研究生: |
林順得 Shunn-der Lin |
論文名稱: |
主題地圖應用於工程管理領域的規劃研究-以施工管理為例 A Planning Study Of Applying Topic Maps on Engineering Management Domain-Construction Management |
指導教授: |
Chao-Chi Chan |
口試委員: |
Chao Ou-Yang 黃世禎 Sun-jen Huang |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
工程學院 - 機械工程系 Department of Mechanical Engineering |
論文出版年: | 2006 |
畢業學年度: | 94 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 136 |
中文關鍵詞: | 工程管理 、主題地圖 、本體論 、XTM |
外文關鍵詞: | ontology, XTM, Engineering management, Topic map |
相關次數: | 點閱:491 下載:2 |
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查詢本校圖書館目錄 查詢臺灣博碩士論文知識加值系統 勘誤回報 |
本研究利用史丹福大學開發之「Protégé」知識管理分析軟體搭配Techquila公司之外掛TMTab 主題地圖編輯軟體,進行工程管理系統主題之分析規劃及本體論主題地圖架構與檔案之建立,再利用主題地圖知識表達工具Omnigator將相關文件經過主題分類,協助工程相關人員以導引及視覺化方式了解工程領域相關知識及文件。
The domain knowledge applied in a new engineering project is quite extensive. The execution quality and management of the engineering would give significant effects to the success of the whole project plan. Under the professional disciplines,the knowlege workers in every relevant organ's units produce indepentently diverse ocuements to meet the project management needs. In fact, all of these docuements are interelated with others in different departments. Most of critical points revealed in these project exection are aimed at the control effectivity, project progress, quality,the state of execution. Poor qualities of the communication channels and weak connections between porject files among working partners may turn in the undertaker's burden and task faults. Enabling work together efficitively in mangagement of the engineering documents and tasks connectivities beomes the important subjects.
This research work is inspired by the success stories built on the Stanford's Protege project and TMtab plugin toolkits, a great Ontology framework to construct shareable knowledge skelton. Topic maps(TM), represented by ISO/IEC 13250:1999(and 2002) standard, describe what an information set is about, by formally declaring topics and associations, and by linking the relevant parts of the information set to the appropriate topics. Topic Maps can help organize and retrieve online information in a way that it can be mastered by information owners and information users. Our work make carefully a TAO (Topic-Association-Occurrenc) model to simulate most of the project management ativities, including document classifications and man-and-task relationships.
Finally, a XTM-based website built under OKS(Ontopia Knowledge Suite), an ontology-driven editor environment,is presented in visual way to demostrate the power of topic-maps applied to engineering management domain.
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