 五、融資順位理論.............................14 第三節 資本結構的決定因素....................16 一、國外文獻整理.............................16 二、國內文獻整理.............................19 第參章 研究方法.............................23 第一節 研究範圍.............................23 一、研究對象與研究期間........................23 二、資料來源.................................23 第二節 變數描述.............................24 一、被解釋變數...............................24 二、企業生命週期劃分結果......................24 三、解釋變數.................................28 第三節 模型架構與研究假設....................32 一、複迴歸模型架構............................32 二、研究假設.................................33 第肆章 實證結果分析..........................38 第一節 敘述性分析............................38 第二節 相關性分析............................40 第三節 模型迴歸結果分析.......................42 一、原始複迴歸模型.............................42 二、含交叉項之複迴歸模型.......................45 三、變異數膨脹因子檢定.........................46 四、檢驗各生命週期之複迴歸模型..................49 第四節 敏感性分析.............................55 一、原始複迴歸模型.............................55 二、含交叉項之複迴歸模型........................58 三、變異數膨脹因子檢定..........................59 四、檢驗各生命週期之複迴歸模型...................61 第伍章 結論與建議..............................66 第一節 研究結論................................66 一、企業生命週期................................66 二、企業成長性..................................67 三、產業別......................................68 四、流動性......................................68 五、非負債稅盾..................................69 六、獲利能力....................................69 七、研究發展費用................................70 八、公司規模....................................70 九、有型資產比率.................................71 十、利息保障倍數.................................71 十一、股利政策...................................72 第二節 研究限制與未來研究建議....................74 一、研究限制與不足...............................74 二、未來研究建議.................................74 參考文獻 一、中文部分.....................................76 二、英文部分.....................................79

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