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研究生: 謝清鄰
論文名稱: 支援藍牙OBEX傳輸協定之嵌入式系統設計與實作
Embedded system design and implementation that Supports Bluetooth OBEX protocol
指導教授: 邱炳樟
Bin-Chang Chieu
口試委員: 柳宗禹
Tzong-Yeu Leou
W.-H. Fang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電子工程系
Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering
論文出版年: 2011
畢業學年度: 99
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 85
中文關鍵詞: 嵌入式系統Qt4LinuxARM11S3C6410
外文關鍵詞: Embedded system, Qt4, Linux, ARM11, S3C6410
相關次數: 點閱:373下載:0
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在嵌入式平台方面,選擇以Samsung S3C6410為CPU的ARM11架構的開發板。利用開發板上的USB界面和GPIO接腳來擴充系統功能。在軟體作業系統方面,藉由使用Linux、C/C++語言以及Qt4所提供的library來實現圖形化、視覺化的操作界面。此外移植USB藍牙裝置、USB攝影機、TV-Out,以及設計紅外線接受等驅動程式到開發平台上,使得系統可以提供多種功能與其他可能的應用。

Computers and mobile phones are almost a part of our life. New computer products are promoted constantly, high performance and low power consumption become main stream. Bluetooth device and camera are almost the standard accessories of mobile phone in recent years. With computer and mobile phone in our daily life not only improve the communication between human and human but also provide the functionality of music listening and entertainment. Additionally It can record every moment of living time by using camera,It is also possible to transmit image or music files to families or friends for sharing.
As we know that populations are aging faster due to the fertility rate reduced in Taiwan, the advanced age society is on the corner. The too small screen size of mobile phone and too complicated usage of computer are not suitable to the advanced age persons. They are also not willing to learn for these reasons. Hence this thesis discuss on how to create a system that combines a TV set in home and an embedded platform. Using the visual and graphic user interface, one can use infrared remote controller to choice functionality that the system provided.
In regard to the embedded platform, we choice the platform includes the Samsung S3C6410 CPU that is ARM11 architecture. With the Linux operation system, C/C++ language and the libraries of Qt4 we can implement the visual and graphic user interface. Additionally, the porting of several device drivers such as USB bluetooth device, camera, Infrared receiver and TV-Out can help the system to provide multiple functionality and possibly application.

摘 要 II ABSTRACT III 誌 謝 IV 第一章序論 1 1.1研究動機 1 1.2目標功能 2 1.3論文架構 3 第二章嵌入式開發平臺介紹 4 2.1Idea6410平臺介紹 4 2.2嵌入式平臺CPU介紹 5 2.2.1ARM1176JZF-S之介紹 5 2.2.2AMBA協定概述 6 2.2.3S3C6410之特色 6 2.3外部擴接硬體 7 2.3.1Infrared接收器 7 2.3.2USB攝影機 8 2.3.3USB藍牙裝置 8 2.4主機作業系統與工具 9 2.4.1主機作業系統 9 2.4.2交差編譯器與工具 9 2.4.3設定環境變數 11 2.4.4DNW工具程式 11 第三章嵌入式LINUX系統介紹 12 3.1開機載入程式 12 3.2核心 12 3.2.1行程管理 13 3.2.2記憶體管理 13 3.2.3檔案系統 14 3.2.4裝置控制 14 3.2.5網路作業 14 3.3根檔案系統 15 3.3.1cramfs檔案系統 15 3.3.2JFFS2檔案系統 15 3.4驅動程式 16 3.4.1載入裝置 16 3.4.2註冊裝置 16 3.4.3卸載裝置 17 3.5Busybox 17 第四章相關開發技術介紹 18 4.1USB架構介紹 18 4.1.1主機控制器 18 4.1.2匯流排速度 19 4.1.3傳輸模式 19 4.1.4定址 20 4.2藍牙架構介紹 20 4.2.1Bluetooth Radio 21 4.2.2Baseband 22 4.2.3LMP 22 4.2.4L2CAP 23 4.2.5SDP 23 4.2.6RFCOMM 24 4.2.7HCI 24 4.2.8OBEX Push 24 4.3Infrared介紹 25 4.4Video For Linux及Video For Linux 2 25 4.5Framebuffer 26 4.6Qt4應用程式設計 26 4.6.1Qt Creator 26 4.6.2安裝Qt-SDK 27 4.6.3Qt Hello專案 27 4.7Mplayer 31 4.8TV-Out 31 4.8.1TV Scaler 31 4.8.2TV Encoder 32 第五章 系統設計與實作 34 5.1U-boot 34 5.2Linux Kernel 34 5.3File system 35 5.4DNW燒錄 NAND Flash 35 5.4.1安裝USB driver 36 5.4.2燒寫U-boot 39 5.4.3燒寫Kernel 41 5.4.4燒寫Root file system 44 5.5驅動程式移植設計 46 5.5.1Infrared接收 46 5.5.2TV-Out驅動程式 47 5.5.3USB攝影機 48 5.5.4USB藍牙 49 5.6應用程式移植、設計 50 5.6.1影像擷取與顯示 50 5.6.2BlueZ移植 51 5.6.3藍牙OBEX檔案傳輸 53 5.6.4Mplayer 及相關Library移植 56 5.6.5Qt GUI程式設計 57 5.6.6Qt應用程式移植 59 第六章 成果展示 61 6.1 Qt4 Hello和mygui應用程式 61 6.2Infrared 接收器 62 6.3移植Qt4 mygui應用程式 63 6.4撥放圖片 64 6.5撥放視訊影片 66 6.6撥放音樂 67 6.7藍牙OBEX檔案傳輸 68 6.8USB攝影機擷取影像 69 第七章結論與未來研究 70 參考文獻 72 作者簡介 73

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全文公開日期 2016/06/29 (國家圖書館:臺灣博碩士論文系統)