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研究生: 吳易璋
Yi-Chang Wu
論文名稱: 實驗室環境監控與檢體運送機器人
Laboratory Environment Monitoring and Specimen Transport Robots
指導教授: 王煥宗
Huan-Chun Wang
口試委員: 曹孝櫟
Shiao-Li Tsao
Tain-Lieng Kao
Ching-Shun Lin
Kuei-Yi Lee
Huan-Chun Wang
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電子工程系
Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 51
中文關鍵詞: 機器人機器人作業系統實驗室監控溫濕度感測熱感相機檢體運送機器手臂
外文關鍵詞: robot, ROS, monitoring laboratory, temperature and humidity sensors, infrared thermal camera, transport specimen, robotic arm
相關次數: 點閱:341下載:0
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Robots have been used in various areas to replace manpower, reduce costs, and facilitate more effective resource allocation. Among these applications, some of current research, products, and patents have primarily emphasized the use of robots for laboratory monitoring and object transport. Monitors and object transport have become a common fixture in modern life. The importance of monitoring in laboratories where rigorous and occasionally dangerous work is undertaken is readily apparent. Appropriate and effective monitoring facilitates the control of laboratory conditions. Widely applied in public and private places, object transport has become an indispensable part of everyday life. This study sought to assist the business of the bureau by developing two robots using the Robot Operating System and the hardware foundation for each robot we adopted were TurtleBot3 with Lidar equipment. The developed robots have autonomous intelligent navigation functions and are suited to monitor the environment of the laboratories in the bureau. One robot had a temperature and humidity sensor and an infrared thermal camera, and it could be used to patrol and monitor the laboratory environment. The other robot had drawers in which specimens could be placed; robotic arm in the elevator could coordinate and control elevators, enabling the robot to move and transport specimens autonomously. Plenty of tests were conducted to verify the feasibility and practicality. Through this study, besides the aim to utilize robots to gather and provide the environmental characteristics and assist the businesses of the bureau, simultaneously we sought to promote the use of smart technologies and ameliorate manpower shortage in the public sectors.

Chapter 1 Introduction Chapter 2 Research Method 2.1 Autonomous Smart Navigation 2.2 Remote Human-Machine Control Interface 2.3 Fire and Flood Alerts/Environmental Temperature and Humidity Monitoring 2.4 Flexible Item Storage and Transport 2.5 Elevator Operation Chapter 3 Results 3.1. Laboratory Monitoring Robot 3.2. Specimen Transport Robot Chapter 4 Conclusions Chapter 5 References

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