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研究生: 紀妏蒨
Wen-Chien Chi
論文名稱: 以光觸媒催化程序外加電位處理水溶液中氨氮之研究
Treatment of Ammonia in Aqueous Solution by Photocatalytic Process with Applying Bias Potential
指導教授: 顧洋
Young Ku
口試委員: 蔣本基
Pen-Chi Chiang
Dyi-Hwa Tseng
Yao-Hsuan Tseng
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 化學工程系
Department of Chemical Engineering
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 96
中文關鍵詞: 光催化程序光電催化程序氨氮降解二氧化鈦
外文關鍵詞: photocatalytic, photoelectrocatalytic, ammonia degradation, TiO2
相關次數: 點閱:393下載:2
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  • 本研究之主要目的係探討利用光催化及光電催化程序降解氨氮來探討初始pH值、光源強度、初始溶氧濃度、初始過氧化氫濃度與施加偏壓之大小等變因之影響。在光催化程序中,鹼性條件下,隨著初始pH值上升,氨氮降解之效率隨之增加;然而,在中性及酸性條件下,則沒有氨氮被光催化程序降解。電子電洞對在光觸媒表面上被激發,電洞與觸媒表面之水分子反應生成氫氧自由基,促使氨氮降解。實驗結果中指出隨著光源強度增強,單位時間單位面積提供之光子數將增加,有較好之氨氮降解效率。水中溶氧及過氧化氫可視為電子捕捉劑,與光激發生成之電子反應分別生成超氧自由基及氫氧自由基,不僅抑制了光激發生成之電子電洞對再結合,生成之自由基亦與氨反應,提升氨氮降解之效率;然而,若在水溶液中添加過量的過氧化氫,過氧化氫及其生成之超氧化氫自由基會與氫氧自由基反應,使得氨氮降解之效率下降。

    Photocatalytic and photoelectrocatalytic degradation of ammonia in aqueous solution was studied under various initial solution pH, light intensity, initial dissolved oxygen concentration, initial hydrogen peroxide concentration and bias potential. The photocatalytic degradation of ammonia was found to be enhanced with the increase of initial solution pH under alkaline condition, whereas there was no ammonia degradation occurred in acidic and neutral solutions. The photocatalytic degradation of ammonia enhanced with increasing light intensity in alkaline solution. The removal efficiencies of photocatalytic degradation of ammonia increased to certain extent with the initial concentration of dissolved oxygen and hydrogen peroxide present in aqueous solution. Furthermore,degradation of ammonia by photoelectrocatalytic process in alkaline solution was increased with the increase of application of bias potential. With dissolved oxygen concentration, the increase of bias potential didn’t contribute to enhancement of ammonia degradation.

    中文摘要 Abstract Acknowledgements Table of Contents List of Figures List of Tables List of Symbols Chapter 1 Introduction Chapter 2 Review of Literatures 2.1 Introduction of Ammonia 2.1.1 The Physical and Chemical Properties of Ammonia 2.1.2 The Sources of Ammonia in Water Body and its Consequences 2.2 Photocatalytic Process 2.2.1 Fundamental of Photocatalytic Process and Photocatalytic Properties of TiO2 2.2.2 Reaction Mechanisms of Photocatalytic Process 2.2.3 Operating Factors Affecting Photocatalytic Reactions in Aqueous Solutions Solution pH Light Intensity Dissolved Oxygen Concentration Hydrogen Peroxide Concentration 2.3 Photoelectrocatalytic Process 2.3.1 Fundamental of Photoelectrocatalytic Process 2.3.2 Reaction Mechanisms of Photoelectrocatalytic Process 2.3.3 Operating Factors Affecting Photoelectrocatalytic Reactions in Aqueous Solutions Effect of Bias potential 2.4 Kinetic Analysis Chapter 3 Materials and Experiments 3.1 Materials 3.2 Experimental Instruments and Apparatus 3.2.1 Experimental Instruments 3.2.2 Experimental Apparatus 3.3 Experimental Framework 3.4 Experimental Procedures 3.4.1 Coating Procedure of Photocatalysts 3.4.2 Photocatalytic and Photoelectrocatalytic Degradation of Ammonia Chapter 4 Results and Discussion 4.1 Background Experiments 4.1.1 Evaporation of Ammonia 4.1.2 Adsorption of Ammonia 4.1.3 Photocatalytic of Ammonia 4.1.4 Electrolysis of Ammonia 4.1.5 Degradation of Ammonia by UV/H2O2 process 4.1.6 Characterization of Photocatalysts 4.2 Photocatalytic and Photoelectrocatalytic Degradation of Ammonia in Aqueous Solutions over TiO2 Photoanode 4.2.1 Effect of Initial solution pH 4.2.2 Effect of Light Intensity 4.2.3 Effect of Initial Dissolved Oxygen Concentration 4.2.4 Effect of Initial Hydrogen Peroxide Concentration 4.2.5 Effect of Bias potential 4. 3 Kinetic Analysis of Degradation of Ammonia in Aqueous Solutions 4.3.1 Kinetic Analysis 4.3.2 Proposed Mechanism Chapter 5 Conclusion and Recommendation Reference

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