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研究生: 黃泓琳
Hung-Lin Huang
論文名稱: 臺灣企業以「海峽西岸經濟區」為大陸電子商務市場先行之研究
Empirical Syudy on 「Economic Zone on the West Coast of Taiwan Straits」as first Stage to Enter China E-commerce Market for Taiwan Companies.
指導教授: 郭人介
Ren-Jieh Kuo
口試委員: 歐陽超
Ou-Yang Chao
Tung-Lai Hu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 工業管理系
Department of Industrial Management
論文出版年: 2011
畢業學年度: 99
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 149
中文關鍵詞: 電子商務網路購物企業與消費者間之電子商務(B2C)海西計畫
外文關鍵詞: B2C, china Haixi Plan
相關次數: 點閱:241下載:0
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Since the 1997, the development of ecommerce in China can only be accurately described as unimaginably fierce. In this period, a large number of world-class dot-coms were born in China, and ecommerce in China has become the focus of the international community. As the cross-strait policies are gradually liberalized and trade activities become intensified, the economic collaborations between Taiwan and Mainland China are even more increased. Facing this gigantic e-commerce opportunity, Taiwan enterprises are rushing to enter this market. However, this market, although seemingly to have unlimited business potential, is not without competition and challenges. As the market entry is paramount to the future for Taiwan enterprises preparing to develop their market in China, they really need to be well-prepared.
The purpose of this study is to analyze all necessary measures that Taiwan enterprises need to consider before their moves to the e-commerce market in China. Via literature reviews and analyses of the current status in Taiwan, this study will provide an in-depth assessment of the China market that covers the history of e-commerce development, basic infrastructure, market size and purchasing behaviors. Meanwhile, this study will crossly compare development progress in countries, such as the U.S., Japan and Korea, featuring developed e-commerce markets, and especially emphasize on beneficial policies and influences that the China Haixi Plan have on Taiwan enterprises.
The field questionnaire, designed to focus on the Fujian Province, or the main part of the economic zone on the west coast of Taiwan straits, is conducted as the research method of choice for this study. This research method, coupled with literature reviews, in-depth interviews with cross-strait experts and analyses of relevant information, is adopted to provide recommendations End of 2010, the number of Chinese Internet users reached 457 millions the world's highest. And the Internet penetration rate reached 34%, higher than the average world level. The percentage of online shopping male net citizens is larger than the female. The Internet users with education level with the background of professional training college base. The amount of annual consumption was about RMB 300-500 yuan. And investigated by this study, 65% of respondents were aware of Taiwan products are available online shopping, but only 26.8% purchased. Taiwan specialty food category, cosmetics and personal care products etc are higher degree of acceptance. Products have been certified by the Taiwan government will increase the willingness to buy. Online shopping users accept commodities prices higher than the in China, and 4-7 days delivery time. Users get used to use the payment is still based third party payment such as Alipay.
The results of this study will provide insights for Taiwan enterprises eyeing the e-commerce market in China and references for them to prepare for market entries. Moreover, it is the goal of this study to be utilized as guidelines for Taiwan enterprises to formulate long-term e-commerce strategies for their development in the e-commerce market in China.

摘 要 ABSTRACT 誌 謝 目 錄 圖目錄 表目錄 第1章 緒論 1.1研究背景與動機 1.2研究目的 1.3論文架構 第2章 文獻探討 2.1電子商務概述 2.2臺灣電子商務市場發展概況 2.3全球電子商務市場發展概況 2.4電子商務環境下之消費行為理論 2.5 本章小結 第3章 研究方法 3.1研究內容及方法 3.2研究架構 3.3文獻調查法 3.4調查研究法 3.5深度訪談法 第4章 大陸電子商務的現況 4.1大陸電子商務發展沿革 4.2大陸網路應用基礎環境概述 4.3大陸電子商務市場規模 4.4大陸網路購物消費行為分析 4.5大陸物流配送發展 4.6大陸電子商務對大陸經濟發展的作用 4.7大陸電子商務未來發展趨勢 4.8大陸「海峽西岸經濟區」對臺灣的機會 第5章 研究數據分析與討論 5.1回收樣本統計資料 5.2樣本之基本特性描述 5.3調查數據統計與分析 5.4深度訪談結果 第6章 結論與建議 6.1研究結論 6.2管理意涵 6.3研究貢獻 6.4未來研究方向 6.5研究範圍與限制 參考資料 附 錄

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