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研究生: 張文峰
Wen-Fung Chang
論文名稱: 結構鋼索在鹽分氣氛的腐蝕與磨耗行為對強度衰退之影響
The Effect of Corrosion in the Salt Atmosphere and Wear Behavior on the Strength Reduction
指導教授: 林原慶
Yuan-Ching Lin
口試委員: 卓育賢
Yu-Hsien Cho
Sen-Lin Lu
Yu-Hsuan Su
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 機械工程系
Department of Mechanical Engineering
論文出版年: 2011
畢業學年度: 99
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 129
中文關鍵詞: 鹽霧磨耗強度衰退氯化鈉
外文關鍵詞: Salt spray, Wear, Strength reduction, NaCl
相關次數: 點閱:276下載:2
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This thesis is focused on the corrosion strength of wire ropes after smearing on different lubricants in different salt concentration atmosphere. Also, effects of protective lubricants on wires passing through pulleys and the strength decay phenomena are discussed.
Electrochemical potentiodynamic polarization curve shows that for non-lubricated wires of 3.5% NaCl, the corrosion current (Icorr) was higher with a lower corrosion potential (Ecorr) than 5% NaCl.
The salt-spraying test results reveal that in 3.5% and 5%NaCl, the surfaces of non-lubricated wires and wires with85W/140 gear oil cause more serious corrosion by increasing test days. Non-uniformity of the smearing lubricants causes strength slower reduction by increasing test days. Moreover, surfaces with wire rope oil have the best protective ability.
The tensile test results show that in 3.5% and 5%NaCl, the strength rapidly decline with increasing test days for non-lubricated wires and wires with 85W/140 gear oil. In addition, the oxygen and chlorine elements are found on the fracture surface on the fifth and the ninth days. However, elongation is decreased for ductility decrease with increasing test days. For lubricated wires without uniform smearing cause the strength decrease with increasing test days. Moreover, wires with wire rope oil have the best strength.
Under different load conditions, the results show that under the load of 2kg, non-lubricated wires and wires with 85W/140 gear oil have more serious decay on ultimate tensile strength (UTS), and it is not happened for wires with wire rope oil and grease. Under the load of 6kg, except wires with wire rope oil, there is no existing boundary layer between contact surfaces, and which causes UTS to decrease. Under different sliding distance conditions, at the sliding distance of 4.5km, non-lubricated wires and wires with 85W/140 gear oil have more serious decay on UTS, and wires with wire rope oil and grease do not have significant decay on UTS. At the sliding distance of 13.5km, except wires with wire rope oil, there is no existing boundary layer between contact surfaces, and which causes UTS to decrease.

摘要 IV ABSTRACT VI 致謝 VIII 表目錄 IV 圖目錄 V 第一章 前言 1 1.1緒論 1 1.2研究動機 4 第二章 文獻回顧 5 2.1 腐蝕及電化學反應 5 2.1.1腐蝕定義 5 2.1.2腐蝕形態 5 伽凡尼腐蝕(galvanic corrosion) 6 均勻腐蝕(uniform corrosion) 6 間隙腐蝕(crevice corrosion) 6 孔蝕(pitting corrosion) 7 晶界腐蝕(intergranular corrosion) 7 沖蝕(erosion corrosion) 7選擇性腐蝕(selective leaching) 8應力腐蝕(stress erosion) 8 2.1.3電化學反應 8 2.1.4電化學極化現象[11,15] 9 2.1.5 氯化物及氧含量對腐蝕的影響 11 2.2磨耗機制 12 2.2.1黏著磨耗(initial adhesion) 13 2.2.2刮磨磨耗(abrasive wear) 14 2.2.3氧化磨耗 (oxidative Wear) 15 2.2.4剝層磨耗(delamination wear) 18 2.3潤滑劑對磨耗之影響 19 2.3.1半固體潤滑劑(Semi-solid lubricant) 19 2.3.2液體潤滑劑(liquid lubricant) 20 2.4 潤滑模式 21 第三章 實驗方法 23 3.1 實驗流程 23 3.2 磨耗試驗 24 3.2.1實驗設備 24 3.2.2試片前處理 24 3.3大氣腐蝕鹽霧實驗 24 3.3.1實驗設備 24 3.3.2試片前處理 25 3.4拉伸試驗 25 3.5電化學腐蝕試驗 25 3.6實驗分析 25 3.6.1金相組織觀察 25 3.6.2膜厚量測 26 3.6.3掃描式電子顯微鏡與EDS分析儀 26 3.6.4 XRD定性分析 26 第四章 結果與討論 27 4.1金相組織觀察 27 4.2 電化學動態極化曲線量測 27 4.2.1不同濃度對腐蝕速率影響 27 4.3大氣腐蝕模擬試驗 28 4.3.1大氣腐蝕噴霧的試件觀察分析 28 4.3.2腐蝕造成橫截面損失的結果 29 4.3.3拉伸強度分析 30塗覆不同油品在3.5%NaCl對強度之影響 30塗覆不同油品在5%NaCl水溶液中對強度之影響 35不同氯化鈉濃度的鹽霧試驗對腐蝕速率之影響 39拉伸試驗破斷顯微觀察 41 4.4 塗覆不同油品的鋼線之磨耗形貌與強度衰減分析 48 4.4.1不同荷重下塗覆不同油品之磨耗表面分析 48乾摩擦鋼線之磨耗表面分析 48塗覆85W/140齒輪油鋼線之磨耗表面分析 50塗覆潤滑脂鋼線之磨耗表面分析 51塗覆鋼索油鋼線之磨耗表面分析 52 4.4.2不同滑動距離塗覆不同油品之鋼線磨耗表面分析 53乾摩擦鋼線之磨耗表面分析 53塗覆85W/140齒輪油鋼線之磨耗表面分析 54塗覆潤滑脂鋼線之磨耗表面分析 55塗覆鋼索油鋼線之磨耗表面分析 56 4.4.3塗覆不同油品鋼線磨耗後強度衰退分析 57 不同荷重對塗覆不同油品鋼線強度衰退的影響 57不同滑動距離對塗覆不同油品鋼線強度衰退的影響 60 第五章 結論與建議 63 5.1結論 63 5.2建議 65 參考文獻 66

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