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研究生: 周敬展
Ching-Chan Chou
論文名稱: 利用3D列印模具和超音波溶解技術來製作全透明且非平面微流道晶片
Fabrication of a Transparent and Nonplanar Microfluidic Chip by Using 3D-Printed Polymeric Mold Insert and Sonication-Assisted Dissolution Technique
指導教授: 陳品銓
Pin-Chuan Chen
口試委員: 曹嘉文
Chia-Wen Tsao
Ho-Chiao Chuang
Wei-Hsin Tien
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 機械工程系
Department of Mechanical Engineering
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 118
中文關鍵詞: 非平面微流道超音波溶解3D列印丙烯腈丁二烯苯乙烯(ABS)人體血管組織
外文關鍵詞: Nonplanar microfluidic, Sonication dissolution, 3D printing, Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene, Vascular
相關次數: 點閱:458下載:3
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  本論文分成兩階段,第一階段是利用3D列印中的熱熔擠製成型技術(Fused Deposition Modeling)製作非平面之丙烯腈丁二烯苯乙烯ABS微流道模具,並利用自製的表面拋光系統減少3D列印模具的表面粗糙度。第一階段的研究重點在於討論數個模具及列印參數對於製造非平面模具的影響。參數包括模具設計、列印的支撐材設定及選擇、如何解決翹曲問題以及化學拋光系統對非平面模具表面的影響。在第二階段中將利用圍牆結構及聚二甲基矽氧烷(PDMS)澆注技術,對第一階段的3D列印模具進行結構複製,最後步驟是利用化學溶液溶解技術及超音波輔助溶解技術溶解3D列印非平面模具,即可完成全透明非平面PDMS微流體晶片。

  The aim of this research is to develop a novel manufacturing process to create fully transparent and nonplanar microfluidic chip, which can be used as bionic human tissue structure for applications in the biology cell culture or chemical medicine transportation fields. Multiple manufacturing processes would be used to crate nonplanar microfluidic chip in this article, including 3D printing technique, solvent surface treatment technique, casting technique, and two steps solvent dissolution technique.
  This thesis can be separated into two major stages: the goal of the first stage is to fabricate nonplanar microfluidic mold by using The Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) 3D printing technique to fabricate nonplanar thermoplastic mold inserts with material of acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS). Using a home-built solvent polish system to minimize the surface roughness of nonplanar mold. The influence from several parameters were discussed in the first stage, including mold design, support material setting and choose, bending problem and solvent surface treatment performance. The second stage of the extension form the first stage, and the goal is to nonplanar microfluidic chip. The fabrication process included fabrication of nonplanar microfluidic mold insert, fence structure and PDMS casting, solvent dissolution technique and sonication-assisted dissolution technique.
  The conclusions from this research are: (1) this novel fabrication process can be used to fabricate fully transparent, nonplanar microfluidic chip; (2) Multiple manufacturing processes would be used to crate nonplanar microfluidic chip in this article, including 3D printing technique, solvent polish system, two step dissolution technique and PDMS casting. This study can create fully transparent, nonplanar PDMS microfluidic chip for more application field like biology and medical; (3) Sonication-assisted dissolution technique which is a major technique of this study can help us to fabricate nonplanar microfluidic chip; (4) With this technique, truly three-dimensional, transparent, and more complicated microfluidic platforms can be created such as artificial organs, human tissue, and vascular vessels, and used for more in-vitro experiments.

摘要 I Abstract III 誌謝 V 目錄 VII 圖目錄 XI 表目錄 XVI 第一章 緒論 1 1.1研究背景 1 1.2研究動機與目的 2 1.3研究方法 7 1.4論文架構 8 第二章 文獻回顧 11 2.1三維度微流道製程相關文獻 11 2.1.1 組合式製程技術 12 2.1.2直接製作技術 17 2.1.3 溶解製程技術 21 2.1.4 其他特殊技術 23 2.1.5 製程困難及解決 26 第三章 3D列印製程 28 3.1 3D列印簡介 28 3.2 3D列印機之操作使用方式 29 3.3列印參數之設定值 31 3.3.1填充密度設定 32 3.3.2支撐材設定 34 3.3.3翹曲問題 35 3.4非平面流道結構之模具設計與製造 38 3.4.1 一分八非平面模具設計 38 3.4.2 單一入口之樹狀模具設計 40 3.4.3 螺旋型混流器模具設計 43 3.4.4 複雜交錯血管模具設計 45 第四章 三維度全透明非平面流道製程 48 4.1三維度全透明非平面流道製程 48 4.1.1 非平面模具表面拋光製程 51 4.1.2 三維度全透明非平面PDMS流道結構製作方法 52 4.1.3 非平面模具溶解製程 54 第五章 實驗設備與研究方法 56 5.1研究設備 56 5.2研究方法 58 5.2.13D列印製程參數對表面拋光之影響 58 5.2.2自製表面拋光系統之參數測試及PDMS透明度測試 61 5.2.3出入口的設計對溶解效果之測試 62 5.2.4超音波輔助溶解對非平面模具的溶解效果 65 第六章 實驗結果與討論 67 6.13D列印製程參數對表面拋光之影響 67 6.2自製表面拋光系統之參數測試 68 6.3出入口的設計對溶解效果之測試 72 6.4超音波輔助溶解對非平面模具的溶解效果 75 第七章 結論與未來展望 78 7.1結論 78 7.2未來展望 84 參考文獻 86 附錄A 表面粗度計規格表 94 附錄B 非平面模具尺寸之拋光前後量測 95

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