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研究生: 羅富奎
Andy Leonardo Lohanjaya
論文名稱: Comparison Between Ground Motion Selection and Ground Motion Scaling
Comparison Between Ground Motion Selection and Ground Motion Scaling
指導教授: 鄭敏元
Min-Yuan Cheng
口試委員: 陳沛清
Pei- Ching Chen
Fu- Pei Hsiao
Yuan- Tao Weng
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 營建工程系
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 112
中文關鍵詞: ground motionsground motions selectionresponse history analysisamplitude scalingspectrum matching
外文關鍵詞: ground motions, ground motions selection, response history analysis, amplitude scaling, spectrum matching
相關次數: 點閱:335下載:3
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The importance of ground motions selection is compared with ground motions scaling. A large number of response history analysis (RHA) of 2D lumped mass stick model with elastic perfectly plastic hysteresis model are conducted. Two bins of ground motions selection are made: first one with criteria of magnitude, site to source distance, and site soil condition; second bin with additional criteria of number of ground motions from single event and spectral shape based on ASCE 7-16. All of the ground motions from two bins then scaled using four scaling methods: Minimize error scaling, One period scaling, Multimode scaling, and Spectrum matching. RHA result of story drift and story displacement of lumped mass tick model of the unscaled and scaled ground motions from two bins are analyzed. The result shows that the second bin of ground resulting both mean error and deviation of story drift and displacement better than the first bin of ground motions. For low and midrise structure, spectrum matching is proven to give the best mean displacement estimation and smallest coefficient of variation (COV). For high rise structure, the second bin of unscaled ground motion produces the best error mean displacement, but the best COV produced by multimode scaling method. Overall, the scaled ground motions reduce the COV result, compared to the unscaled ground motions.


The importance of ground motions selection is compared with ground motions scaling. A large number of response history analysis (RHA) of 2D lumped mass stick model with elastic perfectly plastic hysteresis model are conducted. Two bins of ground motions selection are made: first one with criteria of magnitude, site to source distance, and site soil condition; second bin with additional criteria of number of ground motions from single event and spectral shape based on ASCE 7-16. All of the ground motions from two bins then scaled using four scaling methods: Minimize error scaling, One period scaling, Multimode scaling, and Spectrum matching. RHA result of story drift and story displacement of lumped mass tick model of the unscaled and scaled ground motions from two bins are analyzed. The result shows that the second bin of ground resulting both mean error and deviation of story drift and displacement better than the first bin of ground motions. For low and midrise structure, spectrum matching is proven to give the best mean displacement estimation and smallest coefficient of variation (COV). For high rise structure, the second bin of unscaled ground motion produces the best error mean displacement, but the best COV produced by multimode scaling method. Overall, the scaled ground motions reduce the COV result, compared to the unscaled ground motions.

TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT i ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ii TABLE OF CONTENTS iii LIST OF TABLES v LIST OF FIGURES vii NOTATIONS x CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1. Background 1 1.2. Research Objective 3 1.3. Thesis outline 3 CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 4 2.1. Disaggregation of Seismic Hazard 4 2.2. Pulse Characteristic of Ground Motion 7 2.3. Ground Motion Scaling Method 10 2.3.1. Ground Motion Amplitude Scaling 10 2.3.2. Ground Motion Amplitude Scaling Based on Single Period 16 2.3.3. Ground Motion-Spectrum Matching 18 2.4. Ground Motion Scaling Comparison 22 2.5. ASCE 7-16 Provisions 26 2.5.1. Ground Motion Selection 26 2.5.2. Period Range for Scaling 26 2.5.3. Amplitude Scaling 27 2.5.4. Spectrum Matching 27 2.6. FEMA P-1051 Recommendation 27 CHAPTER 3 RESEARCH METODOLOGY 30 3.1. Ground Motions Database 30 3.2. Target Spectrum 35 3.3. Ground Motions Selection 41 3.4. Ground Motions Scaling 43 3.5. Response History Analysis 44 CHAPTER 4 ANALYSIS AND RESULT 49 4.1. Response History Analysis Result 49 4.1.1. 1 Story Model 49 4.1.2. 5 Story Model 55 4.1.3. 10 Story Model 61 4.1.4. 20 Story Model 66 4.2. Summary of Response History Analysis Result 72 CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSION 77 5.1. Conclusion 77 REFERENCES 78 APPENDIX 82 A.1. SSE Value 82 A.2. Scaling Factor 84 A.3. Response Spectrum 93 A.4. Pulse Characteristics 95


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