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研究生: 謝惠婷
Hui-Ting Hsieh
論文名稱: 使用故事及歌曲進行聚焦聆聽對國中生英語聽力理解之成效
Effects of Intensive Listening through Stories and Songs on EFL Listening Comprehension of Junior High School Students
指導教授: 鄧慧君
Huei-Chun Teng
口試委員: 洪紹挺
Shao-Ting Hung
Chin-Kuei Cheng
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 人文社會學院 - 應用外語系
Department of Applied Foreign Languages
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 72
中文關鍵詞: 英語聚焦聽力聽力填空聽力自我效能英語故事英語歌曲
外文關鍵詞: intensive listening, listening self-efficacy, listening cloze, English stories, English songs
相關次數: 點閱:460下載:2
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  • 台灣國中教育會考在2015年起將英語聽力測驗列入測驗項目之一。基於回沖效應,英文老師們開始加強學生的聽力以確保學生在此項目能夠得到不錯的成績。在眾多的英語聽力教學法中,Rost (2013)表示聚焦聽力是聽力需訓練的一個重要部份且應該要將此聽力訓練融入教學中,而聽力克漏字便是其中一個聚焦聽力的常用教學法。然而,僅有少數的研究探討透過英文故事及歌曲做聽力克漏字填空所產生的效用。因此,本研究旨在探究以下三個研究問題: (1) 透過故事及歌曲做聚焦聽力能否顯著提升學生的英語聽力? (2) 透過故事及歌曲做聚焦聽力是否能增進學生的英語聽力自我效能? (3) 學生對於使用故事及歌曲進行聚聽教學的觀感為何?

    Since 2015, listening test has been added to the Comprehensive Assessment Program for Junior High School Students in Taiwan. Due to the washback effect, EFL teachers have started focusing more on listening instruction in order to prepare students for this assessment. Among all the listening teaching methods, Rost (2013) claimed that intensive listening is an essential component of listening proficiency and it should be added to listening instruction. With so many feasible intensive listening methods, listening cloze has been commonly used to facilitate students’ listening comprehension (e.g., Lin,2010; Vargas,2015). However, very few previous studies have explored the effectiveness of intensive listening through songs and stories in the form of listening cloze. Thus, the present study aims to answer the following three research questions: (1) Can intensive listening through stories and songs significantly improve EFL students’ listening ability? (2) Can intensive listening through stories and songs significantly increase EFL students’ listening self-efficacy? (3) How do EFL students perceive the instruction of intensive listening through stories and songs?
    The participants of the study included 30 junior high school students, who were divided into two groups. Fourteen students in the control group received regular listening instruction. Sixteen students in the experimental group joined a 20-week experiment. Ten stories and 10 songs were adopted as the listening materials in the experiment. GEPT elementary level listening tests served as the pre-test and post-test to examine students’ listening proficiency. Moreover, pre-test and post-test questionnaires were given to evaluate students’ listening self-efficacy after the experiment. During the process of intensive listening, English songs and stories in the form of cloze were given to the experiment group every week. The participants were required to fill in the lyrics or scripts that are partially completed while listening to songs or stories. After the experiment, semi-structured interviews were held with six participants to know their perspectives toward the intensive listening activities. The results of the study showed that although intensive listening couldn’t boost students’ listening ability in a short time, it facilitated students’ listening self-efficacy and learning motivation. Also, students had positive feedback toward these two listening materials and they would like to receive this type of intensive listening instruction in their future classrooms. The findings of the present study are expected to provide empirical evidence for L2 listening research and also offer pedagogical implications for EFL listening instruction.

    Table of Content List of Figures List of Tables List of Appendices CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION Background of the Study Purpose of the Study Definition of Terms Significance of the Study CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW Introduction to Listening Comprehension Definition of Listening Comprehension Process of Listening Comprehension Studies Related to Listening Comprehension on Junior High Students Overview of Intensive Listening Definition of Intensive Listening Practice Related to Intensive Listening Previous Studies of English Songs on L2 Listening Comprehension Research of English Stories on L2 Listening Comprehension Summary CHAPTER THREE METHODOLOGY Participants Instruments Listening Materials Data Collection Data Analysis CHAPTER FOUR RESULTS Scores of GEPT Listening Test Responses to Listening Self-efficacy Questionnaire Answers to Semi-structured Interview CHAPTER FIVE DISCUSSION & CONCLUSION Summary of the Study Discussion of the Results Implications of the Study Limitations of the Study Conclusion REFERENCES APPENDICES

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