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研究生: 何杰珉
Jie-Min Ho
論文名稱: 整合兩個水平直線奈米流道連結曲線奈米流道以及垂直直線奈米流道的加工模擬模式和原子力顯微鏡之實驗驗證
Machining simulation model of integration of two horizontal straight-line nanochannels with curved nanochannel and vertical straight-line nanochannel as well as experimental verification by atomic force microscope (AFM)
指導教授: 鄭逸琳
Yih-Lin Cheng
Zone-Ching LIN
口試委員: 鄭逸琳
Yih-Lin Cheng
Zone-Ching LIN
You-Min Huang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 機械工程系
Department of Mechanical Engineering
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 142
中文關鍵詞: 曲線奈米流道垂直直線奈米流道原子力顯微鏡兩道次偏移加工法
外文關鍵詞: curved nanochannel, vertical straight-line nanochannel, atomic force microscope (AFM), two-cutting-passes offset machining method
相關次數: 點閱:425下載:0
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  • 本文提出加工整合兩個水平直線奈米流道連結曲線奈米流道以及一個垂直直線奈米流道梯型凹槽到預定寬度及預定深度的模擬模式及公式。本文先利用比下壓能公式及兩道次偏移加工法,進一步推導出加工直線段奈米流道梯型凹槽到預定寬度及預定深度所需的前述各項加工參數的相關公式及模擬模式。在連接曲線加工時,由於AFM機台只能進行微小直線段加工,故本文推導出曲線與微小線段的弦高誤差的計算公式,進而提出模擬計算出由多個微小線段連結而成的近似曲線的方法。
    因為垂直直線奈米流道的各切削道次進行偏移量加工時,垂直直線奈米流道的前四個切削道次以及後面七個切削道次在移除垂直直線奈米流道的體積時,有跟水平直線已切削到預定深度的移除體積相交,故本文需要在每當偏移一個偏移量Pn的切削道次時,就需要改變一次下壓力,並且使其加工深度到預定深度30nm,且可使底部上凸值小於設定值0.5nm。故經過模擬以後可看出垂直直線奈米流道只需要一個切削層便可以直接加工到預定深度30nm,所需下壓力也不會超過本文所設立最大值91.33μN 便能直接把垂直直線奈米流道加工到預定深度30nm。

    The paper proposes a simulation model and equation for machining and integrating two horizontal straight-line nanochannels with curved nanochannel and a vertical straight-line nanochannel’s trapezium groove to the expected width and expected depth. First of all, the paper uses specific down force energy (SDFE) equation and two-cutting-pass offset machining method to further derive the related equations and simulation models for the various aforesaid machining parameters that are required for machining of a straight-line-segment nanochannel’s trapezium groove to the expected width and expected depth. During machining of curve connection, since atomic force microscope (AFM) machine can only perform machining of tiny straight line segments only, the paper derives a calculation equation of chord height tolerance between curve and tiny line segment, and further develops a quasi-curve simulated calculation method that is formed by connection of multiple tiny line segments.
    As to the part of vertical line segment, the paper proposes a concept of shape stacking that a vertical straight-line nanochannel is stacked on two horizontal straight-line channels. Then the paper derives the related equations and simulation models for the various machining parameters that are required for machining of a straight-line-segment nanochannel’s trapezium groove to the expected width and expected depth. Regarding the paper’s concept of shape stacking, let the first cutting pass of the calculated vertical straight-line nanochannel have the same offset amount as the first cutting pass and the second cutting pass of the upper horizontal straight-line nanochannel. Then the offset amount of the first cutting pass of the vertical straight-line nanochannel will be the same as the offset amount Pn of the first cutting pass and the second cutting pass of the horizontal straight-line nanochannel. During machining of two horizontal straight-line nanochannels for connecting with curved nanochannel, the paper firstly performs machining of the first cutting layer, and then the second layer, and connects the two horizontal straight-line nanochannels with the curved nanochannel for machining to the expected depth 30nm. After that, just using a cutting layer only, the paper can perform machining of the vertical nanochannel to the expected depth 30nm.
