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研究生: 阮玉亮
Nguyen - Ngoc Luong
論文名稱: 應用田口品質方法和類神經網路與遺傳演算法於遲滯螺絲最佳化設計
Design Optimization Study of Orthopedic Screw by Taguchi Method and Neurogenetic Method
指導教授: 趙振綱
Ching-Kong Chao
Jinn Lin
口試委員: 徐慶琪
Ching-Chi Hsu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 機械工程系
Department of Mechanical Engineering
論文出版年: 2011
畢業學年度: 99
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 106
中文關鍵詞: 田口品質方法類神經網路遺傳演算法遲滯螺絲最佳化設計
外文關鍵詞: Taguchi method, Genetic Algorithm, Artificial Neural Network, Screw, Optimal Design
相關次數: 點閱:518下載:9
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Searching optimum problem is very important in engineering field. There are many methods to solve this problem but no one can assure that the optimum found is the global optimum. We can only have a conclusion that one method can find a better optimum solution than another method. One conventional approach to find optimum is Taguchi method which was applied very widely and successfully in many disciplines. Another approach is Neurogenetic method which includes artificial neural network and genetic algorithm. This method has emerged as a very effective and powerful method to search optimum solution. The purpose of this study is to compare the conventional method with the new method in finding optimum design and calculating contribution of each factor. Thus, these two methods were applied for finding optimal solution of the lag screw which plays a very important role in curing patients. Because the lag screw needs bending strength which resists breakage and pullout strength which resists loosening, the two methods were exploited to find optimal solution for each bending case and pullout case separately.
From the results, the optimum found by Neurogentic method is better than the optimum found by Taguchi method, especially in the bending case which is the more complex case compared to pullout case. It means that the more complicated relationship between factors and response the better optimum solution can be found by Neurogenetic method compared to Taguchi method. Besides, using artificial neural network, the contribution of each factor could be calculated by Modified Profile method and the results were similar to the contribution calculated by analysis of variance in Taguchi method.
This study is an objective suggestion for engineers in choosing method to find the optimum solution. The Taguchi method should be applied if the case is simple because the Taguchi method is systematic, simple and easy to achieve the result. The Neurogenetic method should be applied if the case is complex because using Neurogenentic method can obtain better optimum solutions. It is a notice that if the artificial neural network is well-trained, the Neurogenetic can be very powerful and can be applied in many situations, like: multi-objective optimization.

Chapter 1Introduction1 1.1Motive1 1.2Taguchi Method2 1.2.1Calculating Optimum Designs in Taguchi Method3 1.2.2Analysis of Variance4 1.3Neurogenetic Method4 1.3.1Artificial Neural Network5 1.3.2Genetic Algorithm6 1.3.3Searching Optimums with Neurogenetic Method7 1.3.4Calculating the Contribution by Artificial Neural Network8 1.4Lag Screw9 1.5Literature Review12 1.6Structure of Dissertation20 Chapter 2Materials and Methods21 2.1Finite Element Analysis21 2.2Searching Optimal Designs24 2.2.1Taguchi Method24 2.2.2Neurogenetic Method27 an Artificial Neural Network27 Hybrid of Artificial Neural Network with Genetic Algorithm36 2.3Calculating the Contribution42 2.3.1Analysis of Variance in Taguchi Method42 2.3.2Using Artificial Neural Network for Calculating the Contribution44 Method44 Profile Method45 Chapter 3Results47 3.1Optimum Design Results47 3.1.1Taguchi Method47 Case47 Case49 3.1.2Neurogenetic Method51 Case52 Case70 3.1.3Comparison of Optimum Designs88 3.2Calculating the Contribution Resutls94 3.2.1Analysis of Variance Results94 Case94 Case94 3.2.2The Contribution by Using Artificial Neural Network Results94 Method94 Case95 Case95 Profile Method Results96 Case96 Case96 3.2.3Comparison of Contributions97 Chapter 4Discussion99 Chapter 5Conclusions and Future Works102 References104

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