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研究生: 康約翰
Johan Iskandar
論文名稱: 金屬鹵化物鈣鈦礦材料與開發高效率、超高亮度、以及具有穩定度鈣鈦礦發光二極體之研究
Investigation of the Metal Halide Perovskite Materials and Their Development for Efficient, Ultra-Bright, and Stable Perovskite Light-Emitting Diodes
指導教授: 李志堅
Chih-Chien Lee
Shun-Wei Liu
口試委員: 劉舜維
Shun-Wei Liu
Chih-Hao Chang
Ping-Tsung Huang
Bohr-Ran Huang
Ching-Lin Fan
Shih-Hsiang Hsu
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電子工程系
Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering
論文出版年: 2024
畢業學年度: 112
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 149
中文關鍵詞: 有機-無機鹵化物鈣鈦礦無抗溶劑鈣鈦礦LED穩定外量子效率
外文關鍵詞: organic-inorganic halide perovskite, antisolvent-free, PeLED, stability, EQE
相關次數: 點閱:216下載:0
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有機-無機鹵化物鈣鈦礦材料由於其優異的光學和電氣特性而引起了極大的興趣。 最近的報告強調了它們在太陽能電池設備中的應用,實現了超過 25% 的電力轉換效率。 除了卓越的太陽能電池性能外,鈣鈦礦材料還表現出強烈的光致發光(PL)特性。 透過改變前驅溶液成分可以輕鬆調整發射顏色,這使得它們對低成本發光二極體(LED)和雷射很有吸引力。 LED 以其能源效率而聞名,近年來取得了巨大的技術進步。 在不到十年的時間裡,鈣鈦礦材料在 LED (PeLED) 技術中的使用取得了顯著的進步,裝置效率從少於 1% 提高到超過 20%。
在 PeLED 中,發射材料遵循 ABX3 化學計量和鈣鈦礦結構,其中 A 和 B 是陽離子,X 是陰離子。 本論文首先介紹了PeLED的發展歷程,並分析了影響外量子效率(EQE)的關鍵因素。 鈣鈦礦薄膜的表面形貌、覆蓋率和晶體尺寸被認為是決定 EQE 的關鍵參數。 為了進一步增強EQE,透過摻入長鏈配體(例如碘化芐銨(C7H10IN)和碘化苯乙基銨(C8H12IN))來探索鈣鈦礦的本體和表面缺陷鈍化。 我們證明,這種方法可將 PeLED 效率提高高達 18.74%。
通常,在裝置生產過程中,總是使用反溶劑方法來生產均勻、無針孔的鈣鈦礦薄膜,從而提高 PeLED 的效率。 然而,高效PeLED中使用的反溶劑大多具有劇毒、危險和揮發性,均構成嚴重的環境污染風險。 為此,我們透過消除反溶劑(無反溶劑)的使用來縮短製造程序,使 PeLED 技術更接近實際應用。 在本論文中,我們提出了一種技術,透過預熱基板並使用N,N-二甲基乙醯胺(C4H9NO)作為鈣鈦礦前驅體溶液中的唯一溶劑來簡單地取代通常的反溶劑程序,以生產無反溶劑的鈣鈦礦薄膜。 因此,獲得了 EQE 為 13.96% 的高效無抗溶劑 PeLED。
此外,我們使用 n-i-p PeLED 來提高裝置穩定性。 透過將 A 位陽離子從基於 MA 的鈣鈦礦切換為基於 FA 的鈣鈦礦,並採用摻鋁 ZnO 作為 ETL,裝置穩定性提高約 14 倍,輻射亮度高達 2638.5 W sr-1 m-2。

