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研究生: 江建平
Jian-ping Jiang
論文名稱: 服務傳達過程的不確定性對服務品質及顧客滿意度影響因素之個案研究---以室內設計業為例
The influence factors of uncertain information transmission on service quality & customers’ satisfaction in the interior design service industry.
指導教授: 廖文志
Wen-Chih Liao
口試委員: 吳克振
Ke-zhen Wu
Xiu-tian Zhuang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 企業管理系
Department of Business Administration
論文出版年: 2009
畢業學年度: 97
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 124
中文關鍵詞: 室內設計服務品質顧客滿意度不確定性
外文關鍵詞: Interior design, Service quality, Customer satisfaction, Uncertainty
相關次數: 點閱:662下載:15
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本研究以室內設計案中之統包模式為研究範疇,同時參考室內設計專案管理流程,整理出與業主主要相關互動參與過程的,需求溝通、初步設計、細部設計、施工管理、驗收保固等五個階段,根據Parasuraman, Zeithaml and Barry提出之服務品質缺口模式作為本研究之架構,藉由個案分析及深度訪談結果反覆修正研究架構與五個關鍵的缺口,以進行室內設計業服務品質與顧客滿意之研究分析,作為衡量服務品質之不確定因素,試圖建構室內設計服務傳遞之不確定與服務品質、顧客滿意的關係架構,進而探討三者之間的影響因素。

The influence factors of uncertain information transmission on service quality & customers’ satisfaction in the interior design service industry.
It has long been aware that the final decoration work is the product delivered to the end users in the interior design industry. Thus, the operation of interior design is recognized as the work completed. The service quality is always an important subject in the service industry. The goal of service industry is to satisfy the customer requirements, to create its value and to establish its excellent and vertical quality reputation from the markets, its character is even more apparent in the design service industry. However, the service character of interior design is different with the visible products from manufacturing. Especially, it is hard to identify its quality. The intangible service of interior design is more subjective and complicated than the visible service of product design, even much harder to recognize its distinct. To run business of interior design, it is tough for the owner to manage its service quality. Usually, the sensibility is good or no good will only be acknowledged when the final concrete environment has been displayed. Thus, positive or negative words to the final work will deeply affect the company image, even impact the company survival. It is so-called words of mouth from the market. The client can feel its service quality during the designing process; he will identify it only when the final achievement has received. The interior designer should carefully study to lower down the uncertainty in the information transmission to minimize the recognition gap, and expect to get a positive satisfaction from the client to acquire his higher loyalty. So, the positive reputation from the market has been accumulated. It is regarded as a key factor.
The study is to research the integrated bids of interior design; simultaneously, it has also referred to the project management flow of interior design. The five stages have been defined when the interaction was undergoing by the participation of the client: the communication of requirement, initial design, detail design, construction management, inspection and warranty. Based on the theory of service quality gap from Parasuraman, Zeithaml and Barry, their concept has been adopted as the skeleton of the study. The five key gaps have been applied into the study; its structure has continuously been modified through the cases study and the results of deep interviews. To analyze service quality and customer satisfaction of interior design, as the evaluation of its uncertainty in service quality. Trying to set the structure among uncertainty transmission, service quality, customer satisfaction, their relationship need to be further studied.
The study focuses on service character of interior design, we finally know the customer satisfaction which consists of two frameworks: one is horizontal satisfaction to the finished artworks, another is the client has established his recognition to quality satisfaction by the process of communication and transmission, the uncertainty transmission in the industry of interior design was mainly originated from the dissymmetric information by different professional background. Lots of variables are generated in the process of transmission. They are the factors to impact the quality acceptance and customer satisfaction. The study is to follow the project interaction flow orderly. To seek the key factor, which might create service quality gap, it influenced the connection between service quality and the satisfaction by different phases. During the service enforcement, the designer offers his service content to the client; the recognition gap has been showed by the interaction. The perception to the service quality from the client, it will develop to the customer satisfaction sequentially by different phases. The general satisfaction has finally generated after the client used the function of self- feedback. The judgment of reputation to the designer will be formed by the client. Therefore, the good service of interior design required a professional operation and good communication to be interactively transmitted. Moreover, the reasonable recognition and respond from the client will naturally shape a good cycle. Thus, it will lead to a positive service reputation.

第壹章緒論1 第一節研究背景1 第二節研究目的2 第三節研究步驟與流程3 第四節研究範圍與限制6 第貳章文獻探討10 第一節室內設計10 第二節服務品質14 第三節顧客滿意度20 第四節不確定性24 第五節文獻探討總結28 第參章研究架構、方法與歷程30 第一節研究架構30 第二節研究方法32 第三節研究歷程36 第肆章研究結果39 第一節訪談結果39 第二節設計服務滿意度實証65 第伍章結論與建議70 第一節研究結論70 第二節研究建議72 參考文獻74 附錄一、 訪談紀錄81 附錄二、本業從業人員開放性意見試調查120

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