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Author: 邱仁炎
Timotius Kuncoro
Thesis Title: Latent Space Explorer in StyleGAN for Attribute Editing
Latent Space Explorer in StyleGAN for Attribute Editing
Advisor: 楊傳凱
Chuan-Kai Yang
Committee: 賴源正
Yuan-Cheng Lai
Bor-Shen Lin
Degree: 碩士
Department: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
Thesis Publication Year: 2023
Graduation Academic Year: 111
Language: 英文
Pages: 62
Keywords (in other languages): Generative Modelling, Latent Space Exploration
Reference times: Clicks: 402Downloads: 5
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  • The program made in this thesis, has a goal that is to do car attribute editing
    via latent vector exploration. The attribute that will be explored is the ambience of
    an image. After the latent space exploration is finished, the resulting latent vectors
    that are with more than 1 ambience will be saved and then shown in 2D data
    distribution using the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) method. The final
    product of this project is Python programs. Because of the time needed to do the
    exploration and save the latent vector the program is divided into 2 parts. First is
    the latent vector explorer and the second one is the program to show the saved latent
    vectors in terms of a 2D distribution.
    To achieve the goal of this study, this program used an unsupervised
    approach to generate images using Generative Adversarial Network and one of its
    extended versions called StyleGAN. Current techniques of unsupervised
    Generative Adversarial Network require a lot of high quality images to train the
    network and do the attribute editing. Because of that, in this thesis, a customized
    stanford cars dataset is used. The customization is done by adding ambiences in
    the training images. The evaluation of the exploration is done manually. For a better
    visualization of the resulting latent vectors, it is done in a 2D distribution of points.
    Even though the training and exploration took so much time, the StyleGAN
    technique produces convincing qualitative results from the dataset. After training
    and exploration, because the generating process of 1 image only takes a few
    seconds, it is possible to make interactive user-interface applications that show the
    saved latent vectors.

    ABSTRACT ..................................................................................................... III Acknowledgment..............................................................................................IV Table of Content ............................................................................................... V List of Figures .................................................................................................VII List of Table ...................................................................................................... X Chapter 1. Introduction..................................................................................... 1 1.1 Background ........................................................................................... 1 1.2 GAN & StyleGAN................................................................................. 3 1.3 Research Objectives & Scope ................................................................ 3 1.4 Thesis Organization ............................................................................... 4 Chapter 2. Literature Review............................................................................ 6 2.1. Learning representations from unlabeled data ........................................ 6 2.2. Generative Modelling Problem .............................................................. 6 2.3. Generative Adversarial Networks .......................................................... 8 2.4. Progressive Growing GAN .................................................................... 9 2.5. StyleGan.............................................................................................. 11 2.6. Latent Space Exploration ..................................................................... 13 Chapter 3. Methodology .................................................................................. 16 3.1 System Overview................................................................................. 16 3.2 Input and Output of the System............................................................ 18 3.3 Complete System Architecture............................................................. 22 3.4 Data Flow of the System...................................................................... 24 3.5 Actor ................................................................................................... 26 3.6 Preprocessing....................................................................................... 30 Chapter 4. Experimental Results .................................................................... 36 4.1 StyleGAN2 Training Experiments Results........................................... 36 4.2 Latent Space Explorer Experiments Results......................................... 40 4.3 Latent Space Visualizer Experiments Results....................................... 42 Chapter 5. Conclusion and Discussion............................................................ 44 5.1 Conclusion........................................................................................... 44 5.2 Limitation and Future Work................................................................. 45 References ........................................................................................................ 46

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