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研究生: 楊博翔
Bo-Siang Yang
論文名稱: 雙線性遲滯系統之雙頻外力反應特性研究
Dynamic responses of hysteretic systems under two-frequency excitations
指導教授: 黃慶東
Ching-Tung Huang
口試委員: 鄭蘩
Van Jeng
Rwey-Hua Cherng
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 營建工程系
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering
論文出版年: 2009
畢業學年度: 97
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 117
中文關鍵詞: 雙線性遲滯系統雙頻拍頻
外文關鍵詞: beating, two frequencies, bilinear hysteretic systems
相關次數: 點閱:188下載:0
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本研究係考慮雙線性遲滯系統於雙頻外力作用下,探討其因外力頻率比n的改變所產生的振幅反應特性。分析結果顯示系統反應隨著n由1開始遞增,可出現截然不同之反應特徵;在n小於1.1時,系統出現顯著之拍頻現象,而當n接近偶數時,則以顯性之振態疊加呈獻。為進一步釐清此一反應差異所引發之工程意涵,本文定義一反應振幅係數 以觀察系統在穩態反應下之振幅強弱,研究亦推導線性狀態下之 解析解,用以比較非線性計算出之 值。比較結果發現 值具顯著之雙峰現象,直接呼應外力之雙頻特色,遲滯迴圈之非線性特質產生不同程度之勁度軟化效應,而導致雙峰偏移與 值大小之調整。

Dynamic responses of bi-linear hysteretic systems under two-frequency excitations characterized by a frequency ratio, n, are studied in this thesis. The analytical results show markedly different response characteristics as the excitation parameter n increases from unity. The classical beat phenomenon can be found for most cases with an n smaller than 1.1. On the other hand, a two-mode superposition in displacement is obvious when n is closer to an even number. To further explore its engineering implication, the indicated response features are compared based on a steady-state amplitude parameter referring to the Response Amplitude Factor, . An analytical expression of the parameter is first derived for the linear system and is then compared with numerical solutions evaluated for the nonlinear systems. The spectra demonstrate a two-peak response feature that conforms to the external excitation frequencies. The effects of stiffness softening are also clear as evidenced by a left-switch trend in the response peaks as the degree of nonlinearity increases. However, the variation in the peak magnitude is difficult to quantify

第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究動機與目的 1 1.2 文獻回顧 2 1.3 研究方法與內容 3 第二章 雙線性雙頻系統介紹 5 2.1 前言 5 2.2 系統反應的特徵簡介 6 2.2.1 雙線性系統(Bi-linear system) 6 2.2.2 拍頻現象(Beat Phenomenon) 7 2.2.3 共振現象(Resonance Phenomenon) 8 2.2.4 拍頻和共振現象之差異 8 2.3 雙線性遲滯系統受雙週期性外力作用下之運動方程式 10 2.3.1 系統敘述與特性反應 10 2.3.2 此系統拍頻現象之敘述 11 2.3.3 顯性振態疊加 14 2.3.4 此系統之線性與非線性下和拍頻方程式關係 14 第三章 雙線性遲滯系統於雙頻外力反應之特性 16 3.1 前言 16 3.2 系統敘述與特性反應 16 3.3 線性與非線性系統之反應特性探討 18 3.3.1 線性系統情況探討 18 3.3.2 非線性系統情況探討 21 3.3.3 小節 25 3.4 線性系統和非線性系統之2D圖形情況共同探討 28 3.5 線性系統和非線性系統之3D立體圖形探討 29 3.6 檢核非線性圖形是否正確 31 第四章 結論與建議 32 參考文獻 34

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