Organic-inorganic halide perovskite materials have gained significant interest due to their exceptional optical and electrical characteristics. Recent reports highlight their application in solar cell devices, achieving power conversion efficiencies exceeding 25%. Alongside their remarkable solar cell performance, perovskite materials exhibit strong photoluminescence (PL) properties. The emission color can be easily adjusted by altering precursor solution composition, making them appealing for low-cost light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and lasers. LEDs, known for their energy efficiency, have seen substantial technological advancements in recent years. In less than a decade, the use of perovskite materials in LED (PeLED) technology has seen significant improvements, with device efficiency rising from less than 1% to more than 20%.
In PeLEDs, the emission material follows ABX3 stoichiometry and perovskite structure in which A and B are cations and X are anions. This dissertation begins by introducing the development of PeLEDs and analyzing key factors affecting external quantum efficiency (EQE). Surface morphology, coverage rate, and crystal size of perovskite films are identified as critical parameters determining EQE. To further enhance EQEs, bulk and surface defect passivation of perovskite are explored by incorporating long-chain ligands such as benzylammonium iodide (C7H10IN) and phenethylammonium iodide (C8H12IN) . We demonstrate that this method improves PeLED efficiency by up to 18.74%.
Commonly, during device production, antisolvent methods are always used to produce homogeneous, pinhole-free perovskite film which enables enhanced PeLEDs efficiency. However, mostly all the anti-solvents utilized in highly efficient PeLEDs are extremely toxic, dangerous, and volatile, and they all pose a severe environmental pollution risk. For this reason, we shortened the fabrication procedures by eliminating the use of antisolvents (antisolvent-free) to bring PeLEDs technology closer to practical application. In this thesis, we suggest a technique that simply replaces the usual antisolvent procedure by preheating the substrate and using N,N-dimethylacetamide (C4H9NO) as the sole solvent in the perovskite precursor solution to produce an antisolvent-free perovskite film. Consequently, an efficient antisolvent-free PeLED with an EQE of 13.96% is obtained.
Furthermore, we used n-i-p PeLEDs to increase device stability. By switching the A-site cation from MA- to FA-based perovskite and incorporating Al-doped ZnO as the ETL, the device stability increased up to ~14-fold with a high radiance of 2638.5 W sr-1 m-2.

TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT iv ACKNOWLEDGMENTS vi TABLE OF CONTENTS viii LIST OF FIGURES x LIST OF TABLES xiii LIST OF EQUATIONS xiv LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS xv CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Background and Motivation 1 1.2 Thesis Aims 5 CHAPTER 2 LIGHT-EMITTING DIODES 6 2.1 History of Light-emitting diodes 6 2.2 The Operation of a Light-Emitting Diode 7 2.3 Parameters of Light-emitting diodes 9 2.3.1 Radiance 9 2.3.2 Luminance 10 2.3.3 Internal quantum efficiency 11 2.3.4 External quantum efficiency 12 2.4 Generation and Recombination in Semiconductors 13 CHAPTER 3 PEROVSKITE-LIGHT EMITTING DIODES 17 3.1 Perovskite Materials 17 3.1.1 Crystal structure of perovskite 17 3.1.2 Various type of perovskite emissive layers 20 3.1.3 The adjustment of perovskite bandgap 22 3.2 Typical Configurations of Perovskite LEDs 24 3.3 Typical Materials for Perovskite LEDs 26 CHAPTER 4 MATERIALS AND CHARACTERIZATION TECHNIQUES 30 4.1 Materials 30 4.2 Transparent Conductive Substrates Preparation 31 4.3 Characterization of Perovskite Emissive Layer 33 4.3.1 Scanning electron microscope 34 4.3.2 Atomic force microscope 35 4.3.3 X-ray diffraction 36 4.3.4 Ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy 38 4.3.5 Steady-state photoluminescence spectroscopy 40 4.3.6 Time-resolve photoluminescence spectroscopy 42 4.3.7 Temperature-dependent photoluminescence spectroscopy 45 4.4 Characterization of Perovskite Light-Emitting Diodes 46 4.4.1 Current density-voltage and radiance-voltage characteristics 46 4.4.2 Device Efficiency 49 CHAPTER 5 PEROVSKITE LED PERFORMANCE WITH VARIOUS PHENYLALKYLAMMONIUM ADDITIVE CONCENTRATIONS 51 5.1 Experimental Methods 51 5.2 Results and Discussion 52 CHAPTER 6 STRATEGIES FOR ENHANCHING EFFICIENCY, STABILITY, AND BRIGHNESS OF PEROVSKITE LIGHT-EMITTING DIODES 66 6.1 Surface Engineering 66 6.1.1 Experimental methods 67 6.1.2 Results and discussion 68 6.2 Preheating Technique 84 6.2.1 Experimental methods 85 6.2.2 Results and discussion 85 6.3 The N-I-P Architecture for Enhancing PeLED Operating Stability 88 CHAPTER 7 CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORK OUTLOOK 94 7.1 Conclusions 94 7.2 Future Work Outlook 96 REFERENCES 97 APPENDIX LIST OF PUBLICATIONS

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