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研究生: 黃塏碩
Kai-shuo Huang
論文名稱: 在非固定式鏡頭下之物件追蹤-基於顏色與紋理資訊的適應性粒子濾波器追蹤演算法
Object Tracking under a Moving Camera–An Adaptive Color-Texture-based Particle Filter Tracking Algorithm
指導教授: 王乃堅
Nai-jian Wang
口試委員: 劉昌煥
Chang-huan Liu
Shun-ping Chung
Shyue-Kung Lu
Chau-ren Tsai
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2010
畢業學年度: 98
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 110
中文關鍵詞: 物件追蹤粒子濾波器旋轉不變特性區域二位元圖形
外文關鍵詞: Object tracking, Particle Filter, Rotation-Invariant, Local Binary Patterns
相關次數: 點閱:425下載:6
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In the last decade, object tracking systems have been widely applied in many different fields due to the rapid development of computer vision techniques and faster computing ability, such as Surveillance System, Health-Care System. In this field, many approaches require establishing background in preprocessing step. This limits tracking algorithm only be executed under a fixed camera. However, many applications are taking place in a moving camera. Accordingly, we propose a new algorithm to track rigid or non-rigid object by a moving camera.
The proposed tracking algorithm use rotation-invariant texture feature and color feature to increase the tracking correctness. The target is jointly modeled by color and texture information. We adjust the weight of each feature, so it is less sensitive to different circumstances such as partial occlusions. When fully occluded, we extend search region and double the particle number to avoid missing target if the occlusion disappear.
The experimental results reveal that our tracking method can efficiently and successfully track rigid or non-rigid object under appearance and illumination changes. Also, fewer samples are used to achieve better result than the traditional particle filter method.

摘要.........................................................I Abstract....................................................II 誌謝.......................................................III 目錄........................................................IV 圖表目錄....................................................VI 第一章 緒論..............................................1 1.1 研究動機.................................................1 1.2 研究背景與方法...........................................3 1.3 論文組織.................................................7 第二章 移動物件追蹤系統之介紹............................8 2.1 移動物件追蹤系統架構.....................................8 2.2 色彩模式轉換............................................10 2.3 移動物件的描述..........................................12 2.3.1 核心函數..............................................13 2.3.2 目標物件之色彩分佈模型................................17 2.3.3 候選物件之色彩分佈模型................................19 2.3.4 相似度計算Bhattacharyya Coefficient...................21 第三章 移動物件追蹤演算法...............................28 3.1 全域搜尋演算法..........................................29 3.2 平均值位移演算法........................................30 3.3 粒子濾波器演算法 (Particle Filter Algorithm)............36 3.3.1 基於顏色資訊的適應性粒子濾波器演算法..................39 第四章 基於顏色與紋理資訊的適應性粒子濾波器追蹤演算法...44 4.1 演算法流程架構..........................................45 4.2 雙線性內插法............................................46 4.3 追蹤演算法..............................................49 4.3.1 候選樣本..............................................50 4.3.2 旋轉不變的區域二位元圖形..............................51 4.3.3 估算移動物體位置與大小................................54 4.3.4 目標物件之遮蔽策略....................................56 4.3.5 樣本重新取樣..........................................61 第五章 實驗結果與效能分析...............................63 5.1 實驗參數設定............................................64 5.1.1 權重函數..............................................65 5.1.2 動態傳輸方程式........................................70 5.1.3 目標物件模型之更新....................................70 5.2 實驗結果展示............................................71 5.3 執行時間分析............................................91 第六章 結論與未來研究方向...............................95 6.1 結論....................................................95 6.2 未來研究方向............................................96 參考文獻....................................................97 作者簡介...................................................100

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