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Author: 陳昱新
Yu-hsing Chen
Thesis Title: ezBusiness - 一個創新的移動式e化商業架構
ezBusiness - A Novel Mobile e-Business Architecture
Advisor: 羅乃維
Nai-Wei Lo
Committee: 賴源正
Yuan-Cheng Lai
Yung-Ho Lu
Degree: 碩士
Department: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
Thesis Publication Year: 2005
Graduation Academic Year: 93
Language: 英文
Pages: 64
Keywords (in Chinese): 點對點無線隨意網路行動商務
Keywords (in other languages): ad hoc networrk
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  • 隨著行動設備與行動計算的日益成熟,許多創新的應用將在無線世界中萌發。在這些不同且多樣化的應用中,行動商務將成為一具淺力的發展目標,本研究所提出的ezBusiness,將以無線隨意網路(Wireless Ad Hoc Network)為基礎,發展出一個移動式e化商業架構。
    ezBusiness基於無線隨意網路點對點通訊,在這種特徵之下所形成的wireless ad hoc network範圍中,開發者可以方便且隨意的佈屬應用程式並提供服務給使用者。本研究整合了近來在ad hoc network與傳統有線上的一些peer-to-peer平台技術,並指出目前一般手機行動商務的缺點,提出一個在ad hoc network上可行的行動商務應用架構,另外也針對peer-to-peer特性,發展一個可靠的廣告機制做為商業行銷策略。
    針對本論文所提出的原件架構,我們實作並驗證了部份的應用,過程包含使用者在ad hoc network中搜尋可用的服務並進入服務站點中使用所提供的功能及服務提供者如何透過ezBusiness的廣告機制更廣泛的宣傳其所擁有的服務給其它ezBusiness的用戶達到充份利用ad hoc network環境特性使其在無線行動商務中獲得更多的應用價值。

    The upcoming mobile and ubiquitous computing world will need new forms of information sharing and services collaboration between mobile devices to support mobile commerce applications. In this thesis we present ezBusiness, a application architecture, for mobile e-business in hybrid network environment with ad-hoc wireless network (MANET), wireless network (with base stations) and fixed network.
    ezBusiness architecture relies on wireless peer-to-peer communication model to deploy mobile business services. Six major building blocks of the ezBusiness architecture are identified and the responsibility of each of them is addressed. In order to demonstrate the validation of proposed ezBusiness architecture, we build a mobile commerce services application called ezShop. ezShop contains several building blocks of ezBusiness to perform a particular advertisement promotion mobile service for store vendors among wireless device holders in an reasonable moving area with mutual one-hop radio reachable distance.

    List of Figures6 Chapter 1 Introduction8 1.1 Background8 1.2 Motivation9 1.3 Outline10 Chapter 2 Related Works11 2.1 Ad Hoc Network11 2.2 Ad Hoc Application14 2.3 Wireless Sensor Network14 2.4 Overview of Wired and Wireless P2P Systems16 2.5 Challenges of Mobile Peer-to-Peer Computing30 2.6 Summary31 Chapter 3 ezBusiness Application Architecture32 3.1 The m-Commerce Framework32 3.2 Mobile Commerce Components for Ad Hoc Network36 3.3 ezBusiness Architecture37 Chapter 4 Case Study – ezShop42 4.1 Peer-to-Peer Advertising42 4.2 XML Data Format and SOAP Message Delivery46 4.3 Data Structure and Information Modeling50 4.4 Information Dissemination Agent51 4.5 Advertising for Bonus52 4.6 Prototype Demonstration54 Chapter 5 Conclusion58 References59

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