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Author: 吳明正
Min-cheng Wu
Thesis Title: 創造共享價值經營策略之研究—以中國大潤發為個案研究對象
A study of Creating Shared Values Business Strategy-Case of RT Mart China
Advisor: 梁瓊如
Chiung-ju Liang
Committee: 紀佳芬
Chia-fen Chi
Kung-jeng Wang
Degree: 碩士
Department: 管理學院 - 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
Thesis Publication Year: 2012
Graduation Academic Year: 100
Language: 中文
Pages: 92
Keywords (in Chinese): 商用地產開發核心能力創新地圖創造共享價值大潤發
Keywords (in other languages): Commercial real estate development, Core Competencies, Innovation Map, Creating Shared Values, RT-Mart
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  • 對許多躍躍欲試將進入新興市場的企業而言,在新市場或許不太能夠完全移植母公司原有的優勢進行本業的擴散,特別是當自身的新領域是別人的核心事業時,發展的過程更需創新因子的協助,並且要能確切掌握自身有限的資源與優勢,補足所欠缺的條件,以在最短的時間內向母國交出漂亮的成績單。

    For many enterprises that are eager to enter emerging markets, it is unlikely to transplant the original advantages from its parent company into new markets to expand core business. Especially when the new field is the core business of others, the assistance of innovation factors is even more required during one’s development process. To be able to generate a quick positive result, an enterprise will have to utilize its resources and core competencies to an extent that can compensate all its short falls when competing with industry conglomates.

    China, a corporate arena, was once the factory of the world gradually transformed into the market of the world, attracted numerous large foreign investors continuously invested in the past decade. Taiwanese companies, whom have the advantage speaking same language, also participate in this world-class competition. With the took off in economic development after the reform and opening up, all retailers selling daily necessities grow strongly with the booming economy

    Sun Art retail, listed in Hong Kong in August 2011, is composed by Shanghai RT-Mart and Auchan. RT mart wins champions at both catagories of total revenues and individual outlets earnings. International commercial retail giant Wal-Mart, and the market early player, the French representative Carrefour, although have wrangled and competed with the RT-Mart for many years, they are now far behind this rising star. Reading through this paper, it is expected to get a view exploring RT mart’s differences from its competitors, and also identify its critical success factors by analyzing RT mart’s business model and tracking its growth path from the perspectives of core competencies and innovation map.

    In this research, it firstly introduces the environment and development of Chinese retail industry. Then it looks into Taiwanese RT mart’s position to take all its core competancies as axis and see its responsive business strategies and operation model as weft. And it further investigates RT mart’s value chains and management strategies by case- study method. The research discovered that RT-Mart which holds the basis of the commercial land development capabilities, has advantages of site selection and low initial store set up cost in the process of market expansion. With a combination of commercial real estate and retail management capabilities, RT mart also has flexibility adopting both centralization and decentralization management when executing localization strategies. Moreover, RT mart’s benefit-sharing principles out of creating shared values upon consumers, suppliers and employees, coupled with its detail- oriented implementation, these factores all contribute to pave its way to hypermart champion.

    With the analysis including core strengths conversion, business model under innovation map and creating shared-values strategies, it is expected that this research may be a reference for enterprises when entering new markets to conduct a rapid expansion and find its path to success.

    摘 要....................................................................I Abstract.................................................................II 誌 謝.....................................................................III 目 錄.....................................................................IV 圖 目 錄..................................................................VI 表 目 錄..................................................................VIII 第一章 緒論.................................................................1 1.1 研究動機與目的..........................................................1 1.2 研究範圍與方法..........................................................2 1.3 研究流程與架構..........................................................3 第二章 文獻探討..............................................................4 2.1核心能力............................................................. ..4 2.2複製核心價值-穩健向外擴....................................................8 2.3另闢成長蹊徑.............................................................9 2.4價值創新................................................................11 2.5價值創新開創市場.........................................................18 2.6創新地圖................................................................19 2.7創造共享價值.............................................................23 第三章 中國零售大型超市產業分..................................................32 3.1 中國零售大型超市通路產業簡.................................................32 3.2 中國零售大型超市通路業者發展趨..............................................36 第四章 個案研究...............................................................47 4.1個案企業簡介-大潤發.......................................................47 4.2核心能力分析─商用地產開發及物業管理...........................................50 4.3商業模式分析─大潤發創新地圖..................................................62 4.4創造共享價值於大潤發的落實...................................................79 第五章 結論與建議..............................................................86 5.1 研究結論.................................................................86 5.2 研究建議.................................................................88 參考文獻......................................................................90

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