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研究生: 陳韋廷
Wei-Ting Chen
論文名稱: 基於IEEE 802.15.4考量多重優先權之額外競爭存取機制應用於智慧電網研究
An Additional Contention Access Period (ACAP) Mechanism with Different Priorities for Smart Grid in IEEE 802.15.4 Home Area Network
指導教授: 黎碧煌
Bih-Hwang Lee
口試委員: 鍾添曜
Tein-Yaw Chung
Jiann-Liang Chen
Chwan-Chia Wu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 94
中文關鍵詞: 智慧電網IEEE 802.15.4CSMA/CA物聯網家庭區域網路
外文關鍵詞: smart grid, IEEE802.15.4, CSMA/CA, internet of thing, HAN
相關次數: 點閱:596下載:1
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大型電力基礎建設提供給民眾生活便利,但電力供應端為了改進電力效率來建立具智能式輸配電及監測客戶端在家中用電等功能,更進一步使電力網路智慧化,讓電力能源使用效率能加以改善,未來電力供應商將智慧電網(Smart Grid)視為近年來研究方向。為了滿足控制及監測家庭配電,無線感測網路(wireless sensor network; WSN) 在智慧電網中扮演缺一不可的角色。
複數個感測裝置能無線感測網路,此類網路中每裝置都具檢測或偵測到周遭環境變化功能且以無線傳輸來進行,而此類網路具在短距離內可傳輸、低功耗及支援大量感測裝置特性,而這些特點能滿足在家庭區域網路(home area network; HAN)下所具備基本條件。
在上述網路中,佈署智慧型電表能藉由雙向資訊來了解關於各家電耗電情況、控制訊號目前狀態及用電價目表,為了讓上述訊號快速地抵達客戶端,智慧電網標準中有嚴格地訂定特殊訊號具有特殊服務需求,在IEEE 802.15.4標準,不同種信號可接受最大網路延遲時間也有所差異, 假設信號無法在規範的網路延遲時間內傳輸至目的端,其會造成突發性人員的傷亡及個人財產損失。以標準而言,無明確規範各訊號的服務傳輸品質導致無符合於智慧電網環境中對傳輸品質需求。
本篇論文中將智慧電網概念結合於家庭區域網路模擬環境且分為資料及控制訊號兩種訊號,提出基於IEEE 802.15.4考量多重優先權之額外競爭存取機制應用於智慧電網。模擬結果顯示,ACAP機制與IEEE 802.15.4標準相比,可有效提升產能並降低訊框送到目的端延遲時間。

Large-scale power infrastructure can provide convenience for the people, but the objective of the power supply is to improve power efficiency to build intelligent power transmission and distribution and monitor the power consumption of the customer at home, further intelligentizing the power network can make the power efficiency be improved. The power suppliers will regard the Smart Grid as a research direction in recent years. To control and monitor home power distribution, wireless sensor network (WSN) plays an indispensable role in the smart grid.
A plurality of sensor devices can form wireless sensor network. Each device in this network can detect ambient environmental changes via wireless transmission. These networks are capable of transmission over short distances, low power consumption, and support for a wide range of sensor device that can meet the basic requirement in home area network (HAN).
In the above network, the smart meter can be used to understand the power consumption of each appliance, the current status of the control signal, and the electricity billing. In order to allow the above signals to reach the client quickly, the smart grid has strict requirements for particular services with special service requirements. In the IEEE 802.15.4 standard, the maximum network delay for different types of signals is also different. Assuming that the signal cannot be transmitted to the destination within the specified network delay, it can cause sudden casualties and personal property damage. In terms of standard, the quality of service transmission without clear specification of each signal leads to no compliance with the transmission quality requirements in the smart grid environment.
In this thesis, the concept of smart grid is integrated into HAN environment and divided into two types of data and control signals. An additional contention access period mechanism based on IEEE 802.15.4 considerations for multiple priorities is applied to the smart grid. The simulation results show that the ACAP can effectively increase the goodput and reduce the delay of the frame to the destination end compared with the IEEE 802.15.4 standard.

摘要 I Abstract I Acknowledgments IV Table of Contents V List of Symbols VIII List of Figures XI List of Tables XIV Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1Research Motivation 1 1.2 Organization of this thesis 6 Chapter 2 Background and Related Works 7 2.1 Overview of ZigBee/IEEE 802.15.4 7 2.1.1 Device Category 8 2.1.2 Network Topology 9 2.1.3 Superframe Structure 10 2.1.4 Data Transfer Model 12 2.1.5 Introduction of PHY Layer 17 2.1.6 Introduction of MAC Sublayer 20 2.1.7 CSMA/CA mechanism 21 2.1.8 GTS allocation 23 2.1.9 Frame Format 26 2.2 Overview of Smart Grid 34 2.2.1 Advanced metering infrastructure 35 2.3 Related works 38 2.3.1 Quality of service 38 2.3.2 Parameter adjustment method 39 2.3.3 Modify the superframe structure 39 2.3.4 GTS allocation method 40 Chapter 3 ACAP mechanism 41 3.1 Proposed Method 41 3.2 Modify CSMA/CA parameters setting 42 3.3 GTS allocation mechanism 45 3.3.1 The modification of GTS related frame format 45 3.3.2 The timing for opportunity of the use of GTS 48 3.3.3 The segmentation of GTS mechanism 48 3.4 ACAP mechanism 50 3.4.1 The function of ACAP 50 3.4.2 ACAP algorithm 51 3.5 The flowchart of coordinator 53 3.6 The flowchart of the device 55 Chapter 4 System simulation and analysis 57 4.1 Simulation scenario and parameter settings 57 4.2 Performance Evaluation 62 4.2.1 Goodput 62 4.2.2 Delay 63 4.2.3 Average frame drop ratio 63 4.3 Analysis of results 64 4.3.1 Analysis and comparison of goodput 64 4.3.2 Analysis and comparison of average delay 67 4.3.3 Analysis and comparison of average frame drop ratio 70 4.3.4 Analysis and comparison of average frame success ratio 73 Chapter 5 Conclusions and future works77 References 79

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