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研究生: 陳勇成
Yong-cheng Chen
論文名稱: 具竄改偵測與回復之影像浮水印技術
An Image Watermarking Technique with Tamper Detection and Recovery
指導教授: 郭景明
Jing-Ming Guo
口試委員: 丁建均
Jian-Jiun Ding
Shanq-Jang Ruan
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2008
畢業學年度: 96
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 80
中文關鍵詞: 浮水印離散餘弦轉換竄改偵測竄改還原
外文關鍵詞: Watermark, Discrete Cosine Transform, Tamper detection, Tamper restoration
相關次數: 點閱:388下載:2
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As the science and technology develop constantly in recent years, many related new theories and algorithms have been proposed in the digital image processing technique. It raises more and more attention in the development of the digital image. To meet the demand of technical development, the technique of image processing appears important.
Recently, the Internet grows rapidly. Digital multimedia information can easily be manipulated and tampered intentionally. So the intellectual property protection becomes more and more important. On the current development, there are many research proposed for watermarking, such as robust watermarking, fragile watermarking, semi-fragile watermarking, and tamper detection with recovery technique. The current image authentication researches are mostly extract watermarking or tamper detection and recovery, few of them are focusing on both of these two techniques. However, one of these techniques could not complete protect the image. Due to this reason, we propose a novel technique, not only can detect but also recover the tampering region. Embedding a digital watermark as authentication and also resists some basic attacks.
In this thesis, an image watermarking scheme with tamper detection and recovery is proposed. The main goal is to detect and recover the tampered region accurately. In addition, the proposed method is robust to against the cropping attack.
Embedding the suitable watermark in images can effectively prevent the malicious tampering to protect the primitive and integrity of the image. This can also provide the multi-purpose security service, the characteristics are as follows:

a) Undetectable:
The transparency of the embedded watermark in human vision is the most important issue. By embedding watermark, the “artifact” not only ill-flavored, but also possibly reduce or destroy the evaluation of the transcribed information. Therefore, how to design the embedding watermark method by utilizing the human visual system under the just noticeable threshold become extremely important, which cannot be detectable after watermark embedding.

b) Fragile for malicious alteration:
Any attempts to tamper data should be detected. After malicious attacks, the embedded watermark should become unable to detect, once the watermark is undetectable in the image, we may infer that the data are possibly revised.

c) Tamper regions restriction:
It can identify the tamper region, and confirm the other regions of the data that are not altered.

d) Recovery of the original image:
It can provide rough restoration for tampered data to identify the original data content.

As documented in the simulation results, the proposed method is robust to against attacks and is able to detect tampering. Moreover, the recovery ability is one of the feature of the propose method.

中文摘要....................................................i 英文摘要..................................................iii 誌謝........................................................v 目錄.......................................................vi 圖表索引.................................................viii 第一章 緒論.................................................1 1.1 背景說明與動機..........................................1 1.2 研究目的................................................2 1.3 內容大綱................................................2 第二章 浮水印技術之相關文獻探討.............................4 2.1 前言....................................................4 2.1.1 數位浮水印的目的......................................4 2.1.2 數位浮水印的特性......................................4 2.1.3 數位浮水印的能力......................................6 2.1.4 數位影像浮水印的隱藏區域及相關文獻....................6 2.2 浮水印相關攻擊..........................................9 2.3 影像還原................................................9 2.3.1 影像還原的目的.......................................10 2.3.2 影像竄改與還原的方法.................................10 2.4 數位浮水印的用途.......................................11 2.5 浮水印的認證方式.......................................12 2.5.1 統計方法.............................................12 2.5.2 像訊號雜訊比.........................................13 2.5.3 浮水印正確的解碼率...................................13 第三章 數位半色調技術......................................14 3.1 前言...................................................14 3.2 有序抖動法.............................................14 3.2.1 群聚有序抖動法.......................................16 3.2.2 散置有序抖動法.......................................17 3.3 誤差擴散法.............................................19 3.4 直接二元搜尋...........................................20 3.5 半色調回復技術.........................................23 第四章 數位浮水印及具有效偵測攻擊與回復影像之技術..........24 4.1 空間域技術的探討.......................................24 4.2 數位浮水印演算法的探討.................................25 4.2.1 色彩轉換模式.........................................25 4.2.2 頻率域之數位浮水印技術的探討.........................26 4.2.3 數位浮水印型態—隨機亂數.............................28 4.2.4 數位浮水印型態—灰階影像.............................29 4.3 數位浮水印及偵測攻擊與回復影像之流程圖.................30 4.3.1 數位浮水印的藏匿步驟.................................30 4.3.2 數位浮水印萃取步驟並且偵測裁切攻擊與回復.............34 第五章 實驗結果分析與討論..................................37 5.1 實驗條件...............................................37 5.2 實驗內容、結果與討論...................................38 5.2.1 實驗一...............................................38 5.2.2 實驗二...............................................52 5.2.3 實驗三...............................................53 5.2.4 實驗四...............................................61 第六章 結論與建議..........................................74 參考文獻...................................................75 作者簡介...................................................80

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