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研究生: 黃志彬
Chih-pin Huang
論文名稱: 資訊週邊商品新服務型態藍海策略之個案研究-以捷修網公司為例
The Study on the Blue Ocean Strategy for the IT peripheral service Industry-Case on epService
指導教授: 劉代洋
Day-Yang Liu
口試委員: 張琬喻
Wan-yu Chang
Chiung-ju Liang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
論文出版年: 2009
畢業學年度: 97
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 92
中文關鍵詞: 資訊服務業數位3C商品SWOT捷修網藍海策略
外文關鍵詞: information service industry, IT 3C product, SWOT, epService, blue Ocean strategy
相關次數: 點閱:383下載:0
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  • 在全球化的競爭環境中,資訊商品的進化速度正以倍數成長,從摩爾定律到免費經濟,面對與日俱增的客戶數與越來越微薄的經營利潤,如何有效找出解三贏的決方案已經成為現今資訊商品銷服上重要的課題。

    In the global competition environment, IT relative products evolution become speedy, from Moore's Law to Freeconomics , the customer base increase by low price mix with slight gross margin , how to find the win-win solution in-between service / sales and customer satisfaction become the key issue of today’s IT service business。
    In order to make our result the more practical, we not only collect the relative literature, but also adopt the method of case study, use epService company to be the study case, on the other hand, we also research & development the past, present and future of information service industry, which epService belongs to。
    Besides, to make this research the more scientific & convincing, we not only collect epService basic information, such as the background, organization, human resource, income figures, SWOT analysis…etc., hope through SWOT analysis and Blue Ocean Strategy frame, but also hold a deep interview forum, then, we arrange, analyze & generalize the whole primary & secondary information, arrive at a conclusion finally, that is:
    IT industry is change rapidly, and the demand for customer request service level is getting higher, to become the winner, we need to expanding the service volume of potential product for well-known brand, create the new service model, change the mindset to be more positive, fully utilize new IT technology , improve the productivity, so at same time the service quality and cost performance can be enhance together ; and mix with high leave A+ service flow, to empower the brand image, and get excellent reputation with cooperate vendors and end-users, finally to come out with bright income figures。
    we hope this research could be the suggestions & reference for the relative similar IT 3C product service company for the future business strategy planning or study 。

    中文摘要I AbstractII 誌 謝III 圖目錄V 表目錄V 第壹章 緒論6 第一節 研究背景與動機6 第二節 研究目的7 第三節 研究內容及範圍8 第四節 研究限制11 第貳章 文獻探討12 第一節 SWOT分析12 第二節 藍海策略16 第參章 研究方法24 第一節 研究設計24 第二節 研究架構27 第肆章 產業分析與個案簡介29 第一節 產業分析29 第二節 個案公司介紹38 第伍章 個案經營策略分析55 第一節 個案藍海策略的背景與動機55 第二節 個案公司執行藍海策略的具體作法58 第三節 個案公司執行藍海策略之挑戰與因應對策70 第四節 個案公司執行藍海策略之效益74 第五節 個案公司未來規劃79 第陸章 結論與建議84 第一節 研究結論84 第二節 研究建議86 參考文獻88 作者簡介92 國立臺灣科技大學博碩士論文授權書93

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