    During offset amount machining of vertical straight-line nanochannel at different cutting passes, when the volume of vertical straight-line nanochannel is removed at the first four cutting passes and the last seven cutting passes of vertical straight-line nanochannel, the removal volume intersects with that of cutting of the horizontal straight line to the expected depth. Therefore, whenever an offset amount Pn is needed for offsetting at a cutting pass, this paper has to change the down force once in order to make the machining depth reach the expected depth 30nm, and make the value of protruding height on the bottom less than the set value 0.5nm. As a result, after simulation, we can see that just using a cutting layer only, a vertical straight-line nanochannel can be directly machined to the expected depth 30nm. Besides, with the required down force also not exceeding paper preset maximum value 91.33μN, the vertical straight-line nanochannel can be directly machined to the expected depth 30nm.
    This paper also develops a method that applies a smaller down force to remove the slightly protruding lateral side on the vertical straight-line nanochannel. The method is that vertical straight line machining is performed for the line segment connecting the starting and ending points of each machining length along the vertical straight-line nanochannel. The tiny down force would slightly increase the depth of the lateral side of the vertical line of the vertical straight-line nanochannel. But the size of this tiny down force has to be controlled in order to make the increased depth to be less than 0.54nm, and then makes the slightly protruding lateral side removed to become a vertical straight-line lateral side. In addition, focusing on integration of two horizontal straight-line nanochannels with curved nanochannels and a vertical straight-line nanochannel, the paper also proposes a cross-section measurement method and the required straight line equation for conducting of AFM measurement experiment.
    Finally, the paper measures the results obtained from the AFM experimental machining, and then compares the measurement results with the simulation results, thus proving that the paper’s proposed simulation models and equations for integrating two horizontal straight-line nanochannels with curved nanochannels and a vertical straight-line nanochannel to the expected width and expected depth, as well as the AFM experimental machining method are all reasonable and acceptable. To conclude, this paper is academically innovative and of high applicability.

    摘要 Abstract 誌謝 目錄 圖目錄 表目錄 第一章 緒論 1.1前言 1.2研究動機與目的 1.3文獻回顧 1.3.1原子力顯微鏡奈米加工之文獻 1.3.2切削深度及多道次加工之文獻 1.4本文架構 第二章 原子力顯微鏡簡介與實驗方法 2.1原子力顯微鏡操作原理 2.2原子力顯微鏡的操作模式 1 2.2.1接觸模式(Contact mode CM) 2.2.2非接觸模式(Non-contact mode NCM) 2.2.3敲擊模式(Tapping mode TM) 2.3實驗設備介紹 2.3.1多模態原子力顯微鏡D3100 2.3.2原子力顯微鏡之常用探針 2.4奈米切削實驗設定(Experimental set-up) 2.4.1實驗試片及探針 2.4.2單晶矽晶圓材料 2.5AFM探針下壓力量測方法 第三章 建立加工直線段奈米流道梯形凹槽到預定寬度及預定深度之理論模式及切削規劃 3.1比下壓能理論模型及計算比下壓能方法 3.2直線段奈米流道梯形凹槽之兩道次偏移加工法 3.3建立加工直線段奈米流道梯形凹槽到預定深度及預定寬度之方法 3.4直線段不同切削道次路徑規劃及探討 第四章 建立整合水平直線奈米流道連結曲線奈米流道到預定寬度與預定深度之切削加工模擬模式 4.1建立理想曲線加工之曲線方程式 4.2建立偏移後的各切削道次的曲線方程式 4.3建立微小直線近似曲線之線段 第五章 整合兩個水平奈米流道連結曲線奈米流道及一個垂直直線奈米流道加工到預定寬度與預定深度之加工模擬方法及去除微小凸起側邊的方法 5.1整合兩個水平奈米流道連結曲線奈米流道及一個垂直直線奈米流道加工到預定寬度與預定深度之加工模擬方法 5.1.1整合水平直線奈米流道和垂直直線奈米流道加工方法 5.2建立兩個水平直線連結曲線第一切削道次及第二切削道次理想曲線微小直線段座標點計算方法 5.2.1建立上方水平直線連結曲線加工之第一切削道次微小直線段近似曲線方程式 5.2.2建立上方水平直線連結曲線加工之第二切削道次微小直線段近似曲線方程式 5.2.3建立下方水平直線連結曲線加工之第一切削道次以及第二切削道次微小直線段近似曲線方程式 5.3去除垂直直線奈米流道之垂直直線奈米流道微小凸起側邊方法 第六章 整合兩個水平直線奈米流道連結曲線奈米流道以及一個垂直直線奈米流道的AFM實驗量測驗證方法 6.1 整合兩個水平直線奈米流道連結曲線奈米流道以及一個垂直直線奈米流道之實驗量測步驟說明 6.2 量測驗證整合兩個水平直線奈米流道連結曲線奈米流道以及一個垂直直線奈米流道之曲線奈米流道的方法 6.3整合兩水平直線奈米流道和一個垂直直線奈米流道加工之驗證垂直直線奈米流道及驗證去除微小凸起側邊之方法 6.3.1驗證垂直直線奈米流道之方法 6.3.2驗證垂直直線奈米流道之微小凸起側邊之方法 第七章 整合兩個水平直線奈米流道連結曲線奈米流道以及一個垂直直線奈米流道到預定寬度及預定深度的模擬模式的模擬結果與AFM實驗及量測驗證結果 7.1建立整合兩個水平直線奈米流道連結曲線奈米流道以及一個垂直直線奈米流道到預定深度與預定寬度之奈米流道之模擬結果 7.1.1 第一切削道次及第二切削道次理想曲線座標點計算結果 7.1.2建立四捨五入微小直線段近似曲線之結果 7.1.3建立整合兩個水平直線奈米流道連結曲線奈米流道以及一個垂直直線奈米流道到預定深度23.014nm之模擬結果 7.1.4建立整合兩個水平直線奈米流道連結曲線奈米流道以及一個垂直直線奈米流道到預定深度30nm之模擬結果 7.2 整合兩個水平直線奈米流道連結曲線奈米流道以及一個垂直直線奈米流道加工步驟與量測驗證的量測斷面 7.2.1整合兩個水平直線奈米流道連結曲線奈米流道以及一個垂直直線奈米流道加工步驟及量測步驟 7.2.2整合兩個水平直線奈米流道連結曲線奈米流道以及一個垂直直線奈米流道量測驗證的量測斷面 7.3整合兩個水平直線奈米流道連結曲線奈米流道以及一個垂直直線奈米流道加工之曲線之模擬結果與實驗驗證 7.3.1整合兩個水平直線奈米流道連結曲線奈米流道以及一個垂直直線奈米流道加工到預定深度23nm之水平直線奈米流道連結曲線奈米流道之模擬結果與量測驗證 7.3.2整合兩個水平直線奈米流道連結曲線奈米流道以及一個垂直直線奈米流道加工到預定深度23nm之垂直直線奈米流道之模擬結果與量測驗證 7.3.3整合兩個水平直線奈米流道連結曲線奈米流道以及一個垂直直線奈米流道加工到預定深度30nm之水平直線奈米流道連結曲線奈米流道之模擬結果與量測驗證 7.3.4整合兩個水平直線奈米流道連結曲線奈米流道以及一個垂直直線奈米流道加工到預定深度30nm之垂直直線奈米流道之模擬結果與量測驗證 7.3.5整合兩個水平直線奈米流道連結曲線奈米流道以及一個垂直直線奈米流道加工到預定寬度及預定深度之去除微小凸起側邊之模擬結果與量測驗證 第八章 結論 參考文獻